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#!/usr/bin/env python

import datetime
from run_utils import *

class TestSuite(object):
    def __init__(self, options, cache):
        self.options = options
        self.cache = cache
        self.nameprefix = "opencv_" + self.options.mode + "_"
        self.tests = self.cache.gatherTests(self.nameprefix + "*", self.isTest)

    def getOS(self):
        return getPlatformVersion() or self.cache.getOS()

    def getHardware(self):
        res = []
        if self.cache.getArch() in ["x86", "x64"] and self.cache.withCuda():
        return res

Kai Westerkamp committed
    def getLogName(self, app, timestamp):
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        app = self.getAlias(app)
        rev = self.cache.getGitVersion()
        if isinstance(timestamp, datetime.datetime):
            timestamp = timestamp.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
        if self.options.longname:
            small_pieces = [self.getOS(), self.cache.getArch()] + self.cache.getDependencies() + self.getHardware() + [self.cache.getSIMDFeatures()]
            big_pieces = [app, str(rev), timestamp, "_".join([p for p in small_pieces if p])]
            l = "__".join(big_pieces)
            pieces = [app, self.cache.getOS(), self.cache.getArch()] + self.getHardware() + [rev, timestamp]
            lname = "_".join([p for p in pieces if p])
            lname = re.sub(r'[\(\)\[\]\s,]', '_', lname)
            l = re.sub(r'_+', '_', lname)
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        return l + ".xml"
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    def listTests(self, short = False, main = False):
        if len(self.tests) == 0:
            raise Err("No tests found")
        for t in self.tests:
            if short:
                t = self.getAlias(t)
            if not main or self.cache.isMainModule(t):
      "%s", t)

    def getAlias(self, fname):
        return sorted(self.getAliases(fname), key = len)[0]

    def getAliases(self, fname):
        def getCuts(fname, prefix):
            # filename w/o extension (opencv_test_core)
            noext = re.sub(r"\.(exe|apk)$", '', fname)
            # filename w/o prefix (core.exe)
            nopref = fname
            if fname.startswith(prefix):
                nopref = fname[len(prefix):]
            # filename w/o prefix and extension (core)
            noprefext = noext
            if noext.startswith(prefix):
                noprefext = noext[len(prefix):]
            return noext, nopref, noprefext
        # input is full path ('/home/.../bin/opencv_test_core') or 'java'
        res = [fname]
        fname = os.path.basename(fname)
        res.append(fname) # filename (opencv_test_core.exe)
        for s in getCuts(fname, self.nameprefix):
            if self.cache.build_type == "Debug" and "Visual Studio" in self.cache.cmake_generator:
                res.append(re.sub(r"d$", '', s)) # MSVC debug config, remove 'd' suffix
        log.debug("Aliases: %s", set(res))
        return set(res)

    def getTest(self, name):
        # return stored test name by provided alias
        for t in self.tests:
            if name in self.getAliases(t):
                return t
        raise Err("Can not find test: %s", name)

    def getTestList(self, white, black):
        res = [t for t in white or self.tests if self.getAlias(t) not in black]
        if len(res) == 0:
            raise Err("No tests found")
        return set(res)

    def isTest(self, fullpath):
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        if fullpath in ['java', 'python', 'python2', 'python3']:
            return self.options.mode == 'test'
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        if not os.path.isfile(fullpath):
            return False
        if self.cache.getOS() == "nt" and not fullpath.endswith(".exe"):
            return False
        return os.access(fullpath, os.X_OK)

    def wrapInValgrind(self, cmd = []):
        if self.options.valgrind:
            res = ['valgrind']
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            if self.options.valgrind_supp:
                res.append("--suppressions=%s" % self.options.valgrind_supp)
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            return res + cmd
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        return cmd

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    def tryCommand(self, cmd):
            if 0 == execute(cmd, cwd = workingDir):
                return True
        return False

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    def runTest(self, path, logfile, workingDir, args = []):
        args = args[:]
        exe = os.path.abspath(path)
        if path == "java":
            cmd = [self.cache.ant_executable, "" % self.cache.build_type, "buildAndTest"]
            ret = execute(cmd, cwd = self.cache.java_test_binary_dir + "/.build")
            return None, ret
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        elif path in ['python', 'python2', 'python3']:
            executable = os.getenv('OPENCV_PYTHON_BINARY', None)
            if executable is None:
                executable = path
                if not self.tryCommand([executable, '--version']):
                    executable = 'python'
            cmd = [executable, self.cache.opencv_home + '/modules/python/test/', '--repo', self.cache.opencv_home, '-v'] + args
            module_suffix = '' if not 'Visual Studio' in self.cache.cmake_generator else '/' + self.cache.build_type
            env = {}
            env['PYTHONPATH'] = self.cache.opencv_build + '/lib' + module_suffix + os.pathsep + os.getenv('PYTHONPATH', '')
            if self.cache.getOS() == 'nt':
                env['PATH'] = self.cache.opencv_build + '/bin' + module_suffix + os.pathsep + os.getenv('PATH', '')
                env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = self.cache.opencv_build + '/bin' + os.pathsep + os.getenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '')
            ret = execute(cmd, cwd = workingDir, env = env)
            return None, ret
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            if isColorEnabled(args):
            cmd = self.wrapInValgrind([exe] + args)
            tempDir = TempEnvDir('OPENCV_TEMP_PATH', "__opencv_temp.")
            log.warning("Run: %s" % " ".join(cmd))
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            ret = execute(cmd, cwd = workingDir)
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            hostlogpath = os.path.join(workingDir, logfile)
            if os.path.isfile(hostlogpath):
                return hostlogpath, ret
            return None, ret

    def checkPrerequisites(self):
        if self.cache.getArch() == "x64" and hostmachine == "x86":
            raise Err("Target architecture is incompatible with current platform")

    def runTests(self, tests, black, workingDir, args = []):
        args = args[:]
        logs = []
        test_list = self.getTestList(tests, black)
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        date =
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        if len(test_list) != 1:
            args = [a for a in args if not a.startswith("--gtest_output=")]
        ret = 0
        for test in test_list:
            more_args = []
            exe = self.getTest(test)

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            if exe in ["java", "python", "python2", "python3"]:
                logname = None
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                userlog = [a for a in args if a.startswith("--gtest_output=")]
                if len(userlog) == 0:
                    logname = self.getLogName(exe, date)
                    more_args.append("--gtest_output=xml:" + logname)
                    logname = userlog[0][userlog[0].find(":")+1:]
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            log.debug("Running the test: %s (%s) ==> %s in %s", exe, args + more_args, logname, workingDir)
            if self.options.dry_run:
                logfile, r = None, 0
                logfile, r = self.runTest(exe, logname, workingDir, args + more_args)
            log.debug("Test returned: %s ==> %s", r, logfile)

            if r != 0:
                ret = r
            if logfile:
                logs.append(os.path.relpath(logfile, workingDir))
        return logs, ret


if __name__ == "__main__":
    log.error("This is utility file, please execute script")