Direct3DInterop.cpp 5.9 KB
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#include "pch.h"
#include "Direct3DInterop.h"
#include "Direct3DContentProvider.h"
#include <>
#include <wrl.h>
#include <robuffer.h>
#include <opencv2\imgproc\types_c.h>

using namespace Windows::Storage::Streams;
using namespace Microsoft::WRL;
using namespace Windows::Foundation;
using namespace Windows::UI::Core;
using namespace Microsoft::WRL;
using namespace Windows::Phone::Graphics::Interop;
using namespace Windows::Phone::Input::Interop;

namespace PhoneXamlDirect3DApp1Comp
    void Direct3DInterop::ApplyGrayFilter(const cv::Mat& image)
        cv::Mat intermediateMat;
        cv::cvtColor(image, intermediateMat, CV_RGBA2GRAY);
        cv::cvtColor(intermediateMat, image, CV_GRAY2BGRA);

    void Direct3DInterop::ApplyCannyFilter(const cv::Mat& image)
        cv::Mat intermediateMat;
        cv::Canny(image, intermediateMat, 80, 90);
        cv::cvtColor(intermediateMat, image, CV_GRAY2BGRA);

    void Direct3DInterop::ApplySepiaFilter(const cv::Mat& image)
        const float SepiaKernelData[16] =
            /* B */0.131f, 0.534f, 0.272f, 0.f,
            /* G */0.168f, 0.686f, 0.349f, 0.f,
            /* R */0.189f, 0.769f, 0.393f, 0.f,
            /* A */0.000f, 0.000f, 0.000f, 1.f

        const cv::Mat SepiaKernel(4, 4, CV_32FC1, (void*)SepiaKernelData);
        cv::transform(image, image, SepiaKernel);

    Direct3DInterop::Direct3DInterop() :
        m_timer(ref new BasicTimer())

    IDrawingSurfaceContentProvider^ Direct3DInterop::CreateContentProvider()
        ComPtr<Direct3DContentProvider> provider = Make<Direct3DContentProvider>(this);
        return reinterpret_cast<IDrawingSurfaceContentProvider^>(provider.Detach());

    // IDrawingSurfaceManipulationHandler
    void Direct3DInterop::SetManipulationHost(DrawingSurfaceManipulationHost^ manipulationHost)
        manipulationHost->PointerPressed +=
            ref new TypedEventHandler<DrawingSurfaceManipulationHost^, PointerEventArgs^>(this, &Direct3DInterop::OnPointerPressed);

        manipulationHost->PointerMoved +=
            ref new TypedEventHandler<DrawingSurfaceManipulationHost^, PointerEventArgs^>(this, &Direct3DInterop::OnPointerMoved);

        manipulationHost->PointerReleased +=
            ref new TypedEventHandler<DrawingSurfaceManipulationHost^, PointerEventArgs^>(this, &Direct3DInterop::OnPointerReleased);

    void Direct3DInterop::RenderResolution::set(Windows::Foundation::Size renderResolution)
        if (renderResolution.Width  != m_renderResolution.Width ||
            renderResolution.Height != m_renderResolution.Height)
            m_renderResolution = renderResolution;

            if (m_renderer)
                m_renderer->UpdateForRenderResolutionChange(m_renderResolution.Width, m_renderResolution.Height);

    // Event Handlers

    void Direct3DInterop::OnPointerPressed(DrawingSurfaceManipulationHost^ sender, PointerEventArgs^ args)
        // Insert your code here.

    void Direct3DInterop::OnPointerMoved(DrawingSurfaceManipulationHost^ sender, PointerEventArgs^ args)
        // Insert your code here.

    void Direct3DInterop::OnPointerReleased(DrawingSurfaceManipulationHost^ sender, PointerEventArgs^ args)
        // Insert your code here.

    // Interface With Direct3DContentProvider
    HRESULT Direct3DInterop::Connect(_In_ IDrawingSurfaceRuntimeHostNative* host)
        m_renderer = ref new CubeRenderer();
        m_renderer->UpdateForWindowSizeChange(WindowBounds.Width, WindowBounds.Height);
        m_renderer->UpdateForRenderResolutionChange(m_renderResolution.Width, m_renderResolution.Height);

        // Restart timer after renderer has finished initializing.

        return S_OK;

    void Direct3DInterop::Disconnect()
        m_renderer = nullptr;

    HRESULT Direct3DInterop::PrepareResources(_In_ const LARGE_INTEGER* presentTargetTime, _Out_ BOOL* contentDirty)
        *contentDirty = true;

        return S_OK;

    HRESULT Direct3DInterop::GetTexture(_In_ const DrawingSurfaceSizeF* size, _Out_ IDrawingSurfaceSynchronizedTextureNative** synchronizedTexture, _Out_ DrawingSurfaceRectF* textureSubRectangle)
        m_renderer->Update(m_timer->Total, m_timer->Delta);


        return S_OK;

    ID3D11Texture2D* Direct3DInterop::GetTexture()
        return m_renderer->GetTexture();

    void Direct3DInterop::CreateTexture(const Platform::Array<int>^  buffer,int width,int height, OCVFilterType filter)
        if (m_renderer)
            cv::Mat Lena = cv::Mat(height, width, CV_8UC4);
            memcpy(, buffer->Data, 4 * height*width);

            switch (filter)
                case OCVFilterType::ePreview:

                case OCVFilterType::eGray:

                case OCVFilterType::eCanny:

                case OCVFilterType::eSepia:

            m_renderer->CreateTextureFromByte(, width, height);

    byte* GetPointerToPixelData( Windows::Storage::Streams::IBuffer ^ pixelBuffer)
        // Query the IBufferByteAccess interface.
        ComPtr<IBufferByteAccess> bufferByteAccess;
        reinterpret_cast<IInspectable*>( pixelBuffer)->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&bufferByteAccess));

        // Retrieve the buffer data.
        byte* pixels = nullptr;
        return pixels;
