properties 2.93 KB
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# This script extracts several properties and then writes them to a
# to a file, ''. These properties include:
#	1. OpenCV version.
#	2. OpenVC version as a string for use by Maven.
#	3. The CPU binary word size.
#	4. Architecture string.
#	4. OSGi compatible CPU architecture string.
# There is no need to execute this script directly as it will be
# called during the Maven build process.
# Command-line parameters:
#   $1 - Absolute path to the file containing Open CV version
#   $2 - The build directory and where the output file will be written
#   $3 - The name of the output file to write to.
# Returns:
#   0 - Successfully written the properties file.
#   1 - Error occured such as build directory does not exist
#	or OpenCV version could not be determined or an
#	unexpected error.
#   Kerry Billingham <contact (at) avionicengineers (d0t) com>
#   20 April 2016

majorHashDefine="#define CV_VERSION_MAJOR"
minorHashDefine="#define CV_VERSION_MINOR"
revisionHashDefine="#define CV_VERSION_REVISION"
statusHashDefine="#define CV_VERSION_STATUS"

#Test build directory exists
if [  ! -n "$2" ] || [ ! -d $2 ];then
    echo "Build directory not specified or does not exist!"
    exit 1

if [ -n "$1" ] && [ -e $1 ];then
    minorVersion=$(grep "${minorHashDefine}" $1 | grep -o ".$")
    majorVersion=$(grep "${majorHashDefine}" $1 | grep -o ".$")
    revision=$(grep "${revisionHashDefine}" $1 | grep -o ".$")

    bits=$(getconf LONG_BIT)
    osgiProcessor="Not Set"

    case ${architecture} in
            echo "This is x86 (32 | 64) bit"
            case ${bits} in
            echo "This is ARM"
            byteOrder=$(lscpu | grep -i "byte order")
            shopt -s nocasematch
            if [[ "${byteOrder}" == *little* ]]; then
            elif [[ "${byteOrder}}" == *big* ]]; then
            shopt -u nocasematch
            echo "This is unknown architecture"

    echo "The version number will be ${majorVersion}.${minorVersion}.${revision}"
    echo "opencv.version=${majorVersion}.${minorVersion}.${revision}" > ${2}/${3}
    echo "lib.version.string=${majorVersion}${minorVersion}${revision}" >> ${2}/${3}
    echo "bits=${bits}" >> ${2}/${3}
    echo "architecture=$(arch)" >> ${2}/${3}
    echo "osgi.processor=${osgiProcessor}" >> ${2}/${3}
    exit 0
    echo "Could not locate file $1 to determine versioning."
    exit 1