Commit 195400bf by Kai Westerkamp

Added template

parent 57b7f7af
Rendering Equation: \cite{Kajiya:1986:RE}
\hbox to \textwidth{\hrulefill}
\iflanguage{english}{I declare that I have developed and written the enclosed thesis completely by myself, and have not used sources or means without declaration in the text.}{Ich versichere wahrheitsgem\"a\ss, die Arbeit selbstst\"andig angefertigt, alle benutzten Hilfsmittel vollst\"andig und genau angegeben und alles kenntlich gemacht zu haben, was aus Arbeiten anderer unver\"andert oder mit Ab\"anderungen entnommen wurde.}
\textbf{Karlsruhe, xx.xx.xx}
\hspace*{2cm}(\textbf{Max Mustermann}) %center name with hspace
author = {Kajiya, James T.},
title = {The rendering equation},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques},
series = {SIGGRAPH '86},
year = {1986},
isbn = {0-89791-196-2},
pages = {143--150},
numpages = {8},
doi = {10.1145/15922.15902},
acmid = {15902},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
% Based on thesisclass.cls of Timo Rohrberg, 2009
% ----------------------------------------------------------------
% Thesis - Main document
% ----------------------------------------------------------------
\newcommand{\dotp}[2]{\left\langle #1, #2 \right\rangle}
\newcommand{\dist}[2]{\left\| #1 - #2 \right\|}
\newcommand{\abs}[1]{\left| #1 \right|}
%% -------------------------------
%% | Information for PDF file |
%% -------------------------------
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pdfsubject={Not set},
pdfkeywords={Not set}
%% ---------------------------------
%% | Information about the thesis |
%% ---------------------------------
\newcommand{\myname}{Max Mustermann}
\newcommand{\mytitle}{\iflanguage{english}{The best Topic in the World}{Das schönste Thema der Welt}}
\newcommand{\reviewerone}{Prof. Dr. Carsten Dachsbacher}
\newcommand{\reviewertwo}{Prof. Dr. Hartmut Prautzsch}
\newcommand{\advisor}{Dipl-Inf. Betreuer}
%% ---------------------------------
%% | ToDo Marker - only for draft! |
%% ---------------------------------
% Remove this section for final version!
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%% | Old Marker - only for draft! |
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% Remove this section for final version!
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%% | Settings for word separation |
%% --------------------------------
% Help for separation:
% In german package the following hints are additionally available:
% "- = Additional separation
% "| = Suppress ligation and possible separation (e.g. Schaf"|fell)
% "~ = Hyphenation without separation (e.g. bergauf und "~ab)
% "= = Hyphenation with separation before and after
% "" = Separation without a hyphenation (e.g. und/""oder)
% Describe separation hints here:
% Pro-to-koll-in-stan-zen
% Ma-na-ge-ment Netz-werk-ele-men-ten
% Netz-werk Netz-werk-re-ser-vie-rung
% Netz-werk-adap-ter Fein-ju-stier-ung
% Da-ten-strom-spe-zi-fi-ka-tion Pa-ket-rumpf
% Kon-troll-in-stanz
%% ------------------------
%% | Including files |
%% ------------------------
% Only files listed here will be included!
% Userful command for partially translating the document (for bug-fixing e.g.)
%% Here, main documents begins %%
% Remove the following line for German text
%% -------------------
%% | Directories |
%% -------------------
%% -----------------
%% | Main part |
%% -----------------
%% ----------------
%% | Appendix |
%% ----------------
%% --------------------
%% | Bibliography |
%% --------------------
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{\bibliographystyle{babalpha-fl}} % german style
% Use IEEEtran for numeric references
%% LaTeX2e class for diploma theses
%% Based on wissdoc.cls by Roland Bless, 1996-2001
%% Adapted by: Timo Rohrberg, 2009
%% Additions by: Thorsten Haberecht, IPD - Chair Prof. Bhm, 2010
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%% -------------------------------
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% see
% for more sophisticated algorithm listings
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%% | Declarations |
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%% --- End of Declarations ---
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%% | New commands |
%% -------------------------------
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%% | Style of content directory |
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%% | Style of appendix numbering |
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%% --- End of appenix numbering style ---
%% **** END OF CLASS ****
%% titlepage.tex
% coordinates for the bg shape on the titlepage
% bg shape
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arc (270:180:\diameter pt)
-- (\xone mm, \yone mm);
\changefont{phv}{m}{n} % helvetica
\iflanguage{english}{Diploma Thesis of}
\iflanguage{english}{At the Department of Informatics}
{An der Fakult\"at f\"ur Informatik}
\iflanguage{english}{Institute for Visualization and Data Analysis (IVD)}
{Institut f\"ur Visualisierung and Datenanalyse (IVD)}
\begin{tabular}[ht]{l c l}
% Gutachter sind die Professoren, die die Arbeit bewerten.
\iflanguage{english}{Reviewer}{Erstgutachter}: & \hfill & \reviewerone\\
\iflanguage{english}{Second reviewer}{Zweitgutachter}: & \hfill & \reviewertwo\\
\iflanguage{english}{Advisor}{Betreuender Mitarbeiter}: & \hfill & \advisor\\
%\iflanguage{english}{Second advisor}{Zweiter betreuender Mitarbeiter}: & \hfill & \advisortwo\\
% Der zweite betreuende Mitarbeiter kann weggelassen werden.
\large{\iflanguage{english}{Duration}{Bearbeitungszeit}: \timestart \hspace*{0.25cm} -- \hspace*{0.25cm} \timeend}
{KIT -- University of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg and National Research Center of the Helmholtz Association}
{KIT -- Universit\"at des Landes Baden-W\"urttemberg und nationales Forschungszentrum in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft}
Rendering Equation: \cite{Kajiya:1986:RE}
\hbox to \textwidth{\hrulefill}
\iflanguage{english}{I declare that I have developed and written the enclosed thesis completely by myself, and have not used sources or means without declaration in the text.}{Ich versichere wahrheitsgem\"a\ss, die Arbeit selbstst\"andig angefertigt, alle benutzten Hilfsmittel vollst\"andig und genau angegeben und alles kenntlich gemacht zu haben, was aus Arbeiten anderer unver\"andert oder mit Ab\"anderungen entnommen wurde.}
\textbf{Karlsruhe, xx.xx.xx}
\hspace*{2cm}(\textbf{Max Mustermann}) %center name with hspace
author = {Kajiya, James T.},
title = {The rendering equation},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques},
series = {SIGGRAPH '86},
year = {1986},
isbn = {0-89791-196-2},
pages = {143--150},
numpages = {8},
doi = {10.1145/15922.15902},
acmid = {15902},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
% Based on thesisclass.cls of Timo Rohrberg, 2009
% ----------------------------------------------------------------
% Thesis - Main document
% ----------------------------------------------------------------
\newcommand{\dotp}[2]{\left\langle #1, #2 \right\rangle}
\newcommand{\dist}[2]{\left\| #1 - #2 \right\|}
\newcommand{\abs}[1]{\left| #1 \right|}
%% -------------------------------
%% | Information for PDF file |
%% -------------------------------
pdfauthor={Not set},
pdftitle={Not set},
pdfsubject={Not set},
pdfkeywords={Not set}
%% ---------------------------------
%% | Information about the thesis |
%% ---------------------------------
\newcommand{\myname}{Max Mustermann}
\newcommand{\mytitle}{\iflanguage{english}{The best Topic in the World}{Das schönste Thema der Welt}}
\newcommand{\reviewerone}{Prof. Dr. Carsten Dachsbacher}
\newcommand{\reviewertwo}{Prof. Dr. Hartmut Prautzsch}
\newcommand{\advisor}{Dipl-Inf. Betreuer}
%% ---------------------------------
%% | ToDo Marker - only for draft! |
%% ---------------------------------
% Remove this section for final version!
%% --------------------------------
%% | Old Marker - only for draft! |
%% --------------------------------
% Remove this section for final version!
%% --------------------------------
%% | Settings for word separation |
%% --------------------------------
% Help for separation:
% In german package the following hints are additionally available:
% "- = Additional separation
% "| = Suppress ligation and possible separation (e.g. Schaf"|fell)
% "~ = Hyphenation without separation (e.g. bergauf und "~ab)
% "= = Hyphenation with separation before and after
% "" = Separation without a hyphenation (e.g. und/""oder)
% Describe separation hints here:
% Pro-to-koll-in-stan-zen
% Ma-na-ge-ment Netz-werk-ele-men-ten
% Netz-werk Netz-werk-re-ser-vie-rung
% Netz-werk-adap-ter Fein-ju-stier-ung
% Da-ten-strom-spe-zi-fi-ka-tion Pa-ket-rumpf
% Kon-troll-in-stanz
%% ------------------------
%% | Including files |
%% ------------------------
% Only files listed here will be included!
% Userful command for partially translating the document (for bug-fixing e.g.)
%% Here, main documents begins %%
% Remove the following line for German text
%% -------------------
%% | Directories |
%% -------------------
%% -----------------
%% | Main part |
%% -----------------
%% ----------------
%% | Appendix |
%% ----------------
%% --------------------
%% | Bibliography |
%% --------------------
{\bibliographystyle{IEEEtranSA}} % english style
{\bibliographystyle{babalpha-fl}} % german style
% Use IEEEtran for numeric references
%% LaTeX2e class for diploma theses
%% Based on wissdoc.cls by Roland Bless, 1996-2001
%% Adapted by: Timo Rohrberg, 2009
%% Additions by: Thorsten Haberecht, IPD - Chair Prof. Bhm, 2010
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%% | Packages |
%% -------------------------------
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\usepackage{vmargin} % Adjust margins in a simple way
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% see
% for more sophisticated algorithm listings
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citebordercolor={0 0.61 0.50}]{hyperref} %{0.57 0.74 0.57}
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%% --- End of Packages ---
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%% | Declarations |
%% -------------------------------
%% --- End of Declarations ---
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%% | New commands |
%% -------------------------------
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%% --- End of New Commands ---
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%% | Globale Settings |
%% -------------------------------
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%% --- End of captions style ---
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%% | Style of chapter captions |
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%% --- End of chapter captions style ---
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%% | Style of content directory |
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%% --- End of content directory style ---
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%% | Style of appendix numbering |
%% ----------------------------------
%% --- End of appenix numbering style ---
%% **** END OF CLASS ****
%% titlepage.tex
% coordinates for the bg shape on the titlepage
% bg shape
(\xone mm, \yone mm)
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arc (90:0:\diameter pt)
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arc (270:180:\diameter pt)
-- (\xone mm, \yone mm);
\changefont{phv}{m}{n} % helvetica
\iflanguage{english}{Diploma Thesis of}
\iflanguage{english}{At the Department of Informatics}
{An der Fakult\"at f\"ur Informatik}
\iflanguage{english}{Institute for Visualization and Data Analysis (IVD)}
{Institut f\"ur Visualisierung and Datenanalyse (IVD)}
\begin{tabular}[ht]{l c l}
% Gutachter sind die Professoren, die die Arbeit bewerten.
\iflanguage{english}{Reviewer}{Erstgutachter}: & \hfill & \reviewerone\\
\iflanguage{english}{Second reviewer}{Zweitgutachter}: & \hfill & \reviewertwo\\
\iflanguage{english}{Advisor}{Betreuender Mitarbeiter}: & \hfill & \advisor\\
%\iflanguage{english}{Second advisor}{Zweiter betreuender Mitarbeiter}: & \hfill & \advisortwo\\
% Der zweite betreuende Mitarbeiter kann weggelassen werden.
\large{\iflanguage{english}{Duration}{Bearbeitungszeit}: \timestart \hspace*{0.25cm} -- \hspace*{0.25cm} \timeend}
{KIT -- University of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg and National Research Center of the Helmholtz Association}
{KIT -- Universit\"at des Landes Baden-W\"urttemberg und nationales Forschungszentrum in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft}
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