Commit 97c17290 by Kai Westerkamp

Merge branch 'patchRender' of…

Merge branch 'patchRender' of ssh:// into patchRender
parents e6e3b59f 4422b074
......@@ -355,6 +355,25 @@ void Subdivision::buildNeighborsMap(QVector<Vertex> &vb, QVector<Triangle> &tria
qCDebug(log_timing) << "buildNeighborsMap_gpu done:" << formatTimeMeasurement(timer.elapsed());
* Returns triangles that use a vertex except for the starting triangle.
* @param triangle the starting triangle. Will not be returned.
* @param current_neighbor a neighbor of the starting triangle.
* @param neighbors neighbors of triangles
* @return all neighbors of the first vertex of the neighbor except for the starting triangle.
QVector<Triangle> Subdivision::vertexNeighbors(Triangle &triangle, Triangle::Neighbor current_neighbor, QMap<Triangle, Triangle::Neighbors> neighbors) {
QVector<Triangle> ns;
do {
assert(current_neighbor.triangle != NULL);
current_neighbor = neighbors.value(*current_neighbor.triangle).get_neighbor(rotate_edge_name(;
} while (*current_neighbor.triangle != triangle);
assert(current_neighbor.triangle != NULL);
return ns;
void Subdivision::precomputeEdgeTable(Subdivision::Tables &tables, QVector<Triangle> &triangles, QMap<Triangle, Triangle::Neighbors> &neighbors, unsigned int offset) {
//compute edge table
//Format: first two entries: edge vertices. last two entries: distant vertices.
......@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ private:
QOpenGLShaderProgram *initComputeShaderProgram(QString &source);
Tables precomputeTables(Input input);
void buildNeighborsMap(QVector<Vertex> &vb, QVector<Triangle> &triangles, QMap<Triangle, Triangle::Neighbors> &neighbors);
QVector<Triangle> vertexNeighbors(Triangle &triangle, Triangle::Neighbor current_neighbor, QMap<Triangle, Triangle::Neighbors> neighbors);
void precomputeEdgeTable(Subdivision::Tables &tables, QVector<Triangle> &triangles, QMap<Triangle, Triangle::Neighbors> &neighbors, unsigned int offset);
void precomputeVertexTable(Subdivision::Tables &tables, Input &input, QMap<unsigned int, unsigned int> &modified_vertices);
void updateIndexBuffer(QVector<unsigned int> &index_buffer, QMap<unsigned int, unsigned int> map);
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