Commit 3292fcd7 by Philipp Adolf

Run copyShader

parent b830b4dc
......@@ -736,6 +736,9 @@ Subdivision::Result Subdivision::runShader(Input input, Tables &tables) {
QTime timer;
runCopyShader(input.vertex_buffer.size(), input.vb_handle, output_handle);
int copyTime = timer.elapsed();
runVertexShader(input.vertex_buffer.size(), input.vb_handle, vertex_indices_handle, vertex_offsets_handle, output_handle);
int vertexTime = timer.elapsed();
......@@ -768,10 +771,29 @@ Subdivision::Result Subdivision::runShader(Input input, Tables &tables) {
f->glDeleteBuffers(1, &vertex_offsets_handle);
f->glDeleteBuffers(1, &edge_indices_handle);
qCDebug(log_timing)<<"Compute Shader done. Vertexshader"<<vertexTime<<"ms; EdgeShader"<<edgeTime<<" BufferToCPU"<<bufferbildTime<<"ms";
qCDebug(log_timing)<<"Compute Shader done. Copyshader"<<copyTime<<"ms; Vertexshader"<<vertexTime<<"ms; EdgeShader"<<edgeTime<<" BufferToCPU"<<bufferbildTime<<"ms";
return result;
void Subdivision::runCopyShader(GLuint size, GLuint vb_in, GLuint vb_out) {
f->glBindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 0, vb_in);
f->glBindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 1, vb_out);
// Run the shader
f->glDispatchCompute(size, 1, 1);
// Wait for the shader to complete and the data to be written back to the global memory
// Unbind the buffers from the shader
f->glBindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 0, 0);
f->glBindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 1, 0);
void Subdivision::runVertexShader(GLuint size, GLuint vb_handle, GLuint vertex_indices_handle, GLuint vertex_offsets_handle, GLuint output_handle) {
......@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ private:
void updateIndexBuffer(QVector<unsigned int> &index_buffer, QMap<unsigned int, unsigned int> map);
void findRegular(QVector<unsigned int> index_buffer, QVector<Vertex> vertex_buffer, QVector<unsigned int> &regular, QVector<unsigned int> &irregular);
Result runShader(Input input, Tables &tables);
void runCopyShader(GLuint size, GLuint vb_in, GLuint vb_out);
void runVertexShader(GLuint size, GLuint vb_handle, GLuint vertex_indices_handle, GLuint vertex_offsets_handle, GLuint output_handle);
void runEdgeShader(GLuint size, GLuint vb_handle, GLuint edge_indices_handle, GLuint output_handle, GLuint offset);
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