Commit 63af72bd by Kai Westerkamp


parent d2c43892
Pipeline #397 passed with stage
in 6 minutes 16 seconds
\todo{Plot y beschriftungErfahrung}
\begin{figure} \begin{figure}
\begin{center} \begin{center}
\caption{Erfahrung der Probanden mit VR und AR} \caption{Erfahrung der Probanden mit VR und AR}
\caption{Erfahrung der Probanden mit VR und AR}
width = 0.7\textwidth,
height = 7cm,
axis x line*=bottom,
axis y line=left,
enlarge y limits,
major x tick style = transparent,
boxplot/draw direction=y,
axis x line*=bottom,
axis y line=left,
enlarge y limits,
ytick distance=1,
extra y ticks={-3,3},
extra y tick labels={keine,sehr viel},
extra y tick style={ticklabel style={xshift=-4ex}},
%xtick=data,% crucial line for the xticklabels directive
xticklabels from table={\datatable}{Labels},
x tick label style={font=\footnotesize, text width=2.5cm, align=center},
boxplot/draw direction=y
Technologie Labels Minimum Maximum Mittelwert Median Q1 Q3
VR VR -3 2 0.091 1 -1.75 1
AR AR -3 2 -2.091 -3 -3 -1
\caption{Fehleranzahl bei 10 Durchläufen}
width = 0.7\textwidth,
height = 7cm,
boxplot/draw direction=y,
axis x line*=bottom,
axis y line=left,
enlarge y limits,
ytick distance=1,
ytick distance=1,
%xtick=data,% crucial line for the xticklabels directive
xticklabels={VR, Video},
x tick label style={font=\footnotesize, text width=2.5cm, align=center},
boxplot/draw direction=y
\ No newline at end of file
Szenario Q1 Minimum Median Mittelwert Maximum Q3
VR 0 0 0 0.273 1 0.5
Video 0 0 0 0.818 3 1
Rolle Q1 Minimum Median Mittelwert Maximum Q3 p-Team p-Rolle
{VR Experte} 1 0 3 2.091 3 3 0.539 0.068
{AR Lokal} 1 0 2 1.818 3 2.5 - 0.004
{Video Experte} 3 2 3 2.818 3 3 0.557 -
{Video Lokal} 3 2 3 2.909 3 3 - -
X Q1 Minimum Median Mittelwert Maximum Q3 Standartabweichung p-Team Szenario Gruppe Label
1 10.5585 4.647 13.961 14.1607 28.973 16.31075 6.398871255 - VR 1 VR
2 8.79925 1.461 11.2665 12.2253 21.814 14.40925 6.270279881 0.503214913 Video 1 Video
4 7.51375 4.545 7.93 8.9842 16.81 10.415 3.35447942 - VR 3 VR
5 8.85825 5.187 10.1075 9.942 13.248 11.026 2.281522591 0.466230029 Video 3 Video
7 9.152 6.991 10.7435 13.0017 27.164 14.04825 6.498309063 - VR 4 VR
8 12.919 10.059 17.43 17.5238 25.422 21.974 5.743086797 0.116767182 Video 4 Video
10 7.91475 6.97 11.2635 11.9977 26.929 12.401 5.890580599 - VR 6 VR
11 13.4695 8.2 16.9845 16.8248 26.037 19.7855 5.444902444 0.073267611 Video 6 Video
13 9.40125 4.522 10.626 12.8108 31.14 14.30275 7.280163609 - VR 7 VR
14 9.70325 5.706 14.5715 13.566 24.172 15.4515 5.597075089 0.797961079 Video 7 Video
16 7.2485 6.824 8.627 10.6568 24.539 11.15375 5.444113922 - VR 8 VR
17 12.249 7.856 13.909 13.9998 18.974 16.4155 3.435753509 0.12109889 Video 8 Video
19 8.88475 7.494 10.09 12.0637 23.614 14.49375 5.046441498 - VR 9 VR
20 9.15575 5.85 10.9085 11.0296 18.23 11.74875 3.688578383 0.607830407 Video 9 Video
22 11.94225 7.336 12.369 13.2102 22.227 14.6785 4.0195095 - VR 10 VR
23 8.7535 8.17 10.1115 11.1464 15.43 13.164 2.804042685 0.201543374 Video 10 Video
25 9.1975 8.588 10.5985 13.2585 22.809 15.6425 5.499219808 - VR 11 VR
26 13.7345 10.327 15.7525 16.5527 25.449 18.88075 4.739832628 0.168838506 Video 11 Video
28 9.075 7.538 11.9725 11.849 19.412 13.643 3.691417403 - VR 12 VR
29 7.82675 3.742 12.0995 11.5575 18.917 15.949 5.408318351 0.889815926 Video 12 Video
31 10.20175 3.416 12.3745 12.5982 23.008 14.81675 5.310189446 - VR 13 VR
32 5.92375 5.409 7.7985 8.2756 12.871 9.8715 2.733325252 0.038846578 Video 13 Video
34 8.64675 3.416 11.0115 12.23559091 31.14 14.731 5.358344542 - VR Gesamt VR
35 8.98825 1.461 12.4885 12.96759091 26.037 15.9685 5.233443425 0.306500858 Video Gesamt Video
width = \textwidth,
height = 0.7\textheight,
boxplot/draw direction=y,
axis x line*=bottom,
axis y line=left,
enlarge y limits,
y tick label style={/pgf/number format/fixed},
%xtick=data,% crucial line for the xticklabels directive
extra x ticks={3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33},
% this ticks shouldn't be labeled ...
extra x tick labels={},
extra x tick style={ grid=major, major tick length=0pt },
x tick label style={font=\footnotesize, text width=1cm, align=center, rotate=-90},
%boxplot/draw direction=y
boxplot={draw direction=y, draw position={1+\plotnumofactualtype + floor((\plotnumofactualtype+0.5) /2)}},
cycle list={{red},{blue}},
% set `clip mode' to `individual' so the category labels aren't clipped away
clip mode=individual,
ylabel={Zeit in s},
\addplot [ color=\colorVR, only marks,mark=x,each nth point**={2}{0} ]
plot [error bars/.cd, y dir=both, y explicit]
table[x=X,y=Mittelwert,y error=Standartabweichung]{\datatable};
\addplot [ color=\colorVideo, only marks,mark=x,each nth point**={2}{1}]
plot [error bars/.cd, y dir=both, y explicit]
table[x=X,y=Mittelwert,y error=Standartabweichung]{\datatable};
% add the category labels
% because the reference point will be the lower axis line the
% labels have to be moved a bit more down to don't overlap with
% the `xticklabels'
every label/.append style={
label distance=5ex,
\node [label=below:1]
at (axis cs:1.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:3]
at (axis cs:4.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:4]
at (axis cs:7.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:6]
at (axis cs:10.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:7]
at (axis cs:13.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:8]
at (axis cs:16.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:9]
at (axis cs:19.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:10]
at (axis cs:22.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:11]
at (axis cs:25.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:12]
at (axis cs:28.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:13]
at (axis cs:31.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:Gesamt]
at (axis cs:34.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
width = \textwidth,
height = 0.7\textheight,
boxplot/draw direction=y,
axis x line*=bottom,
axis y line=left,
enlarge y limits,
%xtick=data,% crucial line for the xticklabels directive
xticklabels={VR Experte,AR Lokal,Video Experte,Video Lokal,{},VR Experte,AR Lokal,Video Experte,Video Lokal,{},VR Experte,AR Lokal,Video Experte,Video Lokal,{},VR Experte,AR Lokal,Video Experte,Video Lokal,{},VR Experte,AR Lokal,Video Experte,Video Lokal,{},VR Experte,AR Lokal,Video Experte,Video Lokal,{},VR Experte,AR Lokal,Video Experte,Video Lokal},
extra x ticks={5,10,15,20,25,30},
% this ticks shouldn't be labeled ...
extra x tick labels={},
extra x tick style={ grid=major, major tick length=0pt },
x tick label style={font=\footnotesize, text width=1cm, align=center, rotate=-90},
%boxplot/draw direction=y
boxplot={draw direction=y, draw position={1+\plotnumofactualtype + floor((\plotnumofactualtype+0.5) /4)}},
cycle list={{red},{blue}},
% set `clip mode' to `individual' so the category labels aren't clipped away
clip mode=individual,
legend entries={VR Experte,AR Lokal,Video Experte,Video Lokal},
legend to name={legend},
% add the category labels
% because the reference point will be the lower axis line the
% labels have to be moved a bit more down to don't overlap with
% the `xticklabels'
every label/.append style={
label distance=5ex,
\node [label=below:Geistige Anforderung]
at (axis cs:2.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:Körperliche Anforderung]
at (axis cs:7.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}-1ex) {};
\node [label=below:Zeitliche Anforderung]
at (axis cs:12.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:Leistung]
at (axis cs:17.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:Anstrengung]
at (axis cs:22.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:Frustration]
at (axis cs:27.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:Gesamt]
at (axis cs:32.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
%\node[below right] at (border.north east) {\ref{legend}};
Subscales Rolle 0 Q1 Minimum Median Mittelwert Maximum Q3 p-Team p-Rolle
{Geistige Anforderung} {VR Experte} 1 10 5 30 39.545 80 72.5 0.054 0.866
{Geistige Anforderung} {AR Lokal} 2 10 5 25 27.273 80 27.5 - 0.324
{Geistige Anforderung} {Video Experte} 3 35 15 50 49.545 90 70 0.417 -
{Geistige Anforderung} {Video Lokal} 4 10 5 30 39.545 80 72.5 - -
{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}
{Körperliche Anforderun} {VR Experte} 6 15 5 30 40.455 80 75 0.327 0.025
{Körperliche Anforderun} {AR Lokal} 7 20 5 30 33.182 70 45 - 0.481
{Körperliche Anforderun} {Video Experte} 8 5 5 10 14.091 65 12.5 0.174 -
{Körperliche Anforderun} {Video Lokal} 9 12.5 5 20 26.364 75 32.5 - -
{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}
{Zeitliche Anforderung} {VR Experte} 11 22.5 5 40 40.455 85 55 0.529 0.793
{Zeitliche Anforderung} {AR Lokal} 12 12.5 5 20 32.727 65 62.5 - 0.334
{Zeitliche Anforderung} {Video Experte} 13 25 10 30 37.727 85 50 0.529 -
{Zeitliche Anforderung} {Video Lokal} 14 15 5 45 44.545 85 70 - -
{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}
Leistung {VR Experte} 16 17.5 5 25 26.818 65 35 0.039 0.672
Leistung {AR Lokal} 17 7.5 5 10 15.000 45 17.5 - 0.232
Leistung {Video Experte} 18 17.5 5 25 30.455 85 37.5 0.581 -
Leistung {Video Lokal} 19 7.5 5 20 25.000 75 32.5 - -
{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}
Anstrengung {VR Experte} 21 17.5 5 35 39.091 85 62.5 0.266 0.311
Anstrengung {AR Lokal} 22 10 5 20 28.182 75 35 - 0.311
Anstrengung {Video Experte} 23 15 5 20 34.545 80 60 0.654 -
Anstrengung {Video Lokal} 24 17.5 10 35 40.000 95 55 - -
{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}
Frustration {VR Experte} 26 12.5 5 25 29.091 60 42.5 0.020 0.550
Frustration {AR Lokal} 27 7.5 5 10 14.545 45 15 - 0.120
Frustration {Video Experte} 28 7.5 5 30 35.909 90 60 0.591 -
Frustration {Video Lokal} 29 7.5 5 15 29.091 70 50 - -
{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}
Gesammt {VR Experte} 31 22.917 8.333 37.500 37.727 67.500 52.917 0.067 0.627
Gesammt {AR Lokal} 32 15.833 7.500 20.000 25.152 60.000 30.833 - 0.311
Gesammt {Video Experte} 33 20.833 13.333 21.667 33.712 65.000 48.750 0.967 -
Gesammt {Video Lokal} 34 13.750 8.333 21.667 34.091 75.833 53.333 - -
Labels Minimum Maximum Mittelwert Median Q1 Q3
Unabhängigkeit -3 3 1.591 2 1 3
\caption{Wie schwierig war die Zusammanerbeit?}
width = 0.7\textwidth,
height = 7cm,
boxplot/draw direction=y,
axis x line*=bottom,
axis y line=left,
enlarge y limits,
%xtick=data,% crucial line for the xticklabels directive
xticklabels={VR Experte,AR Lokal,Video Experte,Video Lokal},
extra y ticks={-3,3},
extra y tick labels={sehr schwierig,sehr einfach},
extra y tick style={ticklabel style={xshift=-4ex}},
%x tick label style={font=\footnotesize, text width=2.5cm, align=center},
boxplot/draw direction=y
\ No newline at end of file
\caption{Wie einfach war es, den beschriebenen Stein zu finden?}
width = 0.7\textwidth,
height = 7cm,
boxplot/draw direction=y,
axis x line*=bottom,
axis y line=left,
enlarge y limits,
ytick distance=1,
%xtick=data,% crucial line for the xticklabels directive
xticklabels={VR Experte,AR Lokal,Video Experte,Video Lokal},
x tick label style={font=\footnotesize, text width=2.5cm, align=center},
extra y ticks={-3,3},
extra y tick labels={sehr schwierig,sehr einfach},
extra y tick style={ticklabel style={xshift=-4ex}},
boxplot/draw direction=y
\ No newline at end of file
Rolle Q1 Minimum Median Mittelwert Maximum Q3 p-Team p-Rolle
{VR Experte} 0 -1 1 0.727 2 2 - 0.691
{AR Lokal} 1.5 0 2 2.000 3 3 0.031 0.856
{Video Experte} 3 2 3 2.818 3 3 - -
{Video Lokal} 1 -1 2 1.909 3 3 0.207 -
\addplot [scatter,scatter src=explicit symbolic, color=\colorVR, only marks,mark=x, scatter/classes={
},error bars with color=err]
table[x=X,y=Mittelwert,y error=err,meta=Label]{\datatable};
\addplot [ color=\colorVR, only marks,mark=x,each nth point=2 ]
plot [error bars/.cd, y dir=both, y explicit]
table[x=X,y=Mittelwert,y error=Standartabweichung]{\datatable};
\addplot [ color=\colorVideo, only marks,mark=x,each nth point=2,skip coords between index={0}{1}, ]
plot [error bars/.cd, y dir=both, y explicit]
table[x=X,y=Mittelwert,y error=Standartabweichung]{\datatable};
error bars with color/.style={
visualization depends on=\thisrow{#1} \as \error,
visualization depends on=y \as \y,
scatter/@pre marker code/.append code={ % Homebrew color bars
\draw (0,0) -- +(axis direction cs:0,-\error) -- +(axis direction cs:0,\error);
\draw (0,0) plot [mark=-] coordinates {(axis direction cs:0,\error) (axis direction cs:0,-\error)};
error bars/.cd, % Invisible color bars, to get the right axis limits
y dir=both,
y explicit,
error bar style={opacity=0},
width = \textwidth,
height = 0.7\textheight,
boxplot/draw direction=y,
axis x line*=bottom,
axis y line=left,
enlarge y limits,
%xtick=data,% crucial line for the xticklabels directive
xticklabels={VR Experte,AR Lokal,Video Experte,Video Lokal,{},VR Experte,AR Lokal,Video Experte,Video Lokal,{},VR Experte,AR Lokal,Video Experte,Video Lokal,{},VR Experte,AR Lokal,Video Experte,Video Lokal,{},VR Experte,AR Lokal,Video Experte,Video Lokal,{},VR Experte,AR Lokal,Video Experte,Video Lokal,{},VR Experte,AR Lokal,Video Experte,Video Lokal},
extra x ticks={5,10,15,20,25},
% this ticks shouldn't be labeled ...
extra x tick labels={},
extra x tick style={ grid=major, major tick length=0pt },
x tick label style={font=\footnotesize, text width=1cm, align=center, rotate=-90},
%boxplot/draw direction=y
boxplot={draw direction=y, draw position={1+\plotnumofactualtype + floor((\plotnumofactualtype+0.5) /4)}},
cycle list={{red},{blue}},
% set `clip mode' to `individual' so the category labels aren't clipped away
clip mode=individual,
legend entries={VR Experte,AR Lokal,Video Experte,Video Lokal},
legend to name={legend},
\addplot [ color=\colorVR, only marks,mark=x,each nth point**={4}{0} ]
plot [error bars/.cd, y dir=both, y explicit]
table[x=X,y=Mean,y error=STD]{\datatable};
\addplot [ color=\colorAR, only marks,mark=x,each nth point**={4}{1}]
plot [error bars/.cd, y dir=both, y explicit]
table[x=X,y=Mean,y error=STD]{\datatable};
\addplot [ color=\colorVideo, only marks,mark=x,each nth point**={4}{2} ]
plot [error bars/.cd, y dir=both, y explicit]
table[x=X,y=Mean,y error=STD]{\datatable};
\addplot [ color=\colorVideoLocal, only marks,mark=x,each nth point**={4}{3}]
plot [error bars/.cd, y dir=both, y explicit]
table[x=X,y=Mean,y error=STD]{\datatable};
% add the category labels
% because the reference point will be the lower axis line the
% labels have to be moved a bit more down to don't overlap with
% the `xticklabels'
every label/.append style={
label distance=5ex,
\node [label=below:Attraktivität]
at (axis cs:2.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:Durchschaubarkeit]
at (axis cs:7.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:Effizienz]
at (axis cs:12.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:Steuerbarkeit]
at (axis cs:17.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:Stimulation]
at (axis cs:22.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:Originalität]
at (axis cs:27.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
%\node[below right] at (border.north east) {\ref{legend}};
Label Mean STD N Confidence X Scale Rolle p-Team p-Rolle
VRE 1.44 0.80 11.00 0.47 1 Attraktivität {VR Experte} 0.18 0.01
ARL 1.98 0.77 11.00 0.45 2 Attraktivität {AR Lokal} - 0.00
VIDE 0.24 1.18 11.00 0.70 3 Attraktivität {Video Experte} 0.63 -
VIDL 0.45 0.96 11.00 0.57 4 Attraktivität {Video Lokal} - -
VRE 1.52 0.72 11.00 0.43 6 Durchschaubarkeit {VR Experte} 0.04 0.31
ARL 2.20 0.60 11.00 0.35 7 Durchschaubarkeit {AR Lokal} - 0.45
VIDE 1.00 1.48 11.00 0.88 8 Durchschaubarkeit {Video Experte} 0.07 -
VIDL 1.52 0.72 11.00 0.43 9 Durchschaubarkeit {Video Lokal} - -
VRE 1.27 0.83 11.00 0.49 11 Effizienz {VR Experte} 0.12 0.08
ARL 1.89 0.90 11.00 0.53 12 Effizienz {AR Lokal} - 0.06
VIDE 0.43 1.27 11.00 0.75 13 Effizienz {Video Experte} 0.11 -
VIDL 1.09 0.97 11.00 0.57 14 Effizienz {Video Lokal} - -
VRE 1.11 0.75 11.00 0.45 16 Steuerbarkeit {VR Experte} 0.02 0.29
ARL 1.98 0.72 11.00 0.43 17 Steuerbarkeit {AR Lokal} - 0.08
VIDE 0.61 1.31 11.00 0.77 18 Steuerbarkeit {Video Experte} 0.02 -
VIDL 1.43 0.64 11.00 0.38 19 Steuerbarkeit {Video Lokal} - -
VRE 1.34 1.07 11.00 0.63 21 Stimulation {VR Experte} 0.03 0.02
ARL 2.05 0.57 11.00 0.34 22 Stimulation {AR Lokal} - 0.00
VIDE 0.00 1.33 11.00 0.78 23 Stimulation {Video Experte} 0.49 -
VIDL -0.41 1.16 11.00 0.68 24 Stimulation {Video Lokal} - -
VRE 1.86 0.54 11.00 0.32 26 Originalität {VR Experte} 0.02 0.00
ARL 2.41 0.45 11.00 0.27 27 Originalität {AR Lokal} - 0.00
VIDE -0.52 1.60 11.00 0.95 28 Originalität {Video Experte} 0.97 -
VIDL -0.55 1.68 11.00 0.99 29 Originalität {Video Lokal} - -
\caption{War es im VR/AR Szenario von Vorteil, von der Perspektive und Bewegung der anderen
Person unabhängiger zu sein und nicht an die Ansicht aus des Videos gebunden zu sein?}
width = 0.7\textwidth,
height = 7cm,
boxplot/draw direction=y,
axis x line*=bottom,
axis y line=left,
enlarge y limits,
ytick distance=1,
boxplot/draw direction=y
\ No newline at end of file
\caption{Vorbereitungszeit des Experten}
width = \textwidth,
height = 0.7\textheight,
boxplot/draw direction=y,
axis x line*=bottom,
axis y line=left,
enlarge y limits,
y tick label style={/pgf/number format/fixed},
%xtick=data,% crucial line for the xticklabels directive
extra x ticks={3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33},
% this ticks shouldn't be labeled ...
extra x tick labels={},
extra x tick style={ grid=major, major tick length=0pt },
x tick label style={font=\footnotesize, text width=1cm, align=center, rotate=-90},
%boxplot/draw direction=y
boxplot={draw direction=y, draw position={1+\plotnumofactualtype + floor((\plotnumofactualtype+0.5) /2)}},
cycle list={{red},{blue}},
% set `clip mode' to `individual' so the category labels aren't clipped away
clip mode=individual,
ylabel={Zeit in s},
\addplot [ color=\colorVR, only marks,mark=x,each nth point**={2}{0} ]
plot [error bars/.cd, y dir=both, y explicit]
table[x=X,y=Mittelwert,y error=Standartabweichung]{\datatable};
\addplot [ color=\colorVideo, only marks,mark=x,each nth point**={2}{1}]
plot [error bars/.cd, y dir=both, y explicit]
table[x=X,y=Mittelwert,y error=Standartabweichung]{\datatable};
% add the category labels
% because the reference point will be the lower axis line the
% labels have to be moved a bit more down to don't overlap with
% the `xticklabels'
every label/.append style={
label distance=5ex,
\node [label=below:1]
at (axis cs:1.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:3]
at (axis cs:4.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:4]
at (axis cs:7.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:6]
at (axis cs:10.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:7]
at (axis cs:13.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:8]
at (axis cs:16.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:9]
at (axis cs:19.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:10]
at (axis cs:22.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:11]
at (axis cs:25.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:12]
at (axis cs:28.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:13]
at (axis cs:31.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:Gesamt]
at (axis cs:34.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\ No newline at end of file
Gruppe Szenario X Q1 Minimum Median Mittelwert Maximum Q3 Standartabweichung p-Team
1 VR 1 7.2785 4.647 8.1745 8.5634 13.091 10.1935 2.607087485 -
1 Video 2 2.119 0.812 3.591 4.0442 7.208 6.4855 2.457542937 0.000866203
3 VR 4 4.556 4.332 5.3425 6.6891 11.47 9.1155 2.810251371 -
3 Video 5 5.914 4.668 7.836 7.7071 11.299 9.33575 2.204962003 0.38003371
4 VR 7 5.28775 4.69 7.226 8.5639 21.244 9.1025 4.931788079 -
4 Video 8 9.242 6.959 10.0775 10.8225 17.163 10.98675 3.021423662 0.235960886
6 VR 10 6.5075 4.634 9.5045 11.2449 21.613 15.41675 6.112222026 -
6 Video 11 12.236 6.157 16.6605 19.1987 49.982 23.24475 12.52046995 0.094131498
7 VR 13 9.83975 4.522 11.53 13.2071 34.973 14.0455 8.237014109 -
7 Video 14 6.31275 5.376 6.602 7.5931 11.864 9.1185 2.134926616 0.062970298
8 VR 16 8.575 5.662 10.314 11.9318 18.563 16.54475 4.738403688 -
8 Video 17 8.631 7.081 9.2835 10.3164 20.119 10.3525 3.68294448 0.406514676
9 VR 19 7.28 4.736 9.5105 13.5017 40.222 16.37975 10.79993668 -
9 Video 20 4.926 2.864 8.3935 7.8274 11.764 10.561 3.301271412 0.141259382
10 VR 22 7.4315 6.287 8.041 8.9101 14.642 9.19525 2.547110583 -
10 Video 23 9.0945 7.132 15.692 19.5247 45.191 23.97475 13.92244623 0.040148078
11 VR 25 9.675 7.584 11.878 11.2807 14.711 12.6965 2.259088855 -
11 Video 26 8.99775 7.614 9.968 12.6659 24.077 15.21725 5.320344276 0.463001145
12 VR 28 6.44375 4.143 6.9975 7.662 14.731 8.33025 3.103307017 -
12 Video 29 6.48225 4.775 9.873 10.3623 18.792 13.85375 4.659484307 0.14711184
13 VR 31 5.7925 3.416 6.5775 7.3094 11.681 8.92075 2.804479243 -
13 Video 32 8.46725 6.503 10.459 11.1113 19.016 12.68775 3.678445023 0.018824728
Gesamt VR 34 6.544 3.416 8.482 9.896736364 40.222 11.67025 5.580897622 -
Gesamt Video 35 6.8465 0.812 9.3055 11.01578182 49.982 12.106 7.670711416 0.217452736
Rolle Q1 Minimum Median Mittelwert Maximum Q3 p-Team p-Rolle
{VR Experte} 2 -1 2 2.000 3 2.5 0.640 0.866
{AR Lokal} 2 1 2 2.182 3 3 - 0.600
{Video Experte} 1.5 -1 2 1.909 3 3 1.000 -
{Video Lokal} 2 -1 2 1.909 3 3 - -
boxplot prepared from table/.code={
/pgfplots/boxplot prepared from table/.cd,
/pgfplots/boxplot prepared from table/.cd,
make style readable from table/.style={
\pgfplotstablegetelem{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/boxplot prepared from table/row}}{##1}\of\boxplot@datatable
\pgfplotsset{boxplot/#1/.expand once={\pgfplotsretval}}
make style readable from table=lower whisker,
make style readable from table=upper whisker,
make style readable from table=lower quartile,
make style readable from table=upper quartile,
make style readable from table=median,
make style readable from table=lower notch,
make style readable from table=upper notch
lw uw Mittelwert med lq uq
-3 2 0.090909091 1 -1.75 1
-3 2 -2.090909091 -3 -3 -1
-3 3 1.590909091 2 1 3
\begin{axis}[boxplot/draw direction=y]
\addplot+[ boxplot prepared from table={
lower whisker=lw,
upper whisker=uw,
lower quartile=lq,
upper quartile=uq,
}, boxplot prepared
coordinates {};
\addplot+[ boxplot prepared from table={
lower whisker=lw,
upper whisker=uw,
lower quartile=lq,
upper quartile=uq,
}, boxplot prepared
coordinates {};
\ No newline at end of file
error bars with color/.style={
visualization depends on=\thisrow{#1} \as \error,
visualization depends on=y \as \y,
scatter/@pre marker code/.append code={ % Homebrew color bars
\draw (0,0) -- +(axis direction cs:0,-\error) -- +(axis direction cs:0,\error);
\draw (0,0) plot [mark=-] coordinates {(axis direction cs:0,\error) (axis direction cs:0,-\error)};
error bars/.cd, % Invisible color bars, to get the right axis limits
y dir=both,
y explicit,
error bar style={opacity=0},
\addplot [scatter,
only marks,
scatter src=explicit symbolic,
error bars with color=err
table[x=x,y=y,y error=err,meta=class,row sep=crcr] {
x y err class\\
0 0 1 A0\\
1 1 1 A0\\
2 0 1 A1\\
3 2 2 A1\\
\caption{Wie wichtig war die sprachliche Kommunikation?}
width = 0.7\textwidth,
height = 7cm,
boxplot/draw direction=y,
axis x line*=bottom,
axis y line=left,
enlarge y limits,
ytick distance=1,
extra y ticks={-3,3},
extra y tick labels={unwichtig,sehr wichtig},
extra y tick style={ticklabel style={xshift=-4ex}},
%xtick=data,% crucial line for the xticklabels directive
xticklabels={VR Experte,AR Lokal,Video Experte,Video Lokal},
x tick label style={font=\footnotesize, text width=2.5cm, align=center},
boxplot/draw direction=y
\ No newline at end of file
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