// This is based on Rainer Lienhart contribution. Below is the original copyright: // /*M/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // IMPORTANT: READ BEFORE DOWNLOADING, COPYING, INSTALLING OR USING. // // By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license. // If you do not agree to this license, do not download, install, // copy or use the software. // // // University of Augsburg License Agreement // For Open Source MultiMedia Computing (MMC) Library // // Copyright (C) 2007, University of Augsburg, Germany, all rights reserved. // Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, // are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistribution's of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // // * Redistribution's in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // * The name of University of Augsburg, Germany may not be used to endorse or promote products // derived from this software without specific prior written permission. // // This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and // any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied // warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. // In no event shall the University of Augsburg, Germany or contributors be liable for any direct, // indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages // (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; // loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused // and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, // or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of // the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. // //M*/ // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // Author: Rainer Lienhart // email: Rainer.Lienhart@informatik.uni-augsburg.de // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // Please cite the following two papers: // 1. Shechtman, E., Irani, M.: // Matching local self-similarities across images and videos. // CVPR, (2007) // 2. Eva Horster, Thomas Greif, Rainer Lienhart, Malcolm Slaney. // Comparing Local Feature Descriptors in pLSA-Based Image Models. // 30th Annual Symposium of the German Association for // Pattern Recognition (DAGM) 2008, Munich, Germany, June 2008. #include "precomp.hpp" namespace cv { SelfSimDescriptor::SelfSimDescriptor() { smallSize = DEFAULT_SMALL_SIZE; largeSize = DEFAULT_LARGE_SIZE; numberOfAngles = DEFAULT_NUM_ANGLES; startDistanceBucket = DEFAULT_START_DISTANCE_BUCKET; numberOfDistanceBuckets = DEFAULT_NUM_DISTANCE_BUCKETS; } SelfSimDescriptor::SelfSimDescriptor(int _ssize, int _lsize, int _startDistanceBucket, int _numberOfDistanceBuckets, int _numberOfAngles) { smallSize = _ssize; largeSize = _lsize; startDistanceBucket = _startDistanceBucket; numberOfDistanceBuckets = _numberOfDistanceBuckets; numberOfAngles = _numberOfAngles; } SelfSimDescriptor::SelfSimDescriptor(const SelfSimDescriptor& ss) { smallSize = ss.smallSize; largeSize = ss.largeSize; startDistanceBucket = ss.startDistanceBucket; numberOfDistanceBuckets = ss.numberOfDistanceBuckets; numberOfAngles = ss.numberOfAngles; } SelfSimDescriptor::~SelfSimDescriptor() { } SelfSimDescriptor& SelfSimDescriptor::operator = (const SelfSimDescriptor& ss) { if( this != &ss ) { smallSize = ss.smallSize; largeSize = ss.largeSize; startDistanceBucket = ss.startDistanceBucket; numberOfDistanceBuckets = ss.numberOfDistanceBuckets; numberOfAngles = ss.numberOfAngles; } return *this; } size_t SelfSimDescriptor::getDescriptorSize() const { return numberOfAngles*(numberOfDistanceBuckets - startDistanceBucket); } Size SelfSimDescriptor::getGridSize( Size imgSize, Size winStride ) const { winStride.width = std::max(winStride.width, 1); winStride.height = std::max(winStride.height, 1); int border = largeSize/2 + smallSize/2; return Size(std::max(imgSize.width - border*2 + winStride.width - 1, 0)/winStride.width, std::max(imgSize.height - border*2 + winStride.height - 1, 0)/winStride.height); } // TODO: optimized with SSE2 void SelfSimDescriptor::SSD(const Mat& img, Point pt, Mat& ssd) const { int x, y, dx, dy, r0 = largeSize/2, r1 = smallSize/2; int step = (int)img.step; for( y = -r0; y <= r0; y++ ) { float* sptr = ssd.ptr<float>(y+r0) + r0; for( x = -r0; x <= r0; x++ ) { int sum = 0; const uchar* src0 = img.ptr<uchar>(y + pt.y - r1) + x + pt.x; const uchar* src1 = img.ptr<uchar>(pt.y - r1) + pt.x; for( dy = -r1; dy <= r1; dy++, src0 += step, src1 += step ) for( dx = -r1; dx <= r1; dx++ ) { int t = src0[dx] - src1[dx]; sum += t*t; } sptr[x] = (float)sum; } } } void SelfSimDescriptor::compute(const Mat& img, vector<float>& descriptors, Size winStride, const vector<Point>& locations) const { CV_Assert( img.depth() == CV_8U ); winStride.width = std::max(winStride.width, 1); winStride.height = std::max(winStride.height, 1); Size gridSize = getGridSize(img.size(), winStride); int i, nwindows = locations.empty() ? gridSize.width*gridSize.height : (int)locations.size(); int border = largeSize/2 + smallSize/2; int fsize = (int)getDescriptorSize(); vector<float> tempFeature(fsize+1); descriptors.resize(fsize*nwindows + 1); Mat ssd(largeSize, largeSize, CV_32F), mappingMask; computeLogPolarMapping(mappingMask); #if 0 //def _OPENMP int nthreads = cvGetNumThreads(); #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(nthreads) #endif for( i = 0; i < nwindows; i++ ) { Point pt; float* feature0 = &descriptors[fsize*i]; float* feature = &tempFeature[0]; int x, y, j; if( !locations.empty() ) { pt = locations[i]; if( pt.x < border || pt.x >= img.cols - border || pt.y < border || pt.y >= img.rows - border ) { for( j = 0; j < fsize; j++ ) feature0[j] = 0.f; continue; } } else pt = Point((i % gridSize.width)*winStride.width + border, (i / gridSize.width)*winStride.height + border); SSD(img, pt, ssd); // Determine in the local neighborhood the largest difference and use for normalization float var_noise = 1000.f; for( y = -1; y <= 1 ; y++ ) for( x = -1 ; x <= 1 ; x++ ) var_noise = std::max(var_noise, ssd.at<float>(largeSize/2+y, largeSize/2+x)); for( j = 0; j <= fsize; j++ ) feature[j] = FLT_MAX; // Derive feature vector before exp(-x) computation // Idea: for all x,a >= 0, a=const. we have: // max [ exp( -x / a) ] = exp ( -min(x) / a ) // Thus, determine min(ssd) and store in feature[...] for( y = 0; y < ssd.rows; y++ ) { const schar *mappingMaskPtr = mappingMask.ptr<schar>(y); const float *ssdPtr = ssd.ptr<float>(y); for( x = 0 ; x < ssd.cols; x++ ) { int index = mappingMaskPtr[x]; feature[index] = std::min(feature[index], ssdPtr[x]); } } var_noise = -1.f/var_noise; for( j = 0; j < fsize; j++ ) feature0[j] = feature[j]*var_noise; Mat _f(1, fsize, CV_32F, feature0); cv::exp(_f, _f); } } void SelfSimDescriptor::computeLogPolarMapping(Mat& mappingMask) const { mappingMask.create(largeSize, largeSize, CV_8S); // What we want is // log_m (radius) = numberOfDistanceBuckets // <==> log_10 (radius) / log_10 (m) = numberOfDistanceBuckets // <==> log_10 (radius) / numberOfDistanceBuckets = log_10 (m) // <==> m = 10 ^ log_10(m) = 10 ^ [log_10 (radius) / numberOfDistanceBuckets] // int radius = largeSize/2, angleBucketSize = 360 / numberOfAngles; int fsize = (int)getDescriptorSize(); double inv_log10m = (double)numberOfDistanceBuckets/log10((double)radius); for (int y=-radius ; y<=radius ; y++) { schar* mrow = mappingMask.ptr<schar>(y+radius); for (int x=-radius ; x<=radius ; x++) { int index = fsize; float dist = (float)std::sqrt((float)x*x + (float)y*y); int distNo = dist > 0 ? cvRound(log10(dist)*inv_log10m) : 0; if( startDistanceBucket <= distNo && distNo < numberOfDistanceBuckets ) { float angle = std::atan2( (float)y, (float)x ) / (float)CV_PI * 180.0f; if (angle < 0) angle += 360.0f; int angleInt = (cvRound(angle) + angleBucketSize/2) % 360; int angleIndex = angleInt / angleBucketSize; index = (distNo-startDistanceBucket)*numberOfAngles + angleIndex; } mrow[x + radius] = saturate_cast<schar>(index); } } } }