layer.details.hpp 2.78 KB
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// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at

#include <opencv2/dnn/layer.hpp>

namespace cv {
namespace dnn {

/** @brief Registers layer constructor in runtime.
*   @param type string, containing type name of the layer.
*   @param constuctorFunc pointer to the function of type LayerRegister::Constuctor, which creates the layer.
*   @details This macros must be placed inside the function code.
#define CV_DNN_REGISTER_LAYER_FUNC(type, constuctorFunc) \
    cv::dnn::LayerFactory::registerLayer(#type, constuctorFunc);

/** @brief Registers layer class in runtime.
 *  @param type string, containing type name of the layer.
 *  @param class C++ class, derived from Layer.
 *  @details This macros must be placed inside the function code.
#define CV_DNN_REGISTER_LAYER_CLASS(type, class) \
    cv::dnn::LayerFactory::registerLayer(#type, cv::dnn::details::_layerDynamicRegisterer<class>);

/** @brief Registers layer constructor on module load time.
*   @param type string, containing type name of the layer.
*   @param constuctorFunc pointer to the function of type LayerRegister::Constuctor, which creates the layer.
*   @details This macros must be placed outside the function code.
#define CV_DNN_REGISTER_LAYER_FUNC_STATIC(type, constuctorFunc) \
static cv::dnn::details::_LayerStaticRegisterer __LayerStaticRegisterer_##type(#type, constuctorFunc);

/** @brief Registers layer class on module load time.
 *  @param type string, containing type name of the layer.
 *  @param class C++ class, derived from Layer.
 *  @details This macros must be placed outside the function code.
#define CV_DNN_REGISTER_LAYER_CLASS_STATIC(type, class)                         \
Ptr<Layer> __LayerStaticRegisterer_func_##type(LayerParams &params) \
    { return Ptr<Layer>(new class(params)); }                       \
static cv::dnn::details::_LayerStaticRegisterer __LayerStaticRegisterer_##type(#type, __LayerStaticRegisterer_func_##type);

namespace details {

template<typename LayerClass>
Ptr<Layer> _layerDynamicRegisterer(LayerParams &params)
    return Ptr<Layer>(LayerClass::create(params));

//allows automatically register created layer on module load time
class _LayerStaticRegisterer
    String type;

    _LayerStaticRegisterer(const String &layerType, LayerFactory::Constuctor layerConstuctor)
        this->type = layerType;
        LayerFactory::registerLayer(layerType, layerConstuctor);


} // namespace
}} // namespace
