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% Based on thesisclass.cls of Timo Rohrberg, 2009
% ----------------------------------------------------------------
% Thesis - Main document
% ----------------------------------------------------------------





\newcommand{\dotp}[2]{\left\langle #1, #2 \right\rangle}
\newcommand{\dist}[2]{\left\| #1 - #2 \right\|}
\newcommand{\abs}[1]{\left| #1 \right|}

%% -------------------------------
%% |  Information for PDF file   |
%% -------------------------------
 pdfauthor={Not set},
 pdftitle={Not set},
 pdfsubject={Not set},
 pdfkeywords={Not set}

%% ---------------------------------
%% | Information about the thesis  |
%% ---------------------------------

\newcommand{\myname}{Max Mustermann}
\newcommand{\mytitle}{\iflanguage{english}{The best Topic in the World}{Das schönste Thema der Welt}}

\newcommand{\reviewerone}{Prof. Dr. Carsten Dachsbacher}
\newcommand{\reviewertwo}{Prof. Dr. Hartmut Prautzsch}
\newcommand{\advisor}{Dipl-Inf. Betreuer}


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%% | ToDo Marker - only for draft! |
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% Remove this section for final version!



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%% | Old Marker - only for draft! |
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% Remove this section for final version!

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%% | Settings for word separation |
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% Help for separation:
% In german package the following hints are additionally available:
% "- = Additional separation
% "| = Suppress ligation and possible separation (e.g. Schaf"|fell)
% "~ = Hyphenation without separation (e.g. bergauf und "~ab)
% "= = Hyphenation with separation before and after
% "" = Separation without a hyphenation (e.g. und/""oder)

% Describe separation hints here:
% Pro-to-koll-in-stan-zen
% Ma-na-ge-ment  Netz-werk-ele-men-ten
% Netz-werk Netz-werk-re-ser-vie-rung
% Netz-werk-adap-ter Fein-ju-stier-ung
% Da-ten-strom-spe-zi-fi-ka-tion Pa-ket-rumpf
% Kon-troll-in-stanz

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%% |    Including files   |
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% Only files listed here will be included!
% Userful command for partially translating the document (for bug-fixing e.g.)

%% Here, main documents begins %%

% Remove the following line for German text



%% -------------------
%% |   Directories   |
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%% -----------------
%% |   Main part   |
%% -----------------


%% ----------------
%% |   Appendix   |
%% ----------------

%% --------------------
%% |   Bibliography   |
%% --------------------

{\bibliographystyle{IEEEtranSA}}	% english style
{\bibliographystyle{babalpha-fl}}	% german style
% Use IEEEtran for numeric references


