thesisclass.cls 6.73 KB
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%% LaTeX2e class for diploma theses
%% Based on wissdoc.cls by Roland Bless, 1996-2001
%% Adapted by: Timo Rohrberg, 2009
%% Additions by: Thorsten Haberecht, IPD - Chair Prof. Bhm, 2010

\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}										% We do need LaTeX2e
\LoadClass[a4paper,11pt,titlepage]{scrbook}	% Class based on scrbook

\RequirePackage{ngerman}										% New german orthography

%% -------------------------------
%% |          Packages           |
%% -------------------------------

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\usepackage{ae}               % Almost european, virtual T1-Font
\usepackage{vmargin}          % Adjust margins in a simple way
\usepackage{fancyhdr}         % Define simple headings
\usepackage[ngerman, english]{babel}
% see
% for more sophisticated algorithm listings

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						citebordercolor={0 0.61 0.50}]{hyperref}  %{0.57 0.74 0.57}
\usepackage[fixlanguage]{babelbib}	% sets german style for literature entries
%\selectbiblanguage{ngerman}			% for \bibliographystyle{babalpha}
%% --- End of Packages ---

%% -------------------------------
%% |        Declarations         |
%% -------------------------------
%% --- End of Declarations ---

%% -------------------------------
%% |         New commands        |
%% -------------------------------
\newcommand{\changefont}[3]{\fontfamily{#1} \fontseries{#2} \fontshape{#3} \selectfont}
%% --- End of New Commands ---

%% -------------------------------
%% |      Globale Settings       |
%% -------------------------------
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{3} % Numbering also for \subsubsections
\setcounter{tocdepth}{3}    % Register \subsubsections in content directory


\parindent 0cm                     % Do not indent beginning of paragraph
\parskip1.5ex plus0.5ex minus0.5ex % Margin between paragraphs
%% --- End of global Settings ---

%% -------------------------------
%% |          Headings           |
%% -------------------------------
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%% --- End of Headings ---

%% -------------------------------
%% |      Style of captions      |
%% -------------------------------

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%% --- End of captions style ---

%% ---------------------------------
%% |   Style of chapter captions   |
%% ---------------------------------
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%% --- End of chapter captions style ---

%% ---------------------------------
%% |  Style of content directory   |
%% ---------------------------------
\renewcommand{\@dottedtocline}[5]{\@olddottedtocline{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{\chapterheadfont #5}}
%% --- End of content directory style ---

%% ----------------------------------
%% |  Style of appendix numbering   |
%% ----------------------------------
%% --- End of appenix numbering style ---

%% **** END OF CLASS ****