Commit d24f3690 by Kai Westerkamp

Merge branch 'patchRender' of…

Merge branch 'patchRender' of ssh:// into patchRender
parents 1de39cde 39d315af
......@@ -78,10 +78,10 @@ void Subdivision::subdivide(Mesh *mesh, int level) {
findRegular(tables.index_buffer, result.vertex_buffer, regular, irregular);
qCDebug(log_subdiv) << "Indices" << tables.index_buffer.length();
qCDebug(log_subdiv) << "regular" << regular.length();
qCDebug(log_subdiv) << "irregular" << irregular.length();
qCDebug(log_subdiv) << "subdivide: regular" << regular.length();
qCDebug(log_subdiv) << "subdivide: irregular" << irregular.length();
QVector<unsigned int> patches = getPatchIndexBuffer(regular);
QVector<unsigned int> patches = getPatchIndexBuffer(regular, irregular,result.vertex_buffer);//todo is this the correct vb?
qCDebug(log_subdiv) << "patches" << patches.length();
current_mesh->update(result.vb_handle, result.vertex_buffer, irregular, patches);
......@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ Subdivision::Tables Subdivision::precomputeTables(Input input) {
Tables tables;
QVector<unsigned int> ib = input.index_buffer;
qCDebug(log_subdiv_trace) << "Index Buffer: " << ib;
qCDebug(log_subdiv_trace) << "Index Buffer: " << ib;
QVector<Vertex> vb = input.vertex_buffer;
qCDebug(log_subdiv_trace) << "Vertex Buffer: " << vb;
......@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ Subdivision::Tables Subdivision::precomputeTables(Input input) {
precomputeEdgeTable(tables, triangles, (unsigned int) vb.length());
precomputeVertexTable(tables, vb, ib);
tables.index_regular = getPatchIndexBuffer(ib);
//tables.patch_index_regular = getPatchIndexBuffer(ib, QVector<unsigned int>());//TODO pass regular and irregular index buffer?
qCDebug(log_subdiv) << "Precompute Tables Done";
return tables;
......@@ -358,13 +358,13 @@ void Subdivision::splitRegular(Mesh *mesh) {
findRegular(current_mesh->buffers[0]->indices_irregular, current_mesh->buffers[0]->vertices, regular, irregular);
findRegular(current_mesh->buffers[0]->indices_regular, current_mesh->buffers[0]->vertices, regular, irregular);
QVector<unsigned int> patches = getPatchIndexBuffer(regular);
QVector<unsigned int> patches = getPatchIndexBuffer(regular, irregular,current_mesh->buffers[0]->vertices);//TODO is this the corret vertex buffer?
current_mesh->buffers[0]->indices_regular = patches;
current_mesh->buffers[0]->indices_irregular = irregular;
qCDebug(log_subdiv) << "regular: " << regular.length();
qCDebug(log_subdiv) << "irregular: " << irregular.length();
qCDebug(log_subdiv) << "splitRegular(mesh): regular: " << regular.length();
qCDebug(log_subdiv) << "splitRegular(mesh): irregular: " << irregular.length();
......@@ -380,34 +380,44 @@ void Subdivision::splitRegular(Mesh *mesh) {
* with 367 being the original triangle.
* Assumes that each vertex \exists only once in the vertex buffer, i.e. with regular patches, each index in the index buffer \exists 6 times.
* @param ib original index buffer
* (each index exists a total of 6 times in the regular and irregular index buffer combined)
* @param ib_regular index buffer with regular triangles. Will only generate patches for these regular triangles.
* @param ib_irregular index buffer with irregular triangles.
* patches for regular triangles might include vertices from irregular triangles that are not part of the regular index buffer.
* @param vb vertex buffer. We need this because the same location may appear multiple times in the vertex buffer (due to different normals / ...)
* and simply comparing indices isn't enough.
* @return patch index buffer with 4 times as many indices. ! if something goes wrong, the current buffer is returned and might be incomplete or empty.
QVector<unsigned int> Subdivision::getPatchIndexBuffer(QVector<unsigned int> ib){
QVector<unsigned int> Subdivision::getPatchIndexBuffer(QVector<unsigned int> ib_regular, QVector<unsigned int> ib_irregular, QVector<Vertex> vb){
QVector<unsigned int> pib;
for (int i = 0; i < ib.length() - 2; i+=3){
QVector<unsigned int> ib_combined = ib_regular + ib_irregular;
for (int i = 0; i < ib_regular.length() - 2; i+=3){
unsigned int i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9, i10, i11;
//alles gegen den uzs
i3 = ib[i];
i6 = ib[i+1];
i7 = ib[i+2];
i3 = ib_regular[i];
i6 = ib_regular[i+1];
i7 = ib_regular[i+2];
Vertex v3 = vb[i3];
Vertex v6 = vb[i6];
Vertex v7 = vb[i7];
int count3 = 0; //counts other triangles with this vertex
int count6 = 0;
int count7 = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < ib.length(); j++){
for (int j = 0; j < ib_combined.length(); j++){
if (j != i && j != i+1 && j != i+2){
//for debugging // checking if patch is regular.
if (ib[j] == i3) count3++;
if (ib[j] == i6) count6++;
if (ib[j] == i7) count7++;
if (vb[ib_combined[j]] == v3) count3++;
if (vb[ib_combined[j]] == v6) count6++;
if (vb[ib_combined[j]] == v7) count7++;
if (count3 != 5 || count6 != 5 || count7 != 5){
qCWarning(log_subdiv) << "Counts wrong! 3: "<< count3 <<", 6: " << count6 << ", 7: " << count7;
qCWarning(log_subdiv) << "Counts wrong! 3: "<< count3 <<", 6: " << count6 << ", 7: " << count7 << ".\nEither this patch is not regular, or you didn't pass all neighboring triangles.";
......@@ -416,17 +426,17 @@ QVector<unsigned int> Subdivision::getPatchIndexBuffer(QVector<unsigned int> ib)
bool found36 = false;
bool found67 = false;
bool found73 = false;
for (int j = 0; j < ib.length() - 2; j+=3){
unsigned int j0 = ib[j];
unsigned int j1 = ib[j+1];
unsigned int j2 = ib[j+2];
for (int j = 0; j < ib_combined.length() - 2; j+=3){
unsigned int j0 = ib_combined[j];
unsigned int j1 = ib_combined[j+1];
unsigned int j2 = ib_combined[j+2];
//Dreieck angrenzend an Kante i3 i6
found36 |= matchAndCompleteTriangle(j0,j1,j2,i6,i3,i2);
found36 |= matchAndCompleteTriangle(j0,j1,j2,i6,i3,i2,vb);
//Dreieck angrenzend an Kante i6 i7
found67 |= matchAndCompleteTriangle(j0,j1,j2,i7,i6,i10);
found67 |= matchAndCompleteTriangle(j0,j1,j2,i7,i6,i10,vb);
//Dreieck angrenzend an Kante i7 i3
found73 |= matchAndCompleteTriangle(j0,j1,j2,i3,i7,i4);
found73 |= matchAndCompleteTriangle(j0,j1,j2,i3,i7,i4,vb);
if (!(found36 && found67 && found73)){
......@@ -444,28 +454,43 @@ QVector<unsigned int> Subdivision::getPatchIndexBuffer(QVector<unsigned int> ib)
bool found9 = false;
bool found8 = false;
bool found11 = false;
for (int j = 0; j < ib.length() - 2; j+=3){
unsigned int j0 = ib[j];
unsigned int j1 = ib[j+1];
unsigned int j2 = ib[j+2];
for (int j = 0; j < ib_combined.length() - 2; j+=3){
unsigned int j0 = ib_combined[j];
unsigned int j1 = ib_combined[j+1];
unsigned int j2 = ib_combined[j+2];
//find i0. //TODO assert triangle 031 \exists somewhere
found0 |= matchAndCompleteTriangle(j0,j1,j2,i2,i3,i0);
found1 |= matchAndCompleteTriangle(j0,j1,j2,i3,i4,i1);
found0 |= matchAndCompleteTriangle(j0,j1,j2,i2,i3,i0,vb);
found1 |= matchAndCompleteTriangle(j0,j1,j2,i3,i4,i1,vb);
//TODO maybe assert that triangle i0 i3 i1 actually \exists.
found5 |= matchAndCompleteTriangle(j0,j1,j2,i6,i2,i5);
found9 |= matchAndCompleteTriangle(j0,j1,j2,i10,i6,i9);
found5 |= matchAndCompleteTriangle(j0,j1,j2,i6,i2,i5,vb);
found9 |= matchAndCompleteTriangle(j0,j1,j2,i10,i6,i9,vb);
//todo assert that triangle i5 i9 i6
found8 |= matchAndCompleteTriangle(j0,j1,j2,i4,i7,i8);
found11 |= matchAndCompleteTriangle(j0,j1,j2,i7,i10,i11);
found8 |= matchAndCompleteTriangle(j0,j1,j2,i4,i7,i8,vb);
found11 |= matchAndCompleteTriangle(j0,j1,j2,i7,i10,i11,vb);
if (!(found0 && found1 && found5 && found9 && found8 && found11)){
qCWarning(log_subdiv) << "Couldnt find some neighbour at i= " << i;
qCWarning(log_subdiv) << found0 << found1 << found5 << found9 << found8 << found11;
qCWarning(log_subdiv) << "i3: " << i3 << ", i6: " << i6 << " i7: " << i7 << " i2 " << i2;
for (int k = 0; k < ib_combined.length() - 2; k+= 3){
if (ib_combined[k] == i3 || ib_combined[k+1] == i3 || ib_combined[k+2] == i3){
qCWarning(log_subdiv) << "i3 adjacent: " << ib_combined[k] << ", " << ib_combined[k+1] << ", " << ib_combined[k+2];
qCWarning(log_subdiv) << "Couldnt find some neighbour at i= " << i;
qCWarning(log_subdiv) << "found: 0 1 5 9 8 11 \n" << found0 << found1 << found5 << found9 << found8 << found11;
qCWarning(log_subdiv) << "Count3: " << count3 << " count6: " << count6 << " count7: " << count7;
qCWarning(log_subdiv) << "Abort computing patch index buffer.";
return pib;
......@@ -543,7 +568,7 @@ void Subdivision::findRegular(QVector<unsigned int> index_buffer, QVector<Vertex
bool Subdivision::matchAndCompleteTriangle(unsigned int sx, unsigned int sy, unsigned int sz, unsigned int tx, unsigned int ty, unsigned int &tz){
bool Subdivision::matchAndCompleteTriangleIndices(unsigned int sx, unsigned int sy, unsigned int sz, unsigned int tx, unsigned int ty, unsigned int &tz){
if (sx == tx && sy == ty){
tz = sz;
return true;
......@@ -559,6 +584,25 @@ bool Subdivision::matchAndCompleteTriangle(unsigned int sx, unsigned int sy, uns
return false;
bool Subdivision::matchAndCompleteTriangle(unsigned int sx, unsigned int sy, unsigned int sz,unsigned int tx, unsigned int ty, unsigned int &tz, QVector<Vertex> vb){
if (vb[sx] == vb[tx] && vb[sy] == vb[ty]){
tz = sz;
return true;
if (vb[sy] == vb[tx] && vb[sz] == vb[ty]){
tz = sx;
return true;
if (vb[sz] == vb[tx] && vb[sx] == vb[ty]){
tz = sy;
return true;
return false;
Subdivision::Result Subdivision::runShader(Input input, Tables &tables) {
qCDebug(log_subdiv) << "Running compute shader";
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ private:
QVector<GLuint> vertex_indices;
QVector<GLuint> vertex_offsets;
QVector<GLuint> index_buffer;
QVector<GLuint> index_regular;
QVector<GLuint> patch_index_regular;
struct Result
......@@ -60,21 +60,41 @@ private:
void runVertexShader(GLuint size, GLuint vb_handle, GLuint vertex_indices_handle, GLuint vertex_offsets_handle, GLuint output_handle);
void runEdgeShader(GLuint size, GLuint vb_handle, GLuint edge_indices_handle, GLuint output_handle, GLuint offset);
//Geht davon aus, dass jeder 3D-Punkt nur einmal im Vertex-Buffer vorkommt!
QVector<unsigned int> getPatchIndexBuffer(QVector<unsigned int> ib);
QVector<unsigned int> getTriangles(QVector<unsigned int> ib);
QVector<unsigned int> getPatchIndexBuffer(QVector<unsigned int> ib_regular, QVector<unsigned int> ib_irregular, QVector<Vertex> vb);
* @brief matchAndCompleteTriangleIndices if Indices tx ty matches sxsy, sysz or szsy, fill tz with third source vertex index.
* @param sx source triangle: first vertex index
* @param sy source triangle: second vertex index
* @param sz source triangle: third vertex index
* @param tx target triangle: first known vertex index
* @param ty target triangle: second known vertex index
* @param tz target triangle: unknown vertex index.
* @return true if triangles could be matched and tz was filled.
* Only use this method if you are absolutely sure that each vertex position appears ONLY ONCE in the vertex buffer!!
* No duplicate vertices with different normals or crap like that!
bool matchAndCompleteTriangleIndices(unsigned int sx, unsigned int sy, unsigned int sz, unsigned int tx, unsigned int ty, unsigned int& tz);
//same as matchandcomplete. doesn't rely on only one index per vertex location
//needs indices to fill tz
* @brief matchAndCompleteTriangle if tx ty matches sxsy, sysz or szsy, fill tz with third source vertex index.
* @param sx source triangle: first vertex
* @param sy source triangle: second vertex
* @param sz source triangle: third vertex
* @param tx target triangle: first known vertex
* @param ty target triangle: second known vertex
* @param tz target triangle: unknown vertex.
* @brief matchAndCompleteTriangle if vertices at indices tx ty matches vertices at indices sxsy, sysz or szsy,
* fill tz with third source vertex index.
* @param sx source triangle: first vertex index
* @param sy source triangle: second vertex index
* @param sz source triangle: third vertex index
* @param tx target triangle: first known vertex index
* @param ty target triangle: second known vertex index
* @param tz target triangle: unknown vertex index.
* @param vb Vertex Buffer. This method compares the actual positions of the vertices
* @return true if triangles could be matched and tz was filled.
bool matchAndCompleteTriangle(unsigned int sx, unsigned int sy, unsigned int sz, unsigned int tx, unsigned int ty, unsigned int& tz);
bool matchAndCompleteTriangle(unsigned int sx, unsigned int sy, unsigned int sz, unsigned int tx, unsigned int ty, unsigned int &tz, QVector<Vertex> vb);
......@@ -21,6 +21,12 @@ struct Vertex
Vertex(const QVector3D& pos, const QVector3D& normal, const QVector2D& tex);
bool samePos(const Vertex& other) const;
bool operator==(const Vertex& other) const
return samePos(other);
#pragma pack(pop)
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