/*M/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // IMPORTANT: READ BEFORE DOWNLOADING, COPYING, INSTALLING OR USING. // // By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license. // If you do not agree to this license, do not download, install, // copy or use the software. // // // Intel License Agreement // For Open Source Computer Vision Library // // Copyright (C) 2000, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved. // Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, // are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistribution's of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // // * Redistribution's in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // * The name of Intel Corporation may not be used to endorse or promote products // derived from this software without specific prior written permission. // // This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and // any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied // warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. // In no event shall the Intel Corporation or contributors be liable for any direct, // indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages // (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; // loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused // and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, // or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of // the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. // //M*/ #include "precomp.hpp" /* calculates length of a curve (e.g. contour perimeter) */ CV_IMPL double cvArcLength( const void *array, CvSlice slice, int is_closed ) { double perimeter = 0; int i, j = 0, count; const int N = 16; float buf[N]; CvMat buffer = cvMat( 1, N, CV_32F, buf ); CvSeqReader reader; CvContour contour_header; CvSeq* contour = 0; CvSeqBlock block; if( CV_IS_SEQ( array )) { contour = (CvSeq*)array; if( !CV_IS_SEQ_POLYLINE( contour )) CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "Unsupported sequence type" ); if( is_closed < 0 ) is_closed = CV_IS_SEQ_CLOSED( contour ); } else { is_closed = is_closed > 0; contour = cvPointSeqFromMat( CV_SEQ_KIND_CURVE | (is_closed ? CV_SEQ_FLAG_CLOSED : 0), array, &contour_header, &block ); } if( contour->total > 1 ) { int is_float = CV_SEQ_ELTYPE( contour ) == CV_32FC2; cvStartReadSeq( contour, &reader, 0 ); cvSetSeqReaderPos( &reader, slice.start_index ); count = cvSliceLength( slice, contour ); count -= !is_closed && count == contour->total; /* scroll the reader by 1 point */ reader.prev_elem = reader.ptr; CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( sizeof(CvPoint), reader ); for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { float dx, dy; if( !is_float ) { CvPoint* pt = (CvPoint*)reader.ptr; CvPoint* prev_pt = (CvPoint*)reader.prev_elem; dx = (float)pt->x - (float)prev_pt->x; dy = (float)pt->y - (float)prev_pt->y; } else { CvPoint2D32f* pt = (CvPoint2D32f*)reader.ptr; CvPoint2D32f* prev_pt = (CvPoint2D32f*)reader.prev_elem; dx = pt->x - prev_pt->x; dy = pt->y - prev_pt->y; } reader.prev_elem = reader.ptr; CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( contour->elem_size, reader ); // Bugfix by Axel at rubico.com 2010-03-22, affects closed slices only // wraparound not handled by CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM if( is_closed && i == count - 2 ) cvSetSeqReaderPos( &reader, slice.start_index ); buffer.data.fl[j] = dx * dx + dy * dy; if( ++j == N || i == count - 1 ) { buffer.cols = j; cvPow( &buffer, &buffer, 0.5 ); for( ; j > 0; j-- ) perimeter += buffer.data.fl[j-1]; } } } return perimeter; } static CvStatus icvFindCircle( CvPoint2D32f pt0, CvPoint2D32f pt1, CvPoint2D32f pt2, CvPoint2D32f * center, float *radius ) { double x1 = (pt0.x + pt1.x) * 0.5; double dy1 = pt0.x - pt1.x; double x2 = (pt1.x + pt2.x) * 0.5; double dy2 = pt1.x - pt2.x; double y1 = (pt0.y + pt1.y) * 0.5; double dx1 = pt1.y - pt0.y; double y2 = (pt1.y + pt2.y) * 0.5; double dx2 = pt2.y - pt1.y; double t = 0; CvStatus result = CV_OK; if( icvIntersectLines( x1, dx1, y1, dy1, x2, dx2, y2, dy2, &t ) >= 0 ) { center->x = (float) (x2 + dx2 * t); center->y = (float) (y2 + dy2 * t); *radius = (float) icvDistanceL2_32f( *center, pt0 ); } else { center->x = center->y = 0.f; radius = 0; result = CV_NOTDEFINED_ERR; } return result; } CV_INLINE double icvIsPtInCircle( CvPoint2D32f pt, CvPoint2D32f center, float radius ) { double dx = pt.x - center.x; double dy = pt.y - center.y; return (double)radius*radius - dx*dx - dy*dy; } static int icvFindEnslosingCicle4pts_32f( CvPoint2D32f * pts, CvPoint2D32f * _center, float *_radius ) { int shuffles[4][4] = { {0, 1, 2, 3}, {0, 1, 3, 2}, {2, 3, 0, 1}, {2, 3, 1, 0} }; int idxs[4] = { 0, 1, 2, 3 }; int i, j, k = 1, mi = 0; float max_dist = 0; CvPoint2D32f center; CvPoint2D32f min_center; float radius, min_radius = FLT_MAX; CvPoint2D32f res_pts[4]; center = min_center = pts[0]; radius = 1.f; for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) for( j = i + 1; j < 4; j++ ) { float dist = icvDistanceL2_32f( pts[i], pts[j] ); if( max_dist < dist ) { max_dist = dist; idxs[0] = i; idxs[1] = j; } } if( max_dist == 0 ) goto function_exit; k = 2; for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { for( j = 0; j < k; j++ ) if( i == idxs[j] ) break; if( j == k ) idxs[k++] = i; } center = cvPoint2D32f( (pts[idxs[0]].x + pts[idxs[1]].x)*0.5f, (pts[idxs[0]].y + pts[idxs[1]].y)*0.5f ); radius = (float)(icvDistanceL2_32f( pts[idxs[0]], center )*1.03); if( radius < 1.f ) radius = 1.f; if( icvIsPtInCircle( pts[idxs[2]], center, radius ) >= 0 && icvIsPtInCircle( pts[idxs[3]], center, radius ) >= 0 ) { k = 2; //rand()%2+2; } else { mi = -1; for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { if( icvFindCircle( pts[shuffles[i][0]], pts[shuffles[i][1]], pts[shuffles[i][2]], ¢er, &radius ) >= 0 ) { radius *= 1.03f; if( radius < 2.f ) radius = 2.f; if( icvIsPtInCircle( pts[shuffles[i][3]], center, radius ) >= 0 && min_radius > radius ) { min_radius = radius; min_center = center; mi = i; } } } assert( mi >= 0 ); if( mi < 0 ) mi = 0; k = 3; center = min_center; radius = min_radius; for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) idxs[i] = shuffles[mi][i]; } function_exit: *_center = center; *_radius = radius; /* reorder output points */ for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) res_pts[i] = pts[idxs[i]]; for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { pts[i] = res_pts[i]; assert( icvIsPtInCircle( pts[i], center, radius ) >= 0 ); } return k; } CV_IMPL int cvMinEnclosingCircle( const void* array, CvPoint2D32f * _center, float *_radius ) { const int max_iters = 100; const float eps = FLT_EPSILON*2; CvPoint2D32f center = { 0, 0 }; float radius = 0; int result = 0; if( _center ) _center->x = _center->y = 0.f; if( _radius ) *_radius = 0; CvSeqReader reader; int k, count; CvPoint2D32f pts[8]; CvContour contour_header; CvSeqBlock block; CvSeq* sequence = 0; int is_float; if( !_center || !_radius ) CV_Error( CV_StsNullPtr, "Null center or radius pointers" ); if( CV_IS_SEQ(array) ) { sequence = (CvSeq*)array; if( !CV_IS_SEQ_POINT_SET( sequence )) CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "The passed sequence is not a valid contour" ); } else { sequence = cvPointSeqFromMat( CV_SEQ_KIND_GENERIC, array, &contour_header, &block ); } if( sequence->total <= 0 ) CV_Error( CV_StsBadSize, "" ); cvStartReadSeq( sequence, &reader, 0 ); count = sequence->total; is_float = CV_SEQ_ELTYPE(sequence) == CV_32FC2; if( !is_float ) { CvPoint *pt_left, *pt_right, *pt_top, *pt_bottom; CvPoint pt; pt_left = pt_right = pt_top = pt_bottom = (CvPoint *)(reader.ptr); CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( pt, reader ); for(int i = 1; i < count; i++ ) { CvPoint* pt_ptr = (CvPoint*)reader.ptr; CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( pt, reader ); if( pt.x < pt_left->x ) pt_left = pt_ptr; if( pt.x > pt_right->x ) pt_right = pt_ptr; if( pt.y < pt_top->y ) pt_top = pt_ptr; if( pt.y > pt_bottom->y ) pt_bottom = pt_ptr; } pts[0] = cvPointTo32f( *pt_left ); pts[1] = cvPointTo32f( *pt_right ); pts[2] = cvPointTo32f( *pt_top ); pts[3] = cvPointTo32f( *pt_bottom ); } else { CvPoint2D32f *pt_left, *pt_right, *pt_top, *pt_bottom; CvPoint2D32f pt; pt_left = pt_right = pt_top = pt_bottom = (CvPoint2D32f *) (reader.ptr); CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( pt, reader ); for(int i = 1; i < count; i++ ) { CvPoint2D32f* pt_ptr = (CvPoint2D32f*)reader.ptr; CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( pt, reader ); if( pt.x < pt_left->x ) pt_left = pt_ptr; if( pt.x > pt_right->x ) pt_right = pt_ptr; if( pt.y < pt_top->y ) pt_top = pt_ptr; if( pt.y > pt_bottom->y ) pt_bottom = pt_ptr; } pts[0] = *pt_left; pts[1] = *pt_right; pts[2] = *pt_top; pts[3] = *pt_bottom; } for( k = 0; k < max_iters; k++ ) { double min_delta = 0, delta; CvPoint2D32f ptfl, farAway = { 0, 0}; /*only for first iteration because the alg is repared at the loop's foot*/ if(k==0) icvFindEnslosingCicle4pts_32f( pts, ¢er, &radius ); cvStartReadSeq( sequence, &reader, 0 ); for(int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { if( !is_float ) { ptfl.x = (float)((CvPoint*)reader.ptr)->x; ptfl.y = (float)((CvPoint*)reader.ptr)->y; } else { ptfl = *(CvPoint2D32f*)reader.ptr; } CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( sequence->elem_size, reader ); delta = icvIsPtInCircle( ptfl, center, radius ); if( delta < min_delta ) { min_delta = delta; farAway = ptfl; } } result = min_delta >= 0; if( result ) break; CvPoint2D32f ptsCopy[4]; /* find good replacement partner for the point which is at most far away, starting with the one that lays in the actual circle (i=3) */ for(int i = 3; i >=0; i-- ) { for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) { ptsCopy[j]=(i != j)? pts[j]: farAway; } icvFindEnslosingCicle4pts_32f(ptsCopy, ¢er, &radius ); if( icvIsPtInCircle( pts[i], center, radius )>=0){ // replaced one again in the new circle? pts[i] = farAway; break; } } } if( !result ) { cvStartReadSeq( sequence, &reader, 0 ); radius = 0.f; for(int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { CvPoint2D32f ptfl; float t, dx, dy; if( !is_float ) { ptfl.x = (float)((CvPoint*)reader.ptr)->x; ptfl.y = (float)((CvPoint*)reader.ptr)->y; } else { ptfl = *(CvPoint2D32f*)reader.ptr; } CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( sequence->elem_size, reader ); dx = center.x - ptfl.x; dy = center.y - ptfl.y; t = dx*dx + dy*dy; radius = MAX(radius,t); } radius = (float)(sqrt(radius)*(1 + eps)); result = 1; } *_center = center; *_radius = radius; return result; } /* area of a whole sequence */ static CvStatus icvContourArea( const CvSeq* contour, double *area ) { if( contour->total ) { CvSeqReader reader; int lpt = contour->total; double a00 = 0, xi_1, yi_1; int is_float = CV_SEQ_ELTYPE(contour) == CV_32FC2; cvStartReadSeq( contour, &reader, 0 ); if( !is_float ) { xi_1 = ((CvPoint*)(reader.ptr))->x; yi_1 = ((CvPoint*)(reader.ptr))->y; } else { xi_1 = ((CvPoint2D32f*)(reader.ptr))->x; yi_1 = ((CvPoint2D32f*)(reader.ptr))->y; } CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( contour->elem_size, reader ); while( lpt-- > 0 ) { double dxy, xi, yi; if( !is_float ) { xi = ((CvPoint*)(reader.ptr))->x; yi = ((CvPoint*)(reader.ptr))->y; } else { xi = ((CvPoint2D32f*)(reader.ptr))->x; yi = ((CvPoint2D32f*)(reader.ptr))->y; } CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( contour->elem_size, reader ); dxy = xi_1 * yi - xi * yi_1; a00 += dxy; xi_1 = xi; yi_1 = yi; } *area = a00 * 0.5; } else *area = 0; return CV_OK; } /****************************************************************************************\ copy data from one buffer to other buffer \****************************************************************************************/ static CvStatus icvMemCopy( double **buf1, double **buf2, double **buf3, int *b_max ) { int bb; if( (*buf1 == NULL && *buf2 == NULL) || *buf3 == NULL ) return CV_NULLPTR_ERR; bb = *b_max; if( *buf2 == NULL ) { *b_max = 2 * (*b_max); *buf2 = (double *)cvAlloc( (*b_max) * sizeof( double )); if( *buf2 == NULL ) return CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR; memcpy( *buf2, *buf3, bb * sizeof( double )); *buf3 = *buf2; cvFree( buf1 ); *buf1 = NULL; } else { *b_max = 2 * (*b_max); *buf1 = (double *) cvAlloc( (*b_max) * sizeof( double )); if( *buf1 == NULL ) return CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR; memcpy( *buf1, *buf3, bb * sizeof( double )); *buf3 = *buf1; cvFree( buf2 ); *buf2 = NULL; } return CV_OK; } /* area of a contour sector */ static CvStatus icvContourSecArea( CvSeq * contour, CvSlice slice, double *area ) { CvPoint pt; /* pointer to points */ CvPoint pt_s, pt_e; /* first and last points */ CvSeqReader reader; /* points reader of contour */ int p_max = 2, p_ind; int lpt, flag, i; double a00; /* unnormalized moments m00 */ double xi, yi, xi_1, yi_1, x0, y0, dxy, sk, sk1, t; double x_s, y_s, nx, ny, dx, dy, du, dv; double eps = 1.e-5; double *p_are1, *p_are2, *p_are; assert( contour != NULL ); if( contour == NULL ) return CV_NULLPTR_ERR; if( !CV_IS_SEQ_POINT_SET( contour )) return CV_BADFLAG_ERR; lpt = cvSliceLength( slice, contour ); /*if( n2 >= n1 ) lpt = n2 - n1 + 1; else lpt = contour->total - n1 + n2 + 1;*/ if( contour->total && lpt > 2 ) { a00 = x0 = y0 = xi_1 = yi_1 = 0; sk1 = 0; flag = 0; dxy = 0; p_are1 = (double *) cvAlloc( p_max * sizeof( double )); if( p_are1 == NULL ) return CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR; p_are = p_are1; p_are2 = NULL; cvStartReadSeq( contour, &reader, 0 ); cvSetSeqReaderPos( &reader, slice.start_index ); CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( pt_s, reader ); p_ind = 0; cvSetSeqReaderPos( &reader, slice.end_index ); CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( pt_e, reader ); /* normal coefficients */ nx = pt_s.y - pt_e.y; ny = pt_e.x - pt_s.x; cvSetSeqReaderPos( &reader, slice.start_index ); while( lpt-- > 0 ) { CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( pt, reader ); if( flag == 0 ) { xi_1 = (double) pt.x; yi_1 = (double) pt.y; x0 = xi_1; y0 = yi_1; sk1 = 0; flag = 1; } else { xi = (double) pt.x; yi = (double) pt.y; /**************** edges intersection examination **************************/ sk = nx * (xi - pt_s.x) + ny * (yi - pt_s.y); if( (fabs( sk ) < eps && lpt > 0) || sk * sk1 < -eps ) { if( fabs( sk ) < eps ) { dxy = xi_1 * yi - xi * yi_1; a00 = a00 + dxy; dxy = xi * y0 - x0 * yi; a00 = a00 + dxy; if( p_ind >= p_max ) icvMemCopy( &p_are1, &p_are2, &p_are, &p_max ); p_are[p_ind] = a00 / 2.; p_ind++; a00 = 0; sk1 = 0; x0 = xi; y0 = yi; dxy = 0; } else { /* define intersection point */ dv = yi - yi_1; du = xi - xi_1; dx = ny; dy = -nx; if( fabs( du ) > eps ) t = ((yi_1 - pt_s.y) * du + dv * (pt_s.x - xi_1)) / (du * dy - dx * dv); else t = (xi_1 - pt_s.x) / dx; if( t > eps && t < 1 - eps ) { x_s = pt_s.x + t * dx; y_s = pt_s.y + t * dy; dxy = xi_1 * y_s - x_s * yi_1; a00 += dxy; dxy = x_s * y0 - x0 * y_s; a00 += dxy; if( p_ind >= p_max ) icvMemCopy( &p_are1, &p_are2, &p_are, &p_max ); p_are[p_ind] = a00 / 2.; p_ind++; a00 = 0; sk1 = 0; x0 = x_s; y0 = y_s; dxy = x_s * yi - xi * y_s; } } } else dxy = xi_1 * yi - xi * yi_1; a00 += dxy; xi_1 = xi; yi_1 = yi; sk1 = sk; } } xi = x0; yi = y0; dxy = xi_1 * yi - xi * yi_1; a00 += dxy; if( p_ind >= p_max ) icvMemCopy( &p_are1, &p_are2, &p_are, &p_max ); p_are[p_ind] = a00 / 2.; p_ind++; /* common area calculation */ *area = 0; for( i = 0; i < p_ind; i++ ) (*area) += fabs( p_are[i] ); if( p_are1 != NULL ) cvFree( &p_are1 ); else if( p_are2 != NULL ) cvFree( &p_are2 ); return CV_OK; } else return CV_BADSIZE_ERR; } /* external contour area function */ CV_IMPL double cvContourArea( const void *array, CvSlice slice, int oriented ) { double area = 0; CvContour contour_header; CvSeq* contour = 0; CvSeqBlock block; if( CV_IS_SEQ( array )) { contour = (CvSeq*)array; if( !CV_IS_SEQ_POLYLINE( contour )) CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "Unsupported sequence type" ); } else { contour = cvPointSeqFromMat( CV_SEQ_KIND_CURVE, array, &contour_header, &block ); } if( cvSliceLength( slice, contour ) == contour->total ) { IPPI_CALL( icvContourArea( contour, &area )); } else { if( CV_SEQ_ELTYPE( contour ) != CV_32SC2 ) CV_Error( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "Only curves with integer coordinates are supported in case of contour slice" ); IPPI_CALL( icvContourSecArea( contour, slice, &area )); } return oriented ? area : fabs(area); } CV_IMPL CvBox2D cvFitEllipse2( const CvArr* array ) { CvBox2D box; cv::AutoBuffer<double> Ad, bd; memset( &box, 0, sizeof(box)); CvContour contour_header; CvSeq* ptseq = 0; CvSeqBlock block; int n; if( CV_IS_SEQ( array )) { ptseq = (CvSeq*)array; if( !CV_IS_SEQ_POINT_SET( ptseq )) CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "Unsupported sequence type" ); } else { ptseq = cvPointSeqFromMat(CV_SEQ_KIND_GENERIC, array, &contour_header, &block); } n = ptseq->total; if( n < 5 ) CV_Error( CV_StsBadSize, "Number of points should be >= 5" ); /* * New fitellipse algorithm, contributed by Dr. Daniel Weiss */ CvPoint2D32f c = {0,0}; double gfp[5], rp[5], t; CvMat A, b, x; const double min_eps = 1e-8; int i, is_float; CvSeqReader reader; Ad.allocate(n*5); bd.allocate(n); // first fit for parameters A - E A = cvMat( n, 5, CV_64F, Ad ); b = cvMat( n, 1, CV_64F, bd ); x = cvMat( 5, 1, CV_64F, gfp ); cvStartReadSeq( ptseq, &reader ); is_float = CV_SEQ_ELTYPE(ptseq) == CV_32FC2; for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { CvPoint2D32f p; if( is_float ) p = *(CvPoint2D32f*)(reader.ptr); else { p.x = (float)((int*)reader.ptr)[0]; p.y = (float)((int*)reader.ptr)[1]; } CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( sizeof(p), reader ); c.x += p.x; c.y += p.y; } c.x /= n; c.y /= n; for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { CvPoint2D32f p; if( is_float ) p = *(CvPoint2D32f*)(reader.ptr); else { p.x = (float)((int*)reader.ptr)[0]; p.y = (float)((int*)reader.ptr)[1]; } CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( sizeof(p), reader ); p.x -= c.x; p.y -= c.y; bd[i] = 10000.0; // 1.0? Ad[i*5] = -(double)p.x * p.x; // A - C signs inverted as proposed by APP Ad[i*5 + 1] = -(double)p.y * p.y; Ad[i*5 + 2] = -(double)p.x * p.y; Ad[i*5 + 3] = p.x; Ad[i*5 + 4] = p.y; } cvSolve( &A, &b, &x, CV_SVD ); // now use general-form parameters A - E to find the ellipse center: // differentiate general form wrt x/y to get two equations for cx and cy A = cvMat( 2, 2, CV_64F, Ad ); b = cvMat( 2, 1, CV_64F, bd ); x = cvMat( 2, 1, CV_64F, rp ); Ad[0] = 2 * gfp[0]; Ad[1] = Ad[2] = gfp[2]; Ad[3] = 2 * gfp[1]; bd[0] = gfp[3]; bd[1] = gfp[4]; cvSolve( &A, &b, &x, CV_SVD ); // re-fit for parameters A - C with those center coordinates A = cvMat( n, 3, CV_64F, Ad ); b = cvMat( n, 1, CV_64F, bd ); x = cvMat( 3, 1, CV_64F, gfp ); for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { CvPoint2D32f p; if( is_float ) p = *(CvPoint2D32f*)(reader.ptr); else { p.x = (float)((int*)reader.ptr)[0]; p.y = (float)((int*)reader.ptr)[1]; } CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( sizeof(p), reader ); p.x -= c.x; p.y -= c.y; bd[i] = 1.0; Ad[i * 3] = (p.x - rp[0]) * (p.x - rp[0]); Ad[i * 3 + 1] = (p.y - rp[1]) * (p.y - rp[1]); Ad[i * 3 + 2] = (p.x - rp[0]) * (p.y - rp[1]); } cvSolve(&A, &b, &x, CV_SVD); // store angle and radii rp[4] = -0.5 * atan2(gfp[2], gfp[1] - gfp[0]); // convert from APP angle usage t = sin(-2.0 * rp[4]); if( fabs(t) > fabs(gfp[2])*min_eps ) t = gfp[2]/t; else t = gfp[1] - gfp[0]; rp[2] = fabs(gfp[0] + gfp[1] - t); if( rp[2] > min_eps ) rp[2] = sqrt(2.0 / rp[2]); rp[3] = fabs(gfp[0] + gfp[1] + t); if( rp[3] > min_eps ) rp[3] = sqrt(2.0 / rp[3]); box.center.x = (float)rp[0] + c.x; box.center.y = (float)rp[1] + c.y; box.size.width = (float)(rp[2]*2); box.size.height = (float)(rp[3]*2); if( box.size.width > box.size.height ) { float tmp; CV_SWAP( box.size.width, box.size.height, tmp ); box.angle = (float)(90 + rp[4]*180/CV_PI); } if( box.angle < -180 ) box.angle += 360; if( box.angle > 360 ) box.angle -= 360; return box; } /* Calculates bounding rectagnle of a point set or retrieves already calculated */ CV_IMPL CvRect cvBoundingRect( CvArr* array, int update ) { CvSeqReader reader; CvRect rect = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; CvContour contour_header; CvSeq* ptseq = 0; CvSeqBlock block; CvMat stub, *mat = 0; int xmin = 0, ymin = 0, xmax = -1, ymax = -1, i, j, k; int calculate = update; if( CV_IS_SEQ( array )) { ptseq = (CvSeq*)array; if( !CV_IS_SEQ_POINT_SET( ptseq )) CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "Unsupported sequence type" ); if( ptseq->header_size < (int)sizeof(CvContour)) { update = 0; calculate = 1; } } else { mat = cvGetMat( array, &stub ); if( CV_MAT_TYPE(mat->type) == CV_32SC2 || CV_MAT_TYPE(mat->type) == CV_32FC2 ) { ptseq = cvPointSeqFromMat(CV_SEQ_KIND_GENERIC, mat, &contour_header, &block); mat = 0; } else if( CV_MAT_TYPE(mat->type) != CV_8UC1 && CV_MAT_TYPE(mat->type) != CV_8SC1 ) CV_Error( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "The image/matrix format is not supported by the function" ); update = 0; calculate = 1; } if( !calculate ) return ((CvContour*)ptseq)->rect; if( mat ) { CvSize size = cvGetMatSize(mat); xmin = size.width; ymin = -1; for( i = 0; i < size.height; i++ ) { uchar* _ptr = mat->data.ptr + i*mat->step; uchar* ptr = (uchar*)cvAlignPtr(_ptr, 4); int have_nz = 0, k_min, offset = (int)(ptr - _ptr); j = 0; offset = MIN(offset, size.width); for( ; j < offset; j++ ) if( _ptr[j] ) { have_nz = 1; break; } if( j < offset ) { if( j < xmin ) xmin = j; if( j > xmax ) xmax = j; } if( offset < size.width ) { xmin -= offset; xmax -= offset; size.width -= offset; j = 0; for( ; j <= xmin - 4; j += 4 ) if( *((int*)(ptr+j)) ) break; for( ; j < xmin; j++ ) if( ptr[j] ) { xmin = j; if( j > xmax ) xmax = j; have_nz = 1; break; } k_min = MAX(j-1, xmax); k = size.width - 1; for( ; k > k_min && (k&3) != 3; k-- ) if( ptr[k] ) break; if( k > k_min && (k&3) == 3 ) { for( ; k > k_min+3; k -= 4 ) if( *((int*)(ptr+k-3)) ) break; } for( ; k > k_min; k-- ) if( ptr[k] ) { xmax = k; have_nz = 1; break; } if( !have_nz ) { j &= ~3; for( ; j <= k - 3; j += 4 ) if( *((int*)(ptr+j)) ) break; for( ; j <= k; j++ ) if( ptr[j] ) { have_nz = 1; break; } } xmin += offset; xmax += offset; size.width += offset; } if( have_nz ) { if( ymin < 0 ) ymin = i; ymax = i; } } if( xmin >= size.width ) xmin = ymin = 0; } else if( ptseq->total ) { int is_float = CV_SEQ_ELTYPE(ptseq) == CV_32FC2; cvStartReadSeq( ptseq, &reader, 0 ); CvPoint pt; CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( pt, reader ); #if CV_SSE4_2 if(cv::checkHardwareSupport(CV_CPU_SSE4_2)) { if( !is_float ) { __m128i minval, maxval; minval = maxval = _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i*)(&pt)); //min[0]=pt.x, min[1]=pt.y for( i = 1; i < ptseq->total; i++) { __m128i ptXY = _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i*)(reader.ptr)); CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM(sizeof(pt), reader); minval = _mm_min_epi32(ptXY, minval); maxval = _mm_max_epi32(ptXY, maxval); } xmin = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(minval); ymin = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_srli_si128(minval, 4)); xmax = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(maxval); ymax = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_srli_si128(maxval, 4)); } else { __m128 minvalf, maxvalf, z = _mm_setzero_ps(), ptXY = _mm_setzero_ps(); minvalf = maxvalf = _mm_loadl_pi(z, (const __m64*)(&pt)); for( i = 1; i < ptseq->total; i++ ) { ptXY = _mm_loadl_pi(ptXY, (const __m64*)reader.ptr); CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM(sizeof(pt), reader); minvalf = _mm_min_ps(minvalf, ptXY); maxvalf = _mm_max_ps(maxvalf, ptXY); } float xyminf[2], xymaxf[2]; _mm_storel_pi((__m64*)xyminf, minvalf); _mm_storel_pi((__m64*)xymaxf, maxvalf); xmin = cvFloor(xyminf[0]); ymin = cvFloor(xyminf[1]); xmax = cvFloor(xymaxf[0]); ymax = cvFloor(xymaxf[1]); } } else #endif { if( !is_float ) { xmin = xmax = pt.x; ymin = ymax = pt.y; for( i = 1; i < ptseq->total; i++ ) { CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( pt, reader ); if( xmin > pt.x ) xmin = pt.x; if( xmax < pt.x ) xmax = pt.x; if( ymin > pt.y ) ymin = pt.y; if( ymax < pt.y ) ymax = pt.y; } } else { Cv32suf v; // init values xmin = xmax = CV_TOGGLE_FLT(pt.x); ymin = ymax = CV_TOGGLE_FLT(pt.y); for( i = 1; i < ptseq->total; i++ ) { CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( pt, reader ); pt.x = CV_TOGGLE_FLT(pt.x); pt.y = CV_TOGGLE_FLT(pt.y); if( xmin > pt.x ) xmin = pt.x; if( xmax < pt.x ) xmax = pt.x; if( ymin > pt.y ) ymin = pt.y; if( ymax < pt.y ) ymax = pt.y; } v.i = CV_TOGGLE_FLT(xmin); xmin = cvFloor(v.f); v.i = CV_TOGGLE_FLT(ymin); ymin = cvFloor(v.f); // because right and bottom sides of the bounding rectangle are not inclusive // (note +1 in width and height calculation below), cvFloor is used here instead of cvCeil v.i = CV_TOGGLE_FLT(xmax); xmax = cvFloor(v.f); v.i = CV_TOGGLE_FLT(ymax); ymax = cvFloor(v.f); } } rect.x = xmin; rect.y = ymin; rect.width = xmax - xmin + 1; rect.height = ymax - ymin + 1; } if( update ) ((CvContour*)ptseq)->rect = rect; return rect; } /* End of file. */