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//                        Intel License Agreement
//                For Open Source Computer Vision Library
// Copyright (C) 2000, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
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// This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and
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#include "precomp.hpp"

#define CONV( A, B, C)  ( (float)( A +  (B<<1)  + C ) )

typedef struct
    float xx;
    float xy;
    float yy;
    float xt;
    float yt;
    float alpha;                /* alpha = 1 / ( 1/lambda + xx + yy ) */

//    Name: icvCalcOpticalFlowHS_8u32fR (Horn & Schunck method )
//    Purpose: calculate Optical flow for 2 images using Horn & Schunck algorithm
//    Context:
//    Parameters:
//            imgA          -  pointer to first frame ROI
//            imgB          -  pointer to second frame ROI
//            imgStep       -  width of single row of source images in bytes
//            imgSize       -  size of the source image ROI
//            usePrevious   - use previous (input) velocity field.
//            velocityX     - pointer to horizontal and
//            velocityY     - vertical components of optical flow ROI
//            velStep       - width of single row of velocity frames in bytes
//            lambda        - Lagrangian multiplier
//            criteria      - criteria of termination processmaximum number of iterations
//    Returns: CV_OK         - all ok
//             CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR  - insufficient memory for function work
//             CV_NULLPTR_ERR - if one of input pointers is NULL
//             CV_BADSIZE_ERR   - wrong input sizes interrelation
//    Notes:  1.Optical flow to be computed for every pixel in ROI
//            2.For calculating spatial derivatives we use 3x3 Sobel operator.
//            3.We use the following border mode.
//              The last row or column is replicated for the border
//              ( IPL_BORDER_REPLICATE in IPL ).
static CvStatus CV_STDCALL
icvCalcOpticalFlowHS_8u32fR( uchar*  imgA,
                             uchar*  imgB,
                             int     imgStep,
                             CvSize imgSize,
                             int     usePrevious,
                             float*  velocityX,
                             float*  velocityY,
                             int     velStep,
                             float   lambda,
                             CvTermCriteria criteria )
    /* Loops indexes */
    int i, j, k, address;

    /* Buffers for Sobel calculations */
    float *MemX[2];
    float *MemY[2];

    float ConvX, ConvY;
    float GradX, GradY, GradT;

    int imageWidth = imgSize.width;
    int imageHeight = imgSize.height;

    int ConvLine;
    int LastLine;

    int BufferSize;

    float Ilambda = 1 / lambda;
    int iter = 0;
    int Stop;

    /* buffers derivatives product */
    icvDerProductEx *II;

    float *VelBufX[2];
    float *VelBufY[2];

    /* variables for storing number of first pixel of image line */
    int Line1;
    int Line2;
    int Line3;

    int pixNumber;

    /* auxiliary */
    int NoMem = 0;

    /* Checking bad arguments */
    if( imgA == NULL )
        return CV_NULLPTR_ERR;
    if( imgB == NULL )
        return CV_NULLPTR_ERR;

    if( imgSize.width <= 0 )
        return CV_BADSIZE_ERR;
    if( imgSize.height <= 0 )
        return CV_BADSIZE_ERR;
    if( imgSize.width > imgStep )
        return CV_BADSIZE_ERR;

    if( (velStep & 3) != 0 )
        return CV_BADSIZE_ERR;

    velStep /= 4;

    /* Allocating memory for all buffers                                                    */
    for( k = 0; k < 2; k++ )
        MemX[k] = (float *) cvAlloc( (imgSize.height) * sizeof( float ));

        if( MemX[k] == NULL )
            NoMem = 1;
        MemY[k] = (float *) cvAlloc( (imgSize.width) * sizeof( float ));

        if( MemY[k] == NULL )
            NoMem = 1;

        VelBufX[k] = (float *) cvAlloc( imageWidth * sizeof( float ));

        if( VelBufX[k] == NULL )
            NoMem = 1;
        VelBufY[k] = (float *) cvAlloc( imageWidth * sizeof( float ));

        if( VelBufY[k] == NULL )
            NoMem = 1;

    BufferSize = imageHeight * imageWidth;

    II = (icvDerProductEx *) cvAlloc( BufferSize * sizeof( icvDerProductEx ));
    if( II == NULL )
        NoMem = 1;

    if( NoMem )
        for( k = 0; k < 2; k++ )
            if( MemX[k] )
                cvFree( &MemX[k] );

            if( MemY[k] )
                cvFree( &MemY[k] );

            if( VelBufX[k] )
                cvFree( &VelBufX[k] );

            if( VelBufY[k] )
                cvFree( &VelBufY[k] );
        if( II )
            cvFree( &II );
        return CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR;
*         Calculate first line of memX and memY                                          *
    MemY[0][0] = MemY[1][0] = CONV( imgA[0], imgA[0], imgA[1] );
    MemX[0][0] = MemX[1][0] = CONV( imgA[0], imgA[0], imgA[imgStep] );

    for( j = 1; j < imageWidth - 1; j++ )
        MemY[0][j] = MemY[1][j] = CONV( imgA[j - 1], imgA[j], imgA[j + 1] );

    pixNumber = imgStep;
    for( i = 1; i < imageHeight - 1; i++ )
        MemX[0][i] = MemX[1][i] = CONV( imgA[pixNumber - imgStep],
                                        imgA[pixNumber], imgA[pixNumber + imgStep] );
        pixNumber += imgStep;

    MemY[0][imageWidth - 1] =
        MemY[1][imageWidth - 1] = CONV( imgA[imageWidth - 2],
                                        imgA[imageWidth - 1], imgA[imageWidth - 1] );

    MemX[0][imageHeight - 1] =
        MemX[1][imageHeight - 1] = CONV( imgA[pixNumber - imgStep],
                                         imgA[pixNumber], imgA[pixNumber] );

*     begin scan image, calc derivatives                                                 *

    ConvLine = 0;
    Line2 = -imgStep;
    address = 0;
    LastLine = imgStep * (imageHeight - 1);
    while( ConvLine < imageHeight )
        /*Here we calculate derivatives for line of image */
        int memYline = (ConvLine + 1) & 1;

        Line2 += imgStep;
        Line1 = Line2 - ((Line2 == 0) ? 0 : imgStep);
        Line3 = Line2 + ((Line2 == LastLine) ? 0 : imgStep);

        /* Process first pixel */
        ConvX = CONV( imgA[Line1 + 1], imgA[Line2 + 1], imgA[Line3 + 1] );
        ConvY = CONV( imgA[Line3], imgA[Line3], imgA[Line3 + 1] );

        GradY = (ConvY - MemY[memYline][0]) * 0.125f;
        GradX = (ConvX - MemX[1][ConvLine]) * 0.125f;

        MemY[memYline][0] = ConvY;
        MemX[1][ConvLine] = ConvX;

        GradT = (float) (imgB[Line2] - imgA[Line2]);

        II[address].xx = GradX * GradX;
        II[address].xy = GradX * GradY;
        II[address].yy = GradY * GradY;
        II[address].xt = GradX * GradT;
        II[address].yt = GradY * GradT;

        II[address].alpha = 1 / (Ilambda + II[address].xx + II[address].yy);

        /* Process middle of line */
        for( j = 1; j < imageWidth - 1; j++ )
            ConvX = CONV( imgA[Line1 + j + 1], imgA[Line2 + j + 1], imgA[Line3 + j + 1] );
            ConvY = CONV( imgA[Line3 + j - 1], imgA[Line3 + j], imgA[Line3 + j + 1] );

            GradY = (ConvY - MemY[memYline][j]) * 0.125f;
            GradX = (ConvX - MemX[(j - 1) & 1][ConvLine]) * 0.125f;

            MemY[memYline][j] = ConvY;
            MemX[(j - 1) & 1][ConvLine] = ConvX;

            GradT = (float) (imgB[Line2 + j] - imgA[Line2 + j]);

            II[address].xx = GradX * GradX;
            II[address].xy = GradX * GradY;
            II[address].yy = GradY * GradY;
            II[address].xt = GradX * GradT;
            II[address].yt = GradY * GradT;

            II[address].alpha = 1 / (Ilambda + II[address].xx + II[address].yy);
        /* Process last pixel of line */
        ConvX = CONV( imgA[Line1 + imageWidth - 1], imgA[Line2 + imageWidth - 1],
                      imgA[Line3 + imageWidth - 1] );

        ConvY = CONV( imgA[Line3 + imageWidth - 2], imgA[Line3 + imageWidth - 1],
                      imgA[Line3 + imageWidth - 1] );

        GradY = (ConvY - MemY[memYline][imageWidth - 1]) * 0.125f;
        GradX = (ConvX - MemX[(imageWidth - 2) & 1][ConvLine]) * 0.125f;

        MemY[memYline][imageWidth - 1] = ConvY;

        GradT = (float) (imgB[Line2 + imageWidth - 1] - imgA[Line2 + imageWidth - 1]);

        II[address].xx = GradX * GradX;
        II[address].xy = GradX * GradY;
        II[address].yy = GradY * GradY;
        II[address].xt = GradX * GradT;
        II[address].yt = GradY * GradT;

        II[address].alpha = 1 / (Ilambda + II[address].xx + II[address].yy);

*      Prepare initial approximation                                                     *
    if( !usePrevious )
        float *vx = velocityX;
        float *vy = velocityY;

        for( i = 0; i < imageHeight; i++ )
            memset( vx, 0, imageWidth * sizeof( float ));
            memset( vy, 0, imageWidth * sizeof( float ));

            vx += velStep;
            vy += velStep;
*      Perform iterations                                                                *
    iter = 0;
    Stop = 0;
    LastLine = velStep * (imageHeight - 1);
    while( !Stop )
        float Eps = 0;
        address = 0;

*     begin scan velocity and update it                                                  *
        Line2 = -velStep;
        for( i = 0; i < imageHeight; i++ )
            /* Here average velocity */

            float averageX;
            float averageY;
            float tmp;

            Line2 += velStep;
            Line1 = Line2 - ((Line2 == 0) ? 0 : velStep);
            Line3 = Line2 + ((Line2 == LastLine) ? 0 : velStep);
            /* Process first pixel */
            averageX = (velocityX[Line2] +
                        velocityX[Line2 + 1] + velocityX[Line1] + velocityX[Line3]) / 4;

            averageY = (velocityY[Line2] +
                        velocityY[Line2 + 1] + velocityY[Line1] + velocityY[Line3]) / 4;

            VelBufX[i & 1][0] = averageX -
                (II[address].xx * averageX +
                 II[address].xy * averageY + II[address].xt) * II[address].alpha;

            VelBufY[i & 1][0] = averageY -
                (II[address].xy * averageX +
                 II[address].yy * averageY + II[address].yt) * II[address].alpha;

            /* update Epsilon */
            if( criteria.type & CV_TERMCRIT_EPS )
                tmp = (float)fabs(velocityX[Line2] - VelBufX[i & 1][0]);
                Eps = MAX( tmp, Eps );
                tmp = (float)fabs(velocityY[Line2] - VelBufY[i & 1][0]);
                Eps = MAX( tmp, Eps );
            /* Process middle of line */
            for( j = 1; j < imageWidth - 1; j++ )
                averageX = (velocityX[Line2 + j - 1] +
                            velocityX[Line2 + j + 1] +
                            velocityX[Line1 + j] + velocityX[Line3 + j]) / 4;
                averageY = (velocityY[Line2 + j - 1] +
                            velocityY[Line2 + j + 1] +
                            velocityY[Line1 + j] + velocityY[Line3 + j]) / 4;

                VelBufX[i & 1][j] = averageX -
                    (II[address].xx * averageX +
                     II[address].xy * averageY + II[address].xt) * II[address].alpha;

                VelBufY[i & 1][j] = averageY -
                    (II[address].xy * averageX +
                     II[address].yy * averageY + II[address].yt) * II[address].alpha;
                /* update Epsilon */
                if( criteria.type & CV_TERMCRIT_EPS )
                    tmp = (float)fabs(velocityX[Line2 + j] - VelBufX[i & 1][j]);
                    Eps = MAX( tmp, Eps );
                    tmp = (float)fabs(velocityY[Line2 + j] - VelBufY[i & 1][j]);
                    Eps = MAX( tmp, Eps );
            /* Process last pixel of line */
            averageX = (velocityX[Line2 + imageWidth - 2] +
                        velocityX[Line2 + imageWidth - 1] +
                        velocityX[Line1 + imageWidth - 1] +
                        velocityX[Line3 + imageWidth - 1]) / 4;

            averageY = (velocityY[Line2 + imageWidth - 2] +
                        velocityY[Line2 + imageWidth - 1] +
                        velocityY[Line1 + imageWidth - 1] +
                        velocityY[Line3 + imageWidth - 1]) / 4;

            VelBufX[i & 1][imageWidth - 1] = averageX -
                (II[address].xx * averageX +
                 II[address].xy * averageY + II[address].xt) * II[address].alpha;

            VelBufY[i & 1][imageWidth - 1] = averageY -
                (II[address].xy * averageX +
                 II[address].yy * averageY + II[address].yt) * II[address].alpha;

            /* update Epsilon */
            if( criteria.type & CV_TERMCRIT_EPS )
                tmp = (float)fabs(velocityX[Line2 + imageWidth - 1] -
                                  VelBufX[i & 1][imageWidth - 1]);
                Eps = MAX( tmp, Eps );
                tmp = (float)fabs(velocityY[Line2 + imageWidth - 1] -
                                  VelBufY[i & 1][imageWidth - 1]);
                Eps = MAX( tmp, Eps );

            /* store new velocity from old buffer to velocity frame */
            if( i > 0 )
                memcpy( &velocityX[Line1], VelBufX[(i - 1) & 1], imageWidth * sizeof( float ));
                memcpy( &velocityY[Line1], VelBufY[(i - 1) & 1], imageWidth * sizeof( float ));
        }                       /*for */
        /* store new velocity from old buffer to velocity frame */
        memcpy( &velocityX[imageWidth * (imageHeight - 1)],
                VelBufX[(imageHeight - 1) & 1], imageWidth * sizeof( float ));

        memcpy( &velocityY[imageWidth * (imageHeight - 1)],
                VelBufY[(imageHeight - 1) & 1], imageWidth * sizeof( float ));

        if( (criteria.type & CV_TERMCRIT_ITER) && (iter == criteria.max_iter) )
            Stop = 1;
        if( (criteria.type & CV_TERMCRIT_EPS) && (Eps < criteria.epsilon) )
            Stop = 1;
    /* Free memory */
    for( k = 0; k < 2; k++ )
        cvFree( &MemX[k] );
        cvFree( &MemY[k] );
        cvFree( &VelBufX[k] );
        cvFree( &VelBufY[k] );
    cvFree( &II );

    return CV_OK;
} /*icvCalcOpticalFlowHS_8u32fR*/

//    Name:    cvCalcOpticalFlowHS
//    Purpose: Optical flow implementation
//    Context:
//    Parameters:
//             srcA, srcB - source image
//             velx, vely - destination image
//    Returns:
//    Notes:
CV_IMPL void
cvCalcOpticalFlowHS( const void* srcarrA, const void* srcarrB, int usePrevious,
                     void* velarrx, void* velarry,
                     double lambda, CvTermCriteria criteria )
    CvMat stubA, *srcA = cvGetMat( srcarrA, &stubA );
    CvMat stubB, *srcB = cvGetMat( srcarrB, &stubB );
    CvMat stubx, *velx = cvGetMat( velarrx, &stubx );
    CvMat stuby, *vely = cvGetMat( velarry, &stuby );

    if( !CV_ARE_TYPES_EQ( srcA, srcB ))
        CV_Error( CV_StsUnmatchedFormats, "Source images have different formats" );

    if( !CV_ARE_TYPES_EQ( velx, vely ))
        CV_Error( CV_StsUnmatchedFormats, "Destination images have different formats" );

    if( !CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ( srcA, srcB ) ||
        !CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ( velx, vely ) ||
        !CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ( srcA, velx ))
        CV_Error( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "" );

    if( CV_MAT_TYPE( srcA->type ) != CV_8UC1 ||
        CV_MAT_TYPE( velx->type ) != CV_32FC1 )
        CV_Error( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "Source images must have 8uC1 type and "
                                           "destination images must have 32fC1 type" );

    if( srcA->step != srcB->step || velx->step != vely->step )
        CV_Error( CV_BadStep, "source and destination images have different step" );

    IPPI_CALL( icvCalcOpticalFlowHS_8u32fR( (uchar*)srcA->data.ptr, (uchar*)srcB->data.ptr,
                                            srcA->step, cvGetMatSize( srcA ), usePrevious,
                                            velx->data.fl, vely->data.fl,
                                            velx->step, (float)lambda, criteria ));

/* End of file. */