Commit b04e2fdb by Kai Westerkamp


parent 29c3c5b9
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("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\oberdiek\if
Package: ifvtex 2016/05/16 v1.6 Detect VTeX and its facilities (HO)
Package ifvtex Info: VTeX not detected.
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\ifxetex\ifx
Package: ifxetex 2010/09/12 v0.6 Provides ifxetex conditional
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\geometry\geom
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\base\size11.c
File: size11.clo 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX file (size option)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\pgf\basiclaye
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\graphics\grap
Package: graphicx 2014/10/28 v1.0g Enhanced LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\graphics\grap
Package: graphics 2017/04/14 v1.1b Standard LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\graphics\trig
Package: trig 2016/01/03 v1.10 sin cos tan (DPC)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\graphics-cfg\
File: graphics.cfg 2016/06/04 v1.11 sample graphics configuration
Package graphics Info: Driver file: pdftex.def on input line 99.
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\graphics-def\
File: pdftex.def 2017/01/12 v0.06k Graphics/color for pdfTeX
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\oberdiek\in
Package: infwarerr 2016/05/16 v1.4 Providing info/warning/error messages (HO)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\oberdiek\lt
Package: ltxcmds 2016/05/16 v1.23 LaTeX kernel commands for general use (HO)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\pgf\systemlay
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\pgf\utilities
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\utiliti
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\utiliti
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\utiliti
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\ms\everyshi.s
Package: everyshi 2001/05/15 v3.00 EveryShipout Package (MS)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\utiliti
Package: pgfrcs 2015/08/07 v3.0.1a (rcs-revision 1.31)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\systeml
Package: pgfsys 2014/07/09 v3.0.1a (rcs-revision 1.48)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\utiliti
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\utiliti
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\systeml
File: pgf.cfg 2008/05/14 (rcs-revision 1.7)
Driver file for pgf: pgfsys-pdftex.def
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\systeml
File: pgfsys-pdftex.def 2014/10/11 (rcs-revision 1.35)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\systeml
File: pgfsys-common-pdf.def 2013/10/10 (rcs-revision 1.13)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\systeml
File: pgfsyssoftpath.code.tex 2013/09/09 (rcs-revision 1.9)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\systeml
File: pgfsysprotocol.code.tex 2006/10/16 (rcs-revision 1.4)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\xcolor\xcolor
Package: xcolor 2016/05/11 v2.12 LaTeX color extensions (UK)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\graphics-cfg\
File: color.cfg 2016/01/02 v1.6 sample color configuration
Package xcolor Info: Driver file: pdftex.def on input line 225.
Package xcolor Info: Model `cmy' substituted by `cmy0' on input line 1348.
Package xcolor Info: Model `hsb' substituted by `rgb' on input line 1352.
Package xcolor Info: Model `RGB' extended on input line 1364.
Package xcolor Info: Model `HTML' substituted by `rgb' on input line 1366.
Package xcolor Info: Model `Hsb' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1367.
Package xcolor Info: Model `tHsb' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1368.
Package xcolor Info: Model `HSB' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1369.
Package xcolor Info: Model `Gray' substituted by `gray' on input line 1370.
Package xcolor Info: Model `wave' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1371.
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\basicla
Package: pgfcore 2010/04/11 v3.0.1a (rcs-revision 1.7)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\math\pg
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\math\pg
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("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\math\pg
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\math\pg
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\math\pg
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\math\pg
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\math\pg
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\math\pg
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\math\pg
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\math\pg
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\math\pg
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\basicla
File: pgfcorepoints.code.tex 2013/10/07 (rcs-revision 1.27)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\basicla
File: pgfcorepathconstruct.code.tex 2013/10/07 (rcs-revision 1.29)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\basicla
File: pgfcorepathusage.code.tex 2014/11/02 (rcs-revision 1.24)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\basicla
File: pgfcorescopes.code.tex 2015/05/08 (rcs-revision 1.46)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\basicla
File: pgfcoregraphicstate.code.tex 2014/11/02 (rcs-revision 1.12)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\basicla
File: pgfcoretransformations.code.tex 2015/08/07 (rcs-revision 1.20)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\basicla
File: pgfcorequick.code.tex 2008/10/09 (rcs-revision 1.3)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\basicla
File: pgfcoreobjects.code.tex 2006/10/11 (rcs-revision 1.2)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\basicla
File: pgfcorepathprocessing.code.tex 2013/09/09 (rcs-revision 1.9)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\basicla
File: pgfcorearrows.code.tex 2015/05/14 (rcs-revision 1.43)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\basicla
File: pgfcoreshade.code.tex 2013/07/15 (rcs-revision 1.15)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\basicla
File: pgfcoreimage.code.tex 2013/07/15 (rcs-revision 1.18)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\basicla
File: pgfcoreexternal.code.tex 2014/07/09 (rcs-revision 1.21)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\basicla
File: pgfcorelayers.code.tex 2013/07/18 (rcs-revision 1.7)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\basicla
File: pgfcoretransparency.code.tex 2013/09/30 (rcs-revision 1.5)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\pgf\basicla
File: pgfcorepatterns.code.tex 2013/11/07 (rcs-revision 1.5)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\pgf\utilities
Package: xxcolor 2003/10/24 ver 0.1
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\oberdiek\at
Package: atbegshi 2016/06/09 v1.18 At begin shipout hook (HO)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\hyperref\hype
Package: hyperref 2017/03/14 v6.85a Hypertext links for LaTeX
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\oberdiek\ho
Package: hobsub-hyperref 2016/05/16 v1.14 Bundle oberdiek, subset hyperref (HO)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\oberdiek\ho
Package: hobsub-generic 2016/05/16 v1.14 Bundle oberdiek, subset generic (HO)
Package: hobsub 2016/05/16 v1.14 Construct package bundles (HO)
Package hobsub Info: Skipping package `infwarerr' (already loaded).
Package hobsub Info: Skipping package `ltxcmds' (already loaded).
Package: ifluatex 2016/05/16 v1.4 Provides the ifluatex switch (HO)
Package ifluatex Info: LuaTeX not detected.
Package hobsub Info: Skipping package `ifvtex' (already loaded).
Package: intcalc 2016/05/16 v1.2 Expandable calculations with integers (HO)
Package hobsub Info: Skipping package `ifpdf' (already loaded).
Package: etexcmds 2016/05/16 v1.6 Avoid name clashes with e-TeX commands (HO)
Package etexcmds Info: Could not find \expanded.
(etexcmds) That can mean that you are not using pdfTeX 1.50 or
(etexcmds) that some package has redefined \expanded.
(etexcmds) In the latter case, load this package earlier.
Package: kvsetkeys 2016/05/16 v1.17 Key value parser (HO)
Package: kvdefinekeys 2016/05/16 v1.4 Define keys (HO)
Package: pdftexcmds 2017/03/19 v0.25 Utility functions of pdfTeX for LuaTeX (HO
Package pdftexcmds Info: LuaTeX not detected.
Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdf@primitive is available.
Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdf@ifprimitive is available.
Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdfdraftmode found.
Package: pdfescape 2016/05/16 v1.14 Implements pdfTeX's escape features (HO)
Package: bigintcalc 2016/05/16 v1.4 Expandable calculations on big integers (HO
Package: bitset 2016/05/16 v1.2 Handle bit-vector datatype (HO)
Package: uniquecounter 2016/05/16 v1.3 Provide unlimited unique counter (HO)
Package hobsub Info: Skipping package `hobsub' (already loaded).
Package: letltxmacro 2016/05/16 v1.5 Let assignment for LaTeX macros (HO)
Package: hopatch 2016/05/16 v1.3 Wrapper for package hooks (HO)
Package: xcolor-patch 2016/05/16 xcolor patch
Package: atveryend 2016/05/16 v1.9 Hooks at the very end of document (HO)
Package hobsub Info: Skipping package `atbegshi' (already loaded).
Package: refcount 2016/05/16 v3.5 Data extraction from label references (HO)
Package: hycolor 2016/05/16 v1.8 Color options for hyperref/bookmark (HO)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\oberdiek\auxh
Package: auxhook 2016/05/16 v1.4 Hooks for auxiliary files (HO)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\oberdiek\kvop
Package: kvoptions 2016/05/16 v3.12 Key value format for package options (HO)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\hyperref\pd1e
File: pd1enc.def 2017/03/14 v6.85a Hyperref: PDFDocEncoding definition (HO)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\00miktex\hype
File: hyperref.cfg 2002/06/06 v1.2 hyperref configuration of TeXLive
Package hyperref Info: Option `bookmarks' set `true' on input line 4374.
Package hyperref Info: Option `bookmarksopen' set `true' on input line 4374.
Package hyperref Info: Option `implicit' set `false' on input line 4374.
Package hyperref Info: Hyper figures OFF on input line 4498.
Package hyperref Info: Link nesting OFF on input line 4503.
Package hyperref Info: Hyper index ON on input line 4506.
Package hyperref Info: Plain pages OFF on input line 4513.
Package hyperref Info: Backreferencing OFF on input line 4518.
Package hyperref Info: Implicit mode OFF; no redefinition of LaTeX internals.
Package hyperref Info: Bookmarks ON on input line 4751.
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\url\url.sty"
Package: url 2013/09/16 ver 3.4 Verb mode for urls, etc.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \url on input line 5104.
Package hyperref Info: Hyper figures OFF on input line 6358.
Package hyperref Info: Link nesting OFF on input line 6363.
Package hyperref Info: Hyper index ON on input line 6366.
Package hyperref Info: backreferencing OFF on input line 6373.
Package hyperref Info: Link coloring OFF on input line 6378.
Package hyperref Info: Link coloring with OCG OFF on input line 6383.
Package hyperref Info: PDF/A mode OFF on input line 6388.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \ref on input line 6428.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \pageref on input line 6432.
Package hyperref Message: Stopped early.
Package hyperref Message: Driver (autodetected): hpdftex.
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\hyperref\hpdf
File: hpdftex.def 2017/03/14 v6.85a Hyperref driver for pdfTeX
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\oberdiek\reru
Package: rerunfilecheck 2016/05/16 v1.8 Rerun checks for auxiliary files (HO)
Package uniquecounter Info: New unique counter `rerunfilecheck' on input line 2
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\beamer\beamer
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\beamer\beamer
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\beamer\beamer
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\amsfonts\amss
Package: amssymb 2013/01/14 v3.01 AMS font symbols
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\amsfonts\amsf
Package: amsfonts 2013/01/14 v3.01 Basic AMSFonts support
LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathfrak' in version `bold'
(Font) U/euf/m/n --> U/euf/b/n on input line 106.
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\sansmathaccen
Package: sansmathaccent 2013/03/28
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\filehook\file
Package: filehook 2011/10/12 v0.5d Hooks for input files
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\beamer\beamer
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\translator\tr
Package: translator 2018/01/04 v1.12 Easy translation of strings in LaTeX
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\beamer\beamer
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\beamer\beamer
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\beamer\beamer
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\beamer\beamer
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\beamer\beamer
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\beamer\beamer
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\beamer\beamer
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\beamer\beamer
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\beamer\beamer
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\beamer\beamer
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\beamer\beamer
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\beamer\beamer
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\beamer\beamer
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\beamer\beamer
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\beamer\beamer
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\beamer\beamer
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\tools\enumera
Package: enumerate 2015/07/23 v3.00 enumerate extensions (DPC)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\beamer\beamer
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\beamer\beamer
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\amsmath\amsma
Package: amsmath 2016/11/05 v2.16a AMS math features
For additional information on amsmath, use the `?' option.
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\amsmath\amste
Package: amstext 2000/06/29 v2.01 AMS text
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\amsmath\amsge
File: amsgen.sty 1999/11/30 v2.0 generic functions
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\amsmath\amsbs
Package: amsbsy 1999/11/29 v1.2d Bold Symbols
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\amsmath\amsop
Package: amsopn 2016/03/08 v2.02 operator names
LaTeX Info: Redefining \frac on input line 213.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \overline on input line 375.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \ldots on input line 472.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \dots on input line 475.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \cdots on input line 596.
LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring font encoding OML on input line 712.
LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring font encoding OMS on input line 713.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \[ on input line 2817.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \] on input line 2818.
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\amscls\amsthm
Package: amsthm 2015/03/04 v2.20.2
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\beamer\beamer
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\beamer\beamer
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\beamer\beamer
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\beamer\beamer
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\beamer\beamer
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\beamer\beamer
outerthemedefault.sty"))) (templates/beamerthemekit.sty
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\babel\babel
Package: babel 2017/05/19 3.10 The Babel package
* Local config file bblopts.cfg used
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\arabi\bblopts
File: bblopts.cfg 2005/09/08 v0.1 add Arabic and Farsi to "declared" options of
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\babel-english
Language: english 2017/01/24 v3.3q English support from the babel system
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\generic\babel\babel
File: babel.def 2017/05/19 3.10 Babel common definitions
LaTeX Info: Redefining \textlatin on input line 1648.
\l@british = a dialect from \language\l@english
\l@UKenglish = a dialect from \language\l@english
\l@american = a dialect from \language\l@english
\l@canadian = a dialect from \language\l@american
\l@australian = a dialect from \language\l@british
\l@newzealand = a dialect from \language\l@british
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\babel-german\
Language: ngerman 2016/11/02 v2.9 German support for babel (new orthography)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\babel-german\
Language: ngermanb 2016/11/02 v2.9 German support for babel (new orthography)
Package babel Warning: No hyphenation patterns were preloaded for
(babel) the language `German (new orthography)' into the format.
(babel) Please, configure your TeX system to add them and
(babel) rebuild the format. Now I will use the patterns
(babel) preloaded for \language=0 instead on input line 43.
\l@ngerman = a dialect from \language0
Package babel Info: Making " an active character on input line 125.
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\base\ifthen.s
Package: ifthen 2014/09/29 v1.1c Standard LaTeX ifthen package (DPC)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\textpos\textp
Package: textpos 2016/06/07 v1.8
Package: textpos 2016/06/07 1.8, absolute positioning of text on the page
Grid set 16 x 16 = 22.7622pt x 17.07166pt
TextBlockOrigin set to 0pt x 0pt
) (templates/semirounded.sty)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\overpic\overp
Package: overpic 2017/10/06 1.0 picture overlays
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\eepic\
Enhancements to Picture Environment. Version 1.2 - Released June 1, 1986
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\psnfss\helvet
Package: helvet 2005/04/12 PSNFSS-v9.2a (WaS)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\beamer\beamer
innerthemerounded.sty") (templates/beamercolorthemekit.sty
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\biblatex\bibl
Package: biblatex 2017/12/19 v3.10 programmable bibliographies (PK/JW/AB)
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\logreq\logreq
Package: logreq 2010/08/04 v1.0 xml request logger
("C:\Users\kaiwe\Desktop\Miktex Portable\texmfs\install\tex\latex\logreq\logreq
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%% LaTeX-Beamer template for KIT design
%% by Erik Burger, Christian Hammer
%% title picture by Klaus Krogmann
%% version 2.1
%% mostly compatible to KIT corporate design v2.0
%% Problems, bugs and comments to
% use 'beamerthemekit' for standard 4:3 ratio
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% (picture proportions: 63 : 20 for standard, 169 : 40 for wide
% *.eps format if you use latex+dvips+ps2pdf,
% *.jpg/*.png/*.pdf if you use pdflatex)
% for a custom logo on the front page, copy your file into the 'logos'
% directory, insert the filename in the line below and uncomment it
% (*.eps format if you use latex+dvips+ps2pdf,
% *.jpg/*.png/*.pdf if you use pdflatex)
% use these packages for PCM symbols and UML classes
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% the presentation starts here
\title[Short title]{Full title:\\ With all details}
\subtitle{Something for XYZ 2009}
\author{Firstname1 Lastname1, Firstname2 Lastname2}
\institute{Chair for Software Design and Quality}
% Bibliography
% change the following line to "ngerman" for German style date and logos
%title page
%table of contents
\section{Section 1}
\subsection{Subsection 1.1}
\begin{frame}{Example slide A}
\item PCM, Citation: \cite{becker2008a} %\language
\item Bullet point 2
\item \dots
\subsection{Subsection 1.2}
\begin{frame}{Example slide B}
\begin{block}{Block 1}
\item Bullet point 1
\item Bullet point 2
\item \dots
\section{Section 2}
\begin{frame}{Example slide C}
\begin{exampleblock}{Example 1}
\item Bullet point 1
\item Bullet point 2
\item \dots
\begin{frame}{Example slide D}
\begin{alertblock}{Alert 1}
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70.969 20.186 m 70.969 20.186 l f*
70.969 20.186 m 70.969 20.186 l f*
0 0.588235 0.509804 rg
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0 2.772 m 1.25 2.772 l 1.25 7.038 l 5.129 2.772 l 6.949 2.772 l 2.531
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8.789 6.327 8.555 6.198 8.344 6.034 c 8.133 5.87 7.969 5.671 7.844
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10.066 9.284 9.691 9.225 9.34 9.116 c 8.988 9.011 8.668 8.866 8.375
8.686 c 8.438 7.686 l 8.438 7.686 l f
14.941 2.772 m 16.113 2.772 l 16.113 5.667 l 16.117 6.202 16.191 6.663
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2.772 l f
19.871 2.772 1.176 9.359 re f
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6.971 23.945 7.096 c 23.848 7.225 23.797 7.382 23.793 7.565 c 23.797
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8.327 25.191 8.311 c 25.301 8.292 25.414 8.264 25.539 8.237 c 25.664
8.206 25.777 8.171 25.887 8.132 c 25.996 8.093 26.082 8.053 26.152
8.014 c 26.254 9.038 l 26.023 9.108 25.789 9.167 25.555 9.214 c 25.32
9.261 25.066 9.284 24.793 9.284 c 24.477 9.284 24.18 9.245 23.91 9.167
c 23.637 9.085 23.402 8.964 23.195 8.803 c 22.992 8.639 22.832 8.436
22.719 8.19 c 22.605 7.944 22.547 7.655 22.547 7.327 c 22.547 7.073
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23.258 6.05 23.434 5.928 23.633 5.823 c 23.828 5.718 24.023 5.62 24.219
5.526 c 24.414 5.432 24.594 5.339 24.758 5.241 c 24.922 5.143 25.051
5.034 25.152 4.909 c 25.25 4.788 25.301 4.643 25.305 4.479 c 25.301
4.311 25.266 4.167 25.191 4.05 c 25.121 3.932 25.023 3.839 24.906 3.768
c 24.789 3.698 24.66 3.647 24.52 3.616 c 24.379 3.585 24.242 3.569
24.105 3.569 c 23.988 3.569 23.848 3.585 23.68 3.62 c 23.512 3.651
23.336 3.702 23.156 3.768 c 22.973 3.835 22.805 3.921 22.645 4.018 c
22.582 2.971 l 22.582 2.971 l f
27.902 2.772 m 29.074 2.772 l 29.074 5.667 l 29.074 6.202 29.148 6.663
29.289 7.05 c 29.434 7.436 29.633 7.737 29.895 7.944 c 30.152 8.155
30.457 8.261 30.809 8.261 c 30.91 8.264 31.016 8.257 31.129 8.241 c
31.242 8.221 31.348 8.194 31.457 8.151 c 31.457 9.198 l 31.379 9.214
31.297 9.229 31.227 9.245 c 31.152 9.257 31.07 9.268 30.984 9.272 c
30.898 9.28 30.797 9.284 30.684 9.284 c 30.457 9.284 30.238 9.237
30.023 9.139 c 29.809 9.042 29.617 8.909 29.445 8.737 c 29.27 8.569
29.129 8.374 29.023 8.151 c 29 8.151 l 29 9.136 l 27.902 9.136 l 27.902
2.772 l f
38.313 9.136 m 37.137 9.136 l 37.137 6.19 l 37.137 5.803 37.102 5.448
37.023 5.128 c 36.945 4.807 36.832 4.534 36.672 4.3 c 36.516 4.065
36.313 3.889 36.07 3.761 c 35.824 3.636 35.535 3.573 35.203 3.569 c
34.863 3.589 34.598 3.686 34.398 3.858 c 34.203 4.026 34.063 4.276
33.977 4.604 c 33.895 4.932 33.852 5.346 33.855 5.843 c 33.855 9.136 l
32.684 9.136 l 32.684 5.354 l 32.684 4.784 32.766 4.292 32.934 3.886 c
33.102 3.479 33.363 3.167 33.715 2.948 c 34.066 2.733 34.52 2.624
35.066 2.62 c 35.363 2.624 35.652 2.671 35.922 2.761 c 36.195 2.854
36.438 2.987 36.652 3.159 c 36.863 3.331 37.031 3.542 37.152 3.78 c
37.176 3.78 l 37.176 2.772 l 38.313 2.772 l 38.313 9.136 l f
40.234 2.772 m 41.406 2.772 l 41.406 5.718 l 41.406 6.104 41.445 6.46
41.523 6.78 c 41.598 7.1 41.715 7.374 41.875 7.608 c 42.031 7.839
42.234 8.018 42.477 8.147 c 42.719 8.272 43.012 8.335 43.344 8.339 c
43.68 8.315 43.949 8.221 44.148 8.05 c 44.344 7.882 44.484 7.632 44.566
7.3 c 44.652 6.971 44.691 6.561 44.691 6.065 c 44.691 2.772 l 45.863
2.772 l 45.863 6.553 l 45.867 7.124 45.781 7.612 45.613 8.022 c 45.445
8.428 45.18 8.741 44.828 8.956 c 44.477 9.175 44.027 9.284 43.48 9.284
c 43.031 9.284 42.637 9.19 42.285 9.011 c 41.934 8.827 41.648 8.565
41.434 8.225 c 41.41 8.225 l 41.41 12.132 l 40.234 12.132 l 40.234
2.772 l f
48.609 6.565 m 48.633 6.772 48.68 6.979 48.754 7.19 c 48.828 7.397
48.93 7.585 49.07 7.761 c 49.203 7.932 49.375 8.073 49.582 8.178 c
49.789 8.28 50.035 8.335 50.32 8.339 c 50.574 8.335 50.797 8.288 50.996
8.198 c 51.191 8.104 51.355 7.979 51.492 7.815 c 51.629 7.655 51.73
7.464 51.801 7.253 c 51.871 7.038 51.906 6.811 51.906 6.565 c 48.609
6.565 l 48.609 6.565 l h
52.668 4.206 m 52.594 4.147 52.488 4.081 52.348 4.007 c 52.211 3.932
52.051 3.866 51.871 3.8 c 51.691 3.733 51.5 3.678 51.301 3.636 c 51.102
3.593 50.902 3.573 50.707 3.569 c 50.426 3.573 50.164 3.62 49.91 3.725
c 49.66 3.827 49.438 3.971 49.242 4.159 c 49.047 4.346 48.895 4.569
48.781 4.827 c 48.672 5.089 48.613 5.374 48.609 5.69 c 53.152 5.69 l
53.156 6.206 53.109 6.682 53.016 7.116 c 52.918 7.553 52.762 7.932
52.547 8.257 c 52.328 8.581 52.039 8.831 51.68 9.011 c 51.32 9.19
50.875 9.284 50.344 9.284 c 49.895 9.284 49.488 9.206 49.121 9.05 c
48.758 8.889 48.441 8.671 48.18 8.382 c 47.918 8.096 47.715 7.757
47.578 7.362 c 47.434 6.971 47.363 6.542 47.363 6.065 c 47.363 5.546
47.426 5.077 47.559 4.655 c 47.691 4.229 47.895 3.87 48.164 3.569 c
48.434 3.264 48.777 3.03 49.188 2.87 c 49.605 2.706 50.094 2.624 50.656
2.62 c 51.004 2.624 51.301 2.647 51.547 2.69 c 51.789 2.737 52 2.792
52.18 2.854 c 52.355 2.917 52.52 2.975 52.668 3.034 c 52.668 4.206 l f
54.652 2.772 m 55.828 2.772 l 55.828 5.667 l 55.828 6.202 55.902 6.663
56.043 7.05 c 56.188 7.436 56.387 7.737 56.645 7.944 c 56.902 8.155
57.211 8.261 57.563 8.261 c 57.664 8.264 57.77 8.257 57.883 8.241 c
57.992 8.221 58.102 8.194 58.211 8.151 c 58.211 9.198 l 58.129 9.214
58.051 9.229 57.977 9.245 c 57.902 9.257 57.82 9.268 57.734 9.272 c
57.652 9.28 57.551 9.284 57.438 9.284 c 57.211 9.284 56.988 9.237
56.773 9.139 c 56.563 9.042 56.367 8.909 56.195 8.737 c 56.023 8.569
55.883 8.374 55.777 8.151 c 55.75 8.151 l 55.75 9.136 l 54.652 9.136 l
54.652 2.772 l f
63.016 2.772 1.25 8.711 re f
66.301 2.772 m 67.473 2.772 l 67.473 5.718 l 67.473 6.104 67.512 6.46
67.59 6.78 c 67.664 7.1 67.781 7.374 67.941 7.608 c 68.098 7.839 68.297
8.018 68.543 8.147 c 68.785 8.272 69.074 8.335 69.406 8.339 c 69.746
8.315 70.016 8.221 70.215 8.05 c 70.41 7.882 70.551 7.632 70.633 7.3 c
70.719 6.971 70.758 6.561 70.758 6.065 c 70.758 2.772 l 71.93 2.772 l
71.93 6.553 l 71.93 7.124 71.844 7.612 71.676 8.022 c 71.508 8.428
71.246 8.741 70.895 8.956 c 70.543 9.175 70.094 9.284 69.543 9.284 c
69.246 9.284 68.961 9.237 68.688 9.147 c 68.414 9.053 68.172 8.921
67.961 8.749 c 67.746 8.573 67.578 8.37 67.461 8.124 c 67.438 8.124 l
67.438 9.136 l 66.301 9.136 l 66.301 2.772 l f
73.316 2.971 m 73.586 2.831 73.867 2.737 74.168 2.686 c 74.461 2.639
74.762 2.616 75.063 2.62 c 75.352 2.62 75.625 2.659 75.891 2.741 c
76.152 2.819 76.391 2.94 76.602 3.104 c 76.809 3.264 76.973 3.471
77.098 3.721 c 77.219 3.971 77.281 4.264 77.285 4.604 c 77.281 4.893
77.23 5.139 77.133 5.343 c 77.031 5.542 76.902 5.714 76.738 5.854 c
76.574 5.995 76.395 6.112 76.199 6.214 c 76.004 6.315 75.809 6.409
75.613 6.495 c 75.418 6.581 75.234 6.671 75.074 6.764 c 74.91 6.862
74.777 6.971 74.68 7.096 c 74.582 7.225 74.527 7.382 74.527 7.565 c
74.527 7.737 74.582 7.886 74.684 7.999 c 74.785 8.112 74.922 8.198
75.094 8.253 c 75.262 8.311 75.449 8.339 75.648 8.339 c 75.723 8.339
75.813 8.327 75.922 8.311 c 76.031 8.292 76.148 8.264 76.273 8.237 c
76.398 8.206 76.512 8.171 76.621 8.132 c 76.73 8.093 76.816 8.053
76.887 8.014 c 76.984 9.038 l 76.758 9.108 76.523 9.167 76.289 9.214 c
76.051 9.261 75.797 9.284 75.523 9.284 c 75.211 9.284 74.914 9.245
74.645 9.167 c 74.371 9.085 74.133 8.964 73.93 8.803 c 73.727 8.639
73.566 8.436 73.453 8.19 c 73.34 7.944 73.281 7.655 73.277 7.327 c
73.281 7.073 73.332 6.854 73.434 6.667 c 73.531 6.483 73.66 6.323
73.824 6.182 c 73.988 6.05 74.168 5.928 74.363 5.823 c 74.559 5.718
74.754 5.62 74.953 5.526 c 75.148 5.432 75.328 5.339 75.488 5.241 c
75.652 5.143 75.785 5.034 75.887 4.909 c 75.98 4.788 76.035 4.643
76.035 4.479 c 76.035 4.311 75.996 4.167 75.926 4.05 c 75.852 3.932
75.758 3.839 75.641 3.768 c 75.52 3.698 75.391 3.647 75.254 3.616 c
75.113 3.585 74.973 3.569 74.84 3.569 c 74.723 3.569 74.582 3.585 74.41
3.62 c 74.242 3.651 74.07 3.702 73.887 3.768 c 73.707 3.835 73.535
3.921 73.379 4.018 c 73.316 2.971 l 73.316 2.971 l f
82.016 9.136 m 80.332 9.136 l 80.332 10.983 l 79.156 10.608 l 79.156
9.136 l 77.723 9.136 l 77.723 8.186 l 79.156 8.186 l 79.156 4.468 l
79.16 4.046 79.238 3.698 79.398 3.425 c 79.555 3.151 79.781 2.948 80.07
2.815 c 80.363 2.686 80.711 2.62 81.117 2.62 c 81.309 2.624 81.488
2.643 81.66 2.682 c 81.832 2.718 81.984 2.757 82.117 2.796 c 82.117
3.796 l 82.027 3.737 81.918 3.682 81.789 3.639 c 81.656 3.596 81.496
3.573 81.316 3.569 c 81.137 3.569 80.973 3.612 80.824 3.702 c 80.676
3.788 80.555 3.917 80.469 4.085 c 80.379 4.253 80.332 4.46 80.332 4.706
c 80.332 8.186 l 82.016 8.186 l 82.016 9.136 l f
84.813 11.882 m 83.488 11.882 l 83.488 10.557 l 84.813 10.557 l 84.813
11.882 l h
83.566 2.772 m 84.738 2.772 l 84.738 9.136 l 83.566 9.136 l 83.566
2.772 l f
90.195 9.136 m 88.508 9.136 l 88.508 10.983 l 87.336 10.608 l 87.336
9.136 l 85.902 9.136 l 85.902 8.186 l 87.336 8.186 l 87.336 4.468 l
87.336 4.046 87.418 3.698 87.574 3.425 c 87.734 3.151 87.957 2.948
88.25 2.815 c 88.543 2.686 88.891 2.62 89.297 2.62 c 89.484 2.624
89.664 2.643 89.836 2.682 c 90.008 2.718 90.16 2.757 90.293 2.796 c
90.293 3.796 l 90.207 3.737 90.098 3.682 89.965 3.639 c 89.832 3.596
89.676 3.573 89.496 3.569 c 89.313 3.569 89.148 3.612 89 3.702 c 88.852
3.788 88.734 3.917 88.648 4.085 c 88.555 4.253 88.512 4.46 88.508 4.706
c 88.508 8.186 l 90.195 8.186 l 90.195 9.136 l f
97.223 9.136 m 96.047 9.136 l 96.047 6.19 l 96.047 5.803 96.012 5.448
95.934 5.128 c 95.855 4.807 95.742 4.534 95.582 4.3 c 95.426 4.065
95.223 3.889 94.98 3.761 c 94.734 3.636 94.449 3.573 94.113 3.569 c
93.777 3.589 93.508 3.686 93.309 3.858 c 93.109 4.026 92.973 4.276
92.891 4.604 c 92.805 4.932 92.766 5.346 92.766 5.843 c 92.766 9.136 l
91.594 9.136 l 91.594 5.354 l 91.594 4.784 91.676 4.292 91.844 3.886 c
92.016 3.479 92.277 3.167 92.629 2.948 c 92.977 2.733 93.43 2.624
93.977 2.62 c 94.273 2.624 94.563 2.671 94.836 2.761 c 95.105 2.854
95.348 2.987 95.563 3.159 c 95.777 3.331 95.941 3.542 96.063 3.78 c
96.086 3.78 l 96.086 2.772 l 97.223 2.772 l 97.223 9.136 l f
102.527 9.136 m 100.844 9.136 l 100.844 10.983 l 99.668 10.608 l 99.668
9.136 l 98.234 9.136 l 98.234 8.186 l 99.668 8.186 l 99.668 4.468 l
99.672 4.046 99.75 3.698 99.91 3.425 c 100.066 3.151 100.293 2.948
100.582 2.815 c 100.875 2.686 101.223 2.62 101.629 2.62 c 101.816 2.624
102 2.643 102.172 2.682 c 102.344 2.718 102.492 2.757 102.629 2.796 c
102.629 3.796 l 102.539 3.737 102.43 3.682 102.301 3.639 c 102.164
3.596 102.012 3.573 101.828 3.569 c 101.648 3.569 101.484 3.612 101.336
3.702 c 101.188 3.788 101.066 3.917 100.98 4.085 c 100.891 4.253
100.844 4.46 100.844 4.706 c 100.844 8.186 l 102.527 8.186 l 102.527
9.136 l f
108.156 2.772 m 109.332 2.772 l 109.332 8.186 l 111.016 8.186 l 111.016
9.136 l 109.332 9.136 l 109.332 9.823 l 109.328 10.038 109.344 10.237
109.367 10.421 c 109.391 10.604 109.441 10.764 109.52 10.901 c 109.598
11.038 109.711 11.143 109.863 11.218 c 110.016 11.292 110.215 11.331
110.469 11.331 c 110.566 11.331 110.672 11.327 110.77 11.315 c 110.871
11.3 110.957 11.284 111.027 11.257 c 111.078 12.206 l 110.961 12.225
110.836 12.245 110.707 12.257 c 110.578 12.272 110.441 12.28 110.293
12.28 c 109.859 12.28 109.508 12.218 109.227 12.1 c 108.949 11.979
108.73 11.807 108.574 11.581 c 108.418 11.358 108.309 11.089 108.246
10.776 c 108.184 10.46 108.156 10.112 108.156 9.721 c 108.156 9.136 l
106.66 9.136 l 106.66 8.186 l 108.156 8.186 l 108.156 2.772 l f
117.809 9.136 m 116.633 9.136 l 116.633 6.19 l 116.633 5.803 116.598
5.448 116.52 5.128 c 116.441 4.807 116.324 4.534 116.168 4.3 c 116.012
4.065 115.809 3.889 115.563 3.761 c 115.32 3.636 115.031 3.573 114.699
3.569 c 114.359 3.589 114.094 3.686 113.895 3.858 c 113.695 4.026
113.559 4.276 113.473 4.604 c 113.391 4.932 113.352 5.346 113.352 5.843
c 113.352 9.136 l 112.18 9.136 l 112.18 5.354 l 112.18 4.784 112.262
4.292 112.43 3.886 c 112.598 3.479 112.859 3.167 113.211 2.948 c
113.563 2.733 114.016 2.624 114.563 2.62 c 114.859 2.624 115.145 2.671
115.418 2.761 c 115.691 2.854 115.934 2.987 116.148 3.159 c 116.359
3.331 116.527 3.542 116.645 3.78 c 116.672 3.78 l 116.672 2.772 l
117.809 2.772 l 117.809 9.136 l h
115.438 10.108 m 116.609 10.108 l 116.609 11.358 l 115.438 11.358 l
115.438 10.108 l h
113.391 10.108 m 114.563 10.108 l 114.563 11.358 l 113.391 11.358 l
113.391 10.108 l f
119.73 2.772 m 120.902 2.772 l 120.902 5.667 l 120.906 6.202 120.98
6.663 121.121 7.05 c 121.266 7.436 121.465 7.737 121.723 7.944 c 121.98
8.155 122.285 8.261 122.641 8.261 c 122.738 8.264 122.848 8.257 122.961
8.241 c 123.07 8.221 123.18 8.194 123.285 8.151 c 123.285 9.198 l
123.207 9.214 123.129 9.229 123.055 9.245 c 122.98 9.257 122.898 9.268
122.813 9.272 c 122.73 9.28 122.629 9.284 122.516 9.284 c 122.285 9.284
122.066 9.237 121.852 9.139 c 121.641 9.042 121.445 8.909 121.273 8.737
c 121.102 8.569 120.961 8.374 120.855 8.151 c 120.828 8.151 l 120.828
9.136 l 119.73 9.136 l 119.73 2.772 l f
129.828 2.772 m 131.078 2.772 l 131.078 10.386 l 133.785 10.386 l
133.785 11.483 l 127.121 11.483 l 127.121 10.386 l 129.828 10.386 l
129.828 2.772 l f
134.746 6.565 m 134.77 6.772 134.816 6.979 134.891 7.19 c 134.965 7.397
135.066 7.585 135.203 7.761 c 135.34 7.932 135.512 8.073 135.719 8.178
c 135.926 8.28 136.172 8.335 136.457 8.339 c 136.711 8.335 136.938
8.288 137.133 8.198 c 137.328 8.104 137.492 7.979 137.629 7.815 c
137.766 7.655 137.867 7.464 137.938 7.253 c 138.008 7.038 138.043 6.811
138.043 6.565 c 134.746 6.565 l 134.746 6.565 l h
138.805 4.206 m 138.73 4.147 138.625 4.081 138.484 4.007 c 138.348
3.932 138.188 3.866 138.008 3.8 c 137.824 3.733 137.637 3.678 137.438
3.636 c 137.238 3.593 137.039 3.573 136.844 3.569 c 136.563 3.573
136.301 3.62 136.047 3.725 c 135.797 3.827 135.574 3.971 135.379 4.159
c 135.184 4.346 135.031 4.569 134.918 4.827 c 134.809 5.089 134.75
5.374 134.746 5.69 c 139.289 5.69 l 139.293 6.206 139.242 6.682 139.152
7.116 c 139.055 7.553 138.898 7.932 138.684 8.257 c 138.465 8.581
138.18 8.831 137.816 9.011 c 137.457 9.19 137.012 9.284 136.48 9.284 c
136.031 9.284 135.621 9.206 135.258 9.05 c 134.895 8.889 134.578 8.671
134.316 8.382 c 134.055 8.096 133.855 7.757 133.715 7.362 c 133.57
6.971 133.504 6.542 133.5 6.065 c 133.5 5.546 133.563 5.077 133.695
4.655 c 133.828 4.229 134.031 3.87 134.301 3.569 c 134.57 3.264 134.91
3.03 135.324 2.87 c 135.742 2.706 136.23 2.624 136.797 2.62 c 137.141
2.624 137.438 2.647 137.684 2.69 c 137.926 2.737 138.137 2.792 138.316
2.854 c 138.492 2.917 138.656 2.975 138.805 3.034 c 138.805 4.206 l f
144.934 9.038 m 144.816 9.081 144.684 9.124 144.52 9.163 c 144.359
9.202 144.191 9.229 144.016 9.253 c 143.84 9.272 143.672 9.284 143.512
9.284 c 143.02 9.284 142.578 9.202 142.184 9.038 c 141.785 8.874
141.441 8.643 141.156 8.346 c 140.871 8.05 140.652 7.698 140.496 7.292
c 140.344 6.886 140.27 6.44 140.266 5.952 c 140.27 5.495 140.348 5.065
140.504 4.663 c 140.656 4.261 140.879 3.909 141.168 3.604 c 141.453 3.3
141.797 3.057 142.191 2.886 c 142.59 2.714 143.027 2.624 143.512 2.62 c
143.652 2.62 143.809 2.628 143.973 2.639 c 144.141 2.651 144.309 2.678
144.48 2.714 c 144.652 2.753 144.816 2.807 144.984 2.882 c 144.895
3.932 l 144.773 3.854 144.641 3.784 144.496 3.733 c 144.355 3.678
144.207 3.639 144.059 3.612 c 143.91 3.585 143.77 3.569 143.637 3.569 c
143.336 3.573 143.066 3.616 142.836 3.71 c 142.605 3.8 142.402 3.925
142.234 4.081 c 142.066 4.241 141.934 4.421 141.824 4.624 c 141.719
4.827 141.641 5.042 141.59 5.268 c 141.539 5.495 141.516 5.725 141.516
5.952 c 141.516 6.261 141.559 6.553 141.648 6.839 c 141.738 7.12
141.871 7.374 142.047 7.6 c 142.223 7.827 142.434 8.003 142.688 8.136 c
142.941 8.264 143.23 8.335 143.563 8.339 c 143.75 8.339 143.949 8.315
144.168 8.272 c 144.387 8.225 144.605 8.155 144.836 8.061 c 144.934
9.038 l 144.934 9.038 l f
146.258 2.772 m 147.43 2.772 l 147.43 5.718 l 147.43 6.104 147.469 6.46
147.547 6.78 c 147.621 7.1 147.738 7.374 147.895 7.608 c 148.055 7.839
148.258 8.018 148.5 8.147 c 148.742 8.272 149.031 8.335 149.363 8.339 c
149.703 8.315 149.973 8.221 150.172 8.05 c 150.367 7.882 150.508 7.632
150.59 7.3 c 150.676 6.971 150.715 6.561 150.715 6.065 c 150.715 2.772
l 151.887 2.772 l 151.887 6.553 l 151.887 7.124 151.805 7.612 151.637
8.022 c 151.465 8.428 151.203 8.741 150.852 8.956 c 150.5 9.175 150.051
9.284 149.504 9.284 c 149.055 9.284 148.656 9.19 148.309 9.011 c
147.953 8.827 147.672 8.565 147.457 8.225 c 147.43 8.225 l 147.43
12.132 l 146.258 12.132 l 146.258 2.772 l f
153.809 2.772 m 154.984 2.772 l 154.984 5.718 l 154.984 6.104 155.02
6.46 155.098 6.78 c 155.176 7.1 155.289 7.374 155.449 7.608 c 155.605
7.839 155.809 8.018 156.055 8.147 c 156.297 8.272 156.586 8.335 156.918
8.339 c 157.258 8.315 157.523 8.221 157.723 8.05 c 157.922 7.882
158.059 7.632 158.145 7.3 c 158.23 6.971 158.27 6.561 158.266 6.065 c
158.266 2.772 l 159.438 2.772 l 159.438 6.553 l 159.441 7.124 159.355
7.612 159.188 8.022 c 159.02 8.428 158.758 8.741 158.402 8.956 c
158.055 9.175 157.605 9.284 157.055 9.284 c 156.758 9.284 156.473 9.237
156.199 9.147 c 155.926 9.053 155.684 8.921 155.469 8.749 c 155.258
8.573 155.09 8.37 154.973 8.124 c 154.945 8.124 l 154.945 9.136 l
153.809 9.136 l 153.809 2.772 l f
162.188 5.952 m 162.188 6.261 162.23 6.553 162.32 6.839 c 162.41 7.12
162.539 7.374 162.715 7.6 c 162.883 7.827 163.094 8.003 163.34 8.136 c
163.586 8.264 163.867 8.335 164.184 8.339 c 164.496 8.335 164.773 8.264
165.02 8.136 c 165.266 8.003 165.473 7.827 165.645 7.6 c 165.813 7.374
165.945 7.12 166.031 6.839 c 166.121 6.553 166.168 6.261 166.168 5.952
c 166.168 5.725 166.145 5.495 166.094 5.268 c 166.043 5.042 165.969
4.827 165.863 4.624 c 165.762 4.421 165.633 4.241 165.477 4.081 c
165.316 3.925 165.133 3.8 164.918 3.71 c 164.703 3.616 164.457 3.573
164.184 3.569 c 163.906 3.573 163.66 3.616 163.441 3.71 c 163.227 3.8
163.039 3.925 162.883 4.081 c 162.723 4.241 162.594 4.421 162.488 4.624
c 162.387 4.827 162.313 5.042 162.262 5.268 c 162.211 5.495 162.188
5.725 162.188 5.952 c 162.188 5.952 l h
160.938 5.952 m 160.941 5.495 161.02 5.065 161.176 4.663 c 161.332
4.261 161.551 3.909 161.84 3.604 c 162.129 3.3 162.469 3.057 162.863
2.886 c 163.262 2.714 163.699 2.624 164.184 2.62 c 164.66 2.624 165.102
2.714 165.492 2.886 c 165.891 3.057 166.23 3.3 166.516 3.604 c 166.801
3.909 167.023 4.261 167.18 4.663 c 167.336 5.065 167.414 5.495 167.414
5.952 c 167.414 6.44 167.336 6.886 167.184 7.292 c 167.027 7.698
166.813 8.05 166.523 8.346 c 166.238 8.643 165.898 8.874 165.504 9.038
c 165.109 9.202 164.668 9.284 164.184 9.284 c 163.695 9.284 163.25
9.202 162.855 9.038 c 162.457 8.874 162.113 8.643 161.828 8.346 c
161.547 8.05 161.324 7.698 161.172 7.292 c 161.016 6.886 160.941 6.44
160.938 5.952 c 160.938 5.952 l f
169.063 2.772 1.176 9.359 re f
173.137 5.952 m 173.137 6.261 173.18 6.553 173.27 6.839 c 173.359 7.12
173.488 7.374 173.66 7.6 c 173.832 7.827 174.043 8.003 174.285 8.136 c
174.535 8.264 174.816 8.335 175.133 8.339 c 175.441 8.335 175.723 8.264
175.969 8.136 c 176.215 8.003 176.422 7.827 176.594 7.6 c 176.762 7.374
176.895 7.12 176.98 6.839 c 177.07 6.553 177.113 6.261 177.113 5.952 c
177.113 5.725 177.09 5.495 177.039 5.268 c 176.992 5.042 176.914 4.827
176.813 4.624 c 176.711 4.421 176.582 4.241 176.422 4.081 c 176.266
3.925 176.078 3.8 175.863 3.71 c 175.652 3.616 175.406 3.573 175.133
3.569 c 174.855 3.573 174.605 3.616 174.391 3.71 c 174.176 3.8 173.988
3.925 173.828 4.081 c 173.672 4.241 173.543 4.421 173.438 4.624 c
173.336 4.827 173.262 5.042 173.211 5.268 c 173.16 5.495 173.137 5.725
173.137 5.952 c 173.137 5.952 l h
171.887 5.952 m 171.887 5.495 171.969 5.065 172.125 4.663 c 172.277
4.261 172.5 3.909 172.789 3.604 c 173.074 3.3 173.418 3.057 173.813
2.886 c 174.211 2.714 174.648 2.624 175.133 2.62 c 175.609 2.624
176.051 2.714 176.441 2.886 c 176.836 3.057 177.18 3.3 177.465 3.604 c
177.75 3.909 177.973 4.261 178.129 4.663 c 178.281 5.065 178.359 5.495
178.363 5.952 c 178.359 6.44 178.285 6.886 178.133 7.292 c 177.977
7.698 177.758 8.05 177.473 8.346 c 177.188 8.643 176.848 8.874 176.453
9.038 c 176.059 9.202 175.617 9.284 175.133 9.284 c 174.645 9.284
174.199 9.202 173.805 9.038 c 173.406 8.874 173.063 8.643 172.777 8.346
c 172.492 8.05 172.273 7.698 172.117 7.292 c 171.965 6.886 171.891 6.44
171.887 5.952 c 171.887 5.952 l f
182.461 3.718 m 182.184 3.721 181.938 3.78 181.719 3.901 c 181.5 4.022
181.313 4.186 181.16 4.393 c 181.008 4.6 180.891 4.839 180.809 5.108 c
180.73 5.378 180.688 5.663 180.688 5.968 c 180.688 6.182 180.711 6.405
180.758 6.628 c 180.805 6.85 180.875 7.065 180.969 7.268 c 181.063
7.475 181.184 7.655 181.324 7.815 c 181.465 7.975 181.633 8.1 181.82
8.194 c 182.012 8.288 182.223 8.335 182.461 8.339 c 182.77 8.335
183.043 8.268 183.277 8.139 c 183.512 8.011 183.703 7.831 183.855 7.604
c 184.012 7.378 184.129 7.116 184.203 6.819 c 184.281 6.526 184.316
6.21 184.316 5.878 c 184.316 5.581 184.273 5.3 184.184 5.042 c 184.094
4.78 183.965 4.55 183.801 4.354 c 183.637 4.155 183.441 4.003 183.215
3.889 c 182.984 3.776 182.734 3.721 182.461 3.718 c 182.461 3.718 l h
185.492 9.136 m 184.406 9.136 l 184.406 8.186 l 184.383 8.186 l 184.266
8.417 184.117 8.612 183.934 8.78 c 183.746 8.94 183.52 9.069 183.25
9.151 c 182.98 9.241 182.656 9.284 182.285 9.284 c 181.898 9.284
181.559 9.218 181.25 9.089 c 180.945 8.964 180.68 8.788 180.453 8.565 c
180.227 8.343 180.039 8.089 179.887 7.8 c 179.734 7.514 179.625 7.206
179.551 6.882 c 179.477 6.557 179.438 6.233 179.438 5.905 c 179.438
5.487 179.496 5.093 179.605 4.721 c 179.719 4.346 179.891 4.011 180.117
3.718 c 180.344 3.428 180.625 3.198 180.965 3.03 c 181.309 2.862
181.703 2.776 182.16 2.772 c 182.434 2.772 182.699 2.807 182.965 2.878
c 183.227 2.952 183.473 3.061 183.699 3.206 c 183.93 3.354 184.125
3.538 184.293 3.757 c 184.316 3.757 l 184.316 3.132 l 184.316 2.682
184.238 2.292 184.082 1.968 c 183.926 1.639 183.699 1.393 183.406 1.214
c 183.113 1.042 182.762 0.952 182.348 0.948 c 182.133 0.948 181.938
0.96 181.754 0.979 c 181.566 0.999 181.387 1.034 181.215 1.081 c
181.035 1.128 180.855 1.186 180.668 1.257 c 180.48 1.331 180.273 1.421
180.051 1.522 c 179.926 0.436 l 180.262 0.323 180.563 0.229 180.82
0.167 c 181.082 0.104 181.324 0.061 181.547 0.034 c 181.766 0.011
181.988 -0.001 182.211 -0.001 c 182.969 0.003 183.59 0.12 184.074 0.358
c 184.563 0.596 184.918 0.944 185.148 1.397 c 185.379 1.85 185.492
2.397 185.492 3.046 c 185.492 9.136 l f
188.813 11.882 m 187.488 11.882 l 187.488 10.557 l 188.813 10.557 l
188.813 11.882 l h
187.566 2.772 m 188.738 2.772 l 188.738 9.136 l 187.566 9.136 l 187.566
2.772 l f
191.637 6.565 m 191.656 6.772 191.703 6.979 191.777 7.19 c 191.852
7.397 191.957 7.585 192.094 7.761 c 192.23 7.932 192.398 8.073 192.605
8.178 c 192.813 8.28 193.059 8.335 193.348 8.339 c 193.598 8.335
193.824 8.288 194.02 8.198 c 194.219 8.104 194.383 7.979 194.516 7.815
c 194.652 7.655 194.758 7.464 194.824 7.253 c 194.895 7.038 194.93
6.811 194.93 6.565 c 191.637 6.565 l 191.637 6.565 l h
195.691 4.206 m 195.617 4.147 195.512 4.081 195.371 4.007 c 195.234
3.932 195.074 3.866 194.895 3.8 c 194.715 3.733 194.523 3.678 194.324
3.636 c 194.125 3.593 193.93 3.573 193.73 3.569 c 193.449 3.573 193.188
3.62 192.938 3.725 c 192.688 3.827 192.461 3.971 192.27 4.159 c 192.07
4.346 191.918 4.569 191.809 4.827 c 191.695 5.089 191.637 5.374 191.637
5.69 c 196.18 5.69 l 196.18 6.206 196.133 6.682 196.039 7.116 c 195.941
7.553 195.785 7.932 195.57 8.257 c 195.352 8.581 195.066 8.831 194.703
9.011 c 194.344 9.19 193.898 9.284 193.371 9.284 c 192.918 9.284
192.512 9.206 192.145 9.05 c 191.781 8.889 191.469 8.671 191.203 8.382
c 190.941 8.096 190.742 7.757 190.602 7.362 c 190.461 6.971 190.391
6.542 190.387 6.065 c 190.387 5.546 190.453 5.077 190.586 4.655 c
190.715 4.229 190.918 3.87 191.188 3.569 c 191.461 3.264 191.801 3.03
192.215 2.87 c 192.629 2.706 193.117 2.624 193.684 2.62 c 194.027 2.624
194.324 2.647 194.57 2.69 c 194.813 2.737 195.023 2.792 195.203 2.854 c
195.383 2.917 195.543 2.975 195.691 3.034 c 195.691 4.206 l f
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316.334 563.4968 lineto
316.34175 563.52755 lineto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
316.34175 563.52755 moveto
316.34475 563.53143 lineto
316.34475 563.51918 lineto
316.334 563.4968 lineto
316.34175 563.52755 lineto
0 0.58823532 0.50980395 setrgbcolor
230.43937 542.08368 moveto
228.67912 548.9523 227.73387 556.14718 227.69725 563.5573 curveto
316.31687 563.5573 lineto
230.43937 542.08368 lineto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
316.34562 563.53931 moveto
316.38675 475.98543 lineto
316.1655 475.98418 315.94675 475.96918 315.72512 475.96918 curveto
308.58787 475.96918 301.65762 476.83918 295.01362 478.44293 curveto
316.33488 563.5173 lineto
316.34562 563.53931 lineto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
227.668 574.15893 moveto
229.269 574.15893 lineto
229.269 579.07193 lineto
234.0395 574.15893 lineto
236.16837 574.15893 lineto
230.918 579.44205 lineto
236.5845 585.33268 lineto
234.2475 585.33268 lineto
229.269 579.85718 lineto
229.269 585.33268 lineto
227.668 585.33268 lineto
227.668 574.15893 lineto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
242.82812 581.44255 moveto
242.50725 581.44255 242.1875 581.40981 241.86712 581.40981 curveto
241.05125 581.40981 239.03363 581.5393 239.03363 582.98068 curveto
239.03363 583.84293 239.86575 584.3078 240.55462 584.3078 curveto
242.043 584.3078 242.82812 583.37905 242.82812 582.1628 curveto
242.82812 581.44255 lineto
238.36175 577.7453 moveto
239.11375 577.29605 240.01075 576.97731 241.05125 576.97731 curveto
243.38813 576.97731 244.333 578.12855 244.333 580.35368 curveto
244.333 583.73168 lineto
244.333 584.6603 244.36475 585.09293 244.3965 585.33268 curveto
242.98725 585.33268 lineto
242.98725 584.27555 lineto
242.9555 584.27555 lineto
242.604 584.77168 241.80325 585.52418 240.42625 585.52418 curveto
238.666 585.52418 237.43312 584.75655 237.43312 582.98068 curveto
237.43312 580.92993 239.67325 580.29018 241.227 580.29018 curveto
241.81887 580.29018 242.23537 580.29018 242.82812 580.32193 curveto
242.82812 578.9123 242.31488 578.19305 240.8105 578.19305 curveto
239.96287 578.19305 239.05025 578.51293 238.44137 579.02455 curveto
238.36175 577.7453 lineto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
246.77 577.16768 moveto
248.17862 577.16768 lineto
248.17862 578.4338 lineto
248.21037 578.4338 lineto
248.61075 577.58518 249.47512 576.97731 250.33988 576.97731 curveto
250.7885 576.97731 251.01262 577.02368 251.332 577.08855 curveto
251.332 578.4338 lineto
251.061 578.32143 250.75637 578.2883 250.5 578.2883 curveto
249.15525 578.2883 248.27488 579.56905 248.27488 581.61793 curveto
248.27488 585.33268 lineto
246.77 585.33268 lineto
246.77 577.16768 lineto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
252.997 585.33268 moveto
254.5014 585.33268 lineto
254.5014 573.32633 lineto
252.997 573.32633 lineto
252.997 585.33268 lineto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
256.67087 583.73168 moveto
257.26313 584.11543 258.11225 584.3078 258.54388 584.3078 curveto
259.23138 584.3078 260.0805 584.01918 260.0805 583.1403 curveto
260.0805 581.65155 256.543 581.77805 256.543 579.48943 curveto
256.543 577.79268 257.80712 576.97731 259.42375 576.97731 curveto
260.12887 576.97731 260.7045 577.1203 261.29787 577.29605 curveto
261.16888 578.60805 lineto
260.8335 578.40055 259.9365 578.19305 259.5845 578.19305 curveto
258.81538 578.19305 258.144 578.51293 258.144 579.18568 curveto
258.144 580.8493 261.68162 580.3708 261.68162 582.98068 curveto
261.68162 584.7243 260.2885 585.52418 258.8325 585.52418 curveto
258.0635 585.52418 257.27925 585.44555 256.59075 585.07543 curveto
256.67087 583.73168 lineto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
263.50637 577.16768 moveto
264.9155 577.16768 lineto
264.9155 578.4338 lineto
264.94725 578.4338 lineto
265.34713 577.58518 266.21087 576.97731 267.07662 576.97731 curveto
267.52437 576.97731 267.749 577.02368 268.06838 577.08855 curveto
268.06838 578.4338 lineto
267.79688 578.32143 267.49262 578.2883 267.23625 578.2883 curveto
265.892 578.2883 265.01125 579.56905 265.01125 581.61793 curveto
265.01125 585.33268 lineto
263.50637 585.33268 lineto
263.50637 577.16768 lineto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
276.85737 585.33268 moveto
275.40137 585.33268 lineto
275.40137 584.0368 lineto
275.36863 584.0368 lineto
274.91987 584.96405 273.832 585.52418 272.69525 585.52418 curveto
270.5825 585.52418 269.63763 584.21305 269.63763 582.01918 curveto
269.63763 577.16768 lineto
271.142 577.16768 lineto
271.142 581.3938 lineto
271.142 583.29805 271.559 584.2268 272.87113 584.3078 curveto
274.5845 584.3078 275.353 582.9318 275.353 580.94605 curveto
275.353 577.16768 lineto
276.85737 577.16768 lineto
276.85737 585.33268 lineto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
279.33488 573.3263 moveto
280.83988 573.3263 lineto
280.83988 578.33705 lineto
280.872 578.33705 lineto
281.416 577.4728 282.36075 576.97731 283.4975 576.97731 curveto
285.61075 576.97731 286.55512 578.2883 286.55512 580.48218 curveto
286.55512 585.33268 lineto
285.05025 585.33268 lineto
285.05025 581.10718 lineto
285.05025 579.2028 284.63475 578.27368 283.32175 578.19305 curveto
281.60838 578.19305 280.83988 579.56905 280.83988 581.55493 curveto
280.83988 585.33268 lineto
279.33488 585.33268 lineto
279.33488 573.3263 lineto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
294.35688 580.46505 moveto
294.35688 579.21743 293.62113 578.19305 292.32425 578.19305 curveto
290.8515 578.19305 290.24313 579.40893 290.13137 580.46505 curveto
294.35688 580.46505 lineto
295.3335 584.9968 moveto
294.75775 585.2053 294.101 585.52418 292.75675 585.52418 curveto
289.85938 585.52418 288.53025 583.76293 288.53025 581.10718 curveto
288.53025 578.68868 290.05075 576.97731 292.35587 576.97731 curveto
295.07763 576.97731 295.9585 578.96118 295.9585 581.58805 curveto
290.13137 581.58805 lineto
290.13137 583.2043 291.396 584.3078 292.82025 584.3078 curveto
293.8135 584.3078 294.96575 583.79555 295.3335 583.49193 curveto
295.3335 584.9968 lineto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
302.56887 585.33268 moveto
304.16995 585.33268 lineto
304.16995 574.15885 lineto
302.56887 574.15885 lineto
302.56887 585.33268 lineto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
306.811 577.16768 moveto
308.268 577.16768 lineto
308.268 578.46405 lineto
308.30075 578.46405 lineto
308.749 577.5363 309.83738 576.97731 310.97362 576.97731 curveto
313.08637 576.97731 314.03175 578.2883 314.03175 580.48218 curveto
314.03175 585.33268 lineto
312.52637 585.33268 lineto
312.52637 581.10718 lineto
312.52637 579.2028 312.11075 578.27368 310.79787 578.19305 curveto
309.0845 578.19305 308.31588 579.56905 308.31588 581.55493 curveto
308.31588 585.33268 lineto
306.811 585.33268 lineto
306.811 577.16768 lineto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
316.038 583.73168 moveto
316.63037 584.11543 317.479 584.3078 317.91162 584.3078 curveto
318.59963 584.3078 319.44775 584.01918 319.44775 583.1403 curveto
319.44775 581.65155 315.91062 581.77805 315.91062 579.48943 curveto
315.91062 577.79268 317.17475 576.97731 318.7915 576.97731 curveto
319.4965 576.97731 320.07225 577.1203 320.6655 577.29605 curveto
320.53662 578.60805 lineto
320.20063 578.40055 319.30412 578.19305 318.95162 578.19305 curveto
318.18313 578.19305 317.51075 578.51293 317.51075 579.18568 curveto
317.51075 580.8493 321.04925 580.3708 321.04925 582.98068 curveto
321.04925 584.7243 319.65575 585.52418 318.19925 585.52418 curveto
317.43063 585.52418 316.647 585.44555 315.9585 585.07543 curveto
316.038 583.73168 lineto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
327.42825 578.38493 moveto
325.267 578.38493 lineto
325.267 582.8503 lineto
325.267 583.79555 325.84325 584.3078 326.53175 584.3078 curveto
326.99613 584.3078 327.3325 584.1643 327.55613 584.01918 curveto
327.55613 585.30043 lineto
327.22012 585.39668 326.75637 585.52418 326.27587 585.52418 curveto
324.72213 585.52418 323.76175 584.7878 323.76175 583.15543 curveto
323.76175 578.38493 lineto
321.92138 578.38493 lineto
321.92138 577.16768 lineto
323.76175 577.16768 lineto
323.76175 575.27943 lineto
325.267 574.79855 lineto
325.267 577.16768 lineto
327.42825 577.16768 lineto
327.42825 578.38493 lineto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
329.269 577.16768 moveto
330.77337 577.16768 lineto
330.77337 585.33268 lineto
329.269 585.33268 lineto
329.269 577.16768 lineto
330.87012 575.34393 moveto
329.17325 575.34393 lineto
329.17325 573.64718 lineto
330.87012 573.64718 lineto
330.87012 575.34393 lineto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
337.8095 578.38493 moveto
335.64825 578.38493 lineto
335.64825 582.8503 lineto
335.64825 583.79555 336.2245 584.3078 336.91325 584.3078 curveto
337.377 584.3078 337.71325 584.1643 337.937 584.01918 curveto
337.937 585.30043 lineto
337.60075 585.39668 337.137 585.52418 336.657 585.52418 curveto
335.10325 585.52418 334.14325 584.7878 334.14325 583.15543 curveto
334.14325 578.38493 lineto
332.302 578.38493 lineto
332.302 577.16768 lineto
334.14325 577.16768 lineto
334.14325 575.27943 lineto
335.64825 574.79855 lineto
335.64825 577.16768 lineto
337.8095 577.16768 lineto
337.8095 578.38493 lineto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
346.71075 585.33268 moveto
345.252 585.33268 lineto
345.252 584.0368 lineto
345.22075 584.0368 lineto
344.772 584.96405 343.6845 585.52418 342.54825 585.52418 curveto
340.4345 585.52418 339.4895 584.21305 339.4895 582.01918 curveto
339.4895 577.16768 lineto
340.9945 577.16768 lineto
340.9945 581.3938 lineto
340.9945 583.29805 341.41075 584.2268 342.72325 584.3078 curveto
344.437 584.3078 345.20575 582.9318 345.20575 580.94605 curveto
345.20575 577.16768 lineto
346.71075 577.16768 lineto
346.71075 585.33268 lineto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
353.64825 578.38493 moveto
351.48825 578.38493 lineto
351.48825 582.8503 lineto
351.48825 583.79555 352.0645 584.3078 352.75325 584.3078 curveto
353.217 584.3078 353.55325 584.1643 353.777 584.01918 curveto
353.777 585.30043 lineto
353.44075 585.39668 352.977 585.52418 352.497 585.52418 curveto
350.94325 585.52418 349.98325 584.7878 349.98325 583.15543 curveto
349.98325 578.38493 lineto
348.14325 578.38493 lineto
348.14325 577.16768 lineto
349.98325 577.16768 lineto
349.98325 575.27943 lineto
351.48825 574.79855 lineto
351.48825 577.16768 lineto
353.64825 577.16768 lineto
353.64825 578.38493 lineto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
360.64325 580.46505 moveto
360.64325 579.21743 359.907 578.19305 358.612 578.19305 curveto
357.13825 578.19305 356.5295 579.40893 356.417 580.46505 curveto
360.64325 580.46505 lineto
361.62075 584.9968 moveto
361.042 585.2053 360.3895 585.52418 359.042 585.52418 curveto
356.1445 585.52418 354.81575 583.76293 354.81575 581.10718 curveto
354.81575 578.68868 356.337 576.97731 358.64075 576.97731 curveto
361.36325 576.97731 362.2445 578.96118 362.2445 581.58805 curveto
356.417 581.58805 lineto
356.417 583.2043 357.68075 584.3078 359.10575 584.3078 curveto
360.097 584.3078 361.25325 583.79555 361.62075 583.49193 curveto
361.62075 584.9968 lineto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
372.32825 584.3078 moveto
374.09075 584.3078 374.87325 582.70768 374.87325 581.25118 curveto
374.87325 579.69843 373.9295 578.19305 372.32825 578.19305 curveto
370.71325 578.19305 369.76825 579.69843 369.76825 581.25118 curveto
369.76825 582.70768 370.55075 584.3078 372.32825 584.3078 curveto
372.32825 576.97731 moveto
374.81075 576.97731 376.47575 578.76918 376.47575 581.25118 curveto
376.47575 583.58905 374.77825 585.52418 372.32825 585.52418 curveto
369.8645 585.52418 368.167 583.58905 368.167 581.25118 curveto
368.167 578.76918 369.832 576.97731 372.32825 576.97731 curveto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
379.27825 578.38493 moveto
377.357 578.38493 lineto
377.357 577.16768 lineto
379.27825 577.16768 lineto
379.27825 576.41718 lineto
379.27825 574.4323 379.7895 573.13355 382.01325 573.13355 curveto
382.39825 573.13355 382.7195 573.1823 383.022 573.22968 curveto
382.95825 574.44693 lineto
382.78325 574.38355 382.49575 574.35181 382.2395 574.35181 curveto
380.942 574.35181 380.78325 575.1828 380.78325 576.2878 curveto
380.78325 577.16768 lineto
382.94325 577.16768 lineto
382.94325 578.38493 lineto
380.78325 578.38493 lineto
380.78325 585.33268 lineto
379.27825 585.33268 lineto
379.27825 578.38493 lineto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
391.347 575.56755 moveto
387.8745 575.56755 lineto
387.8745 574.15893 lineto
396.42075 574.15893 lineto
396.42075 575.56755 lineto
392.947 575.56755 lineto
392.947 585.33268 lineto
391.347 585.33268 lineto
391.347 575.56755 lineto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
401.9945 580.46505 moveto
401.9945 579.21743 401.26075 578.19305 399.96325 578.19305 curveto
398.4895 578.19305 397.8795 579.40893 397.7695 580.46505 curveto
401.9945 580.46505 lineto
402.97075 584.9968 moveto
402.39575 585.2053 401.74075 585.52418 400.39325 585.52418 curveto
397.49575 585.52418 396.1695 583.76293 396.1695 581.10718 curveto
396.1695 578.68868 397.68825 576.97731 399.9945 576.97731 curveto
402.717 576.97731 403.5945 578.96118 403.5945 581.58805 curveto
397.7695 581.58805 lineto
397.7695 583.2043 399.03575 584.3078 400.457 584.3078 curveto
401.45075 584.3078 402.60325 583.79555 402.97075 583.49193 curveto
402.97075 584.9968 lineto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
410.8645 578.54468 moveto
410.28825 578.30543 409.712 578.19305 409.232 578.19305 curveto
407.55075 578.19305 406.60575 579.69843 406.60575 581.25118 curveto
406.60575 582.70768 407.39075 584.3078 409.327 584.3078 curveto
409.8395 584.3078 410.48075 584.14818 410.94575 583.84293 curveto
411.05825 585.18768 lineto
410.4345 585.4768 409.712 585.52418 409.16825 585.52418 curveto
406.70075 585.52418 405.0045 583.58905 405.0045 581.25118 curveto
405.0045 578.76918 406.672 576.97731 409.16825 576.97731 curveto
409.7745 576.97731 410.56075 577.1203 410.992 577.29605 curveto
410.8645 578.54468 lineto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
412.65575 573.3263 moveto
414.162 573.3263 lineto
414.162 578.33705 lineto
414.19325 578.33705 lineto
414.737 577.4728 415.682 576.97731 416.8195 576.97731 curveto
418.932 576.97731 419.877 578.2883 419.877 580.48218 curveto
419.877 585.33268 lineto
418.37075 585.33268 lineto
418.37075 581.10718 lineto
418.37075 579.2028 417.95575 578.27368 416.64325 578.19305 curveto
414.9295 578.19305 414.162 579.56905 414.162 581.55493 curveto
414.162 585.33268 lineto
412.65575 585.33268 lineto
412.65575 573.3263 lineto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
422.337 577.16768 moveto
423.79325 577.16768 lineto
423.79325 578.46405 lineto
423.82575 578.46405 lineto
424.27325 577.5363 425.362 576.97731 426.497 576.97731 curveto
428.61075 576.97731 429.55575 578.2883 429.55575 580.48218 curveto
429.55575 585.33268 lineto
428.052 585.33268 lineto
428.052 581.10718 lineto
428.052 579.2028 427.63325 578.27368 426.322 578.19305 curveto
424.60825 578.19305 423.8395 579.56905 423.8395 581.55493 curveto
423.8395 585.33268 lineto
422.337 585.33268 lineto
422.337 577.16768 lineto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
435.6645 584.3078 moveto
437.42575 584.3078 438.2095 582.70768 438.2095 581.25118 curveto
438.2095 579.69843 437.2645 578.19305 435.6645 578.19305 curveto
434.04825 578.19305 433.10325 579.69843 433.10325 581.25118 curveto
433.10325 582.70768 433.887 584.3078 435.6645 584.3078 curveto
435.6645 576.97731 moveto
438.147 576.97731 439.81075 578.76918 439.81075 581.25118 curveto
439.81075 583.58905 438.1145 585.52418 435.6645 585.52418 curveto
433.1995 585.52418 431.50325 583.58905 431.50325 581.25118 curveto
431.50325 578.76918 433.167 576.97731 435.6645 576.97731 curveto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
441.8995 585.33268 moveto
443.40439 585.33268 lineto
443.40439 573.32633 lineto
441.8995 573.32633 lineto
441.8995 585.33268 lineto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
449.65575 584.3078 moveto
451.41575 584.3078 452.20075 582.70768 452.20075 581.25118 curveto
452.20075 579.69843 451.25575 578.19305 449.65575 578.19305 curveto
448.03825 578.19305 447.09325 579.69843 447.09325 581.25118 curveto
447.09325 582.70768 447.87825 584.3078 449.65575 584.3078 curveto
449.65575 576.97731 moveto
452.137 576.97731 453.802 578.76918 453.802 581.25118 curveto
453.802 583.58905 452.10325 585.52418 449.65575 585.52418 curveto
447.19075 585.52418 445.492 583.58905 445.492 581.25118 curveto
445.492 578.76918 447.157 576.97731 449.65575 576.97731 curveto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
461.57325 581.34643 moveto
461.57325 579.65055 460.787 578.19305 459.187 578.19305 curveto
457.667 578.19305 456.912 579.84105 456.912 581.23405 curveto
456.912 582.77018 457.7795 584.11543 459.187 584.11543 curveto
460.5945 584.11543 461.57325 582.86693 461.57325 581.34643 curveto
463.07575 584.98168 moveto
463.07575 587.46068 461.79575 588.88643 458.86575 588.88643 curveto
458.00075 588.88643 457.25075 588.77418 455.93575 588.3268 curveto
456.097 586.9328 lineto
457.25075 587.46068 457.93825 587.66918 459.042 587.66918 curveto
460.62825 587.66918 461.57325 586.5978 461.57325 584.8693 curveto
461.57325 584.06655 lineto
461.53825 584.06655 lineto
460.8995 584.91768 459.842 585.33268 458.802 585.33268 curveto
456.4645 585.33268 455.312 583.42943 455.312 581.31468 curveto
455.312 579.21743 456.49825 576.97731 458.96325 576.97731 curveto
460.402 576.97731 461.20325 577.50455 461.65075 578.38493 curveto
461.68325 578.38493 lineto
461.68325 577.16768 lineto
463.07575 577.16768 lineto
463.07575 584.98168 lineto
0 0 0 setrgbcolor
465.06825 587.54168 moveto
465.2595 587.60518 465.51575 587.66918 465.77325 587.66918 curveto
467.11575 587.66918 467.5645 585.81418 467.5645 585.65305 curveto
467.5645 585.4768 467.37325 585.0603 467.27575 584.7878 curveto
464.507 577.16768 lineto
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553.809 1.532 l 40.98 1.532 l 30.652 1.532 20.387 5.782 13.086 13.082 c
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1.531 277.668 m f
0.301961 g
3.06 w
1 J
1 j
[] 0.0 d
3 M q 1 0 0 -1 0 279.199585 cm
1.531 1.531 m 514.359 1.531 l 524.688 1.531 534.953 5.781 542.254
13.086 c 549.559 20.387 553.809 30.652 553.809 40.98 c 553.809 277.668
l 40.98 277.668 l 30.652 277.668 20.387 273.418 13.086 266.117 c 5.781
258.813 1.531 248.547 1.531 238.219 c 1.531 1.531 l h
1.531 1.531 m S Q
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q -1 0 0 1 0 279.199585 cm
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q 1 0 0 -1 0 279.199585 cm
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q 0 -1 -1 0 0 279.199585 cm
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q 1 0 0 -1 0 279.199585 cm
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q 1 0 0 -1 0 279.199585 cm
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0.780392 0.815686 0.898039 rg
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[] 0.0 d
q 1 0 0 -1 0 279.199585 cm
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435.512 57.941 l 368.52 57.941 l h
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0.4 g
387.688 203.649 m 386.281 203.649 l 384.293 206.95 l 382.301 203.649 l
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426.57 205.618 m 426.711 205.618 426.844 205.59 426.973 205.536 c
427.098 205.481 427.207 205.403 427.305 205.309 c 427.395 205.211
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427.609 204.567 c 427.605 204.422 427.578 204.289 427.527 204.168 c
427.469 204.039 427.395 203.93 427.305 203.84 c 427.207 203.743 427.098
203.672 426.973 203.618 c 426.844 203.567 426.711 203.539 426.57
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425.613 204.168 c 425.555 204.289 425.527 204.422 425.531 204.567 c
425.527 204.711 425.555 204.848 425.613 204.977 c 425.664 205.102
425.738 205.211 425.836 205.309 c 425.926 205.403 426.035 205.481
426.164 205.536 c 426.285 205.59 426.422 205.618 426.57 205.618 c h
436.641 207.731 m 436.637 207.102 436.574 206.532 436.453 206.02 c
436.324 205.504 436.137 205.063 435.883 204.696 c 435.629 204.325
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433.609 203.536 c 433.172 203.539 432.773 203.618 432.414 203.782 c
432.055 203.946 431.746 204.2 431.496 204.543 c 431.238 204.883 431.043
205.317 430.906 205.848 c 430.77 206.371 430.703 207 430.703 207.731 c
430.703 208.352 430.766 208.922 430.891 209.442 c 431.016 209.957
431.203 210.399 431.461 210.77 c 431.711 211.137 432.027 211.422
432.406 211.625 c 432.785 211.825 433.227 211.926 433.734 211.93 c
434.168 211.926 434.566 211.844 434.926 211.684 c 435.281 211.516
435.586 211.262 435.844 210.922 c 436.094 210.575 436.293 210.137
436.434 209.61 c 436.57 209.078 436.637 208.453 436.641 207.731 c h
435.539 207.692 m 435.535 207.832 435.531 207.973 435.523 208.114 c
435.512 208.254 435.5 208.391 435.488 208.524 c 432.035 205.953 l
432.094 205.735 432.172 205.536 432.27 205.352 c 432.363 205.168 432.48
205.012 432.617 204.883 c 432.75 204.75 432.902 204.649 433.078 204.578
c 433.25 204.504 433.449 204.469 433.672 204.469 c 433.953 204.469
434.211 204.536 434.441 204.672 c 434.672 204.809 434.867 205.012
435.031 205.286 c 435.191 205.551 435.316 205.887 435.406 206.293 c
435.492 206.692 435.535 207.161 435.539 207.692 c h
431.801 207.766 m 431.797 207.637 431.801 207.508 431.805 207.379 c
431.805 207.25 431.813 207.125 431.828 207.004 c 435.285 209.563 l
435.223 209.77 435.141 209.965 435.047 210.141 c 434.945 210.317
434.832 210.465 434.703 210.594 c 434.566 210.719 434.414 210.821
434.246 210.891 c 434.07 210.961 433.879 210.996 433.672 211 c 433.387
210.996 433.129 210.926 432.898 210.793 c 432.664 210.653 432.469
210.45 432.309 210.176 c 432.145 209.903 432.02 209.563 431.934 209.164
c 431.844 208.758 431.797 208.293 431.801 207.766 c h
443.691 207.731 m 443.688 207.102 443.625 206.532 443.504 206.02 c
443.375 205.504 443.188 205.063 442.934 204.696 c 442.68 204.325
442.363 204.039 441.988 203.836 c 441.609 203.637 441.168 203.539
440.66 203.536 c 440.223 203.539 439.824 203.618 439.465 203.782 c
439.105 203.946 438.797 204.2 438.547 204.543 c 438.289 204.883 438.094
205.317 437.957 205.848 c 437.82 206.371 437.754 207 437.754 207.731 c
437.754 208.352 437.816 208.922 437.941 209.442 c 438.066 209.957
438.254 210.399 438.512 210.77 c 438.762 211.137 439.078 211.422
439.457 211.625 c 439.836 211.825 440.277 211.926 440.785 211.93 c
441.219 211.926 441.617 211.844 441.977 211.684 c 442.332 211.516
442.637 211.262 442.895 210.922 c 443.145 210.575 443.344 210.137
443.484 209.61 c 443.621 209.078 443.688 208.453 443.691 207.731 c h
442.59 207.692 m 442.586 207.832 442.582 207.973 442.574 208.114 c
442.563 208.254 442.551 208.391 442.539 208.524 c 439.086 205.953 l
439.145 205.735 439.223 205.536 439.32 205.352 c 439.414 205.168
439.531 205.012 439.668 204.883 c 439.801 204.75 439.953 204.649
440.129 204.578 c 440.301 204.504 440.5 204.469 440.723 204.469 c
441.004 204.469 441.262 204.536 441.492 204.672 c 441.723 204.809
441.918 205.012 442.082 205.286 c 442.242 205.551 442.367 205.887
442.457 206.293 c 442.543 206.692 442.586 207.161 442.59 207.692 c h
438.852 207.766 m 438.848 207.637 438.852 207.508 438.855 207.379 c
438.855 207.25 438.863 207.125 438.879 207.004 c 442.336 209.563 l
442.273 209.77 442.191 209.965 442.098 210.141 c 441.996 210.317
441.883 210.465 441.754 210.594 c 441.617 210.719 441.465 210.821
441.297 210.891 c 441.121 210.961 440.93 210.996 440.723 211 c 440.438
210.996 440.18 210.926 439.949 210.793 c 439.715 210.653 439.52 210.45
439.359 210.176 c 439.195 209.903 439.07 209.563 438.984 209.164 c
438.895 208.758 438.848 208.293 438.852 207.766 c h
438.852 207.766 m f
387.688 203.649 m 386.281 203.649 l 384.293 206.95 l 382.301 203.649 l
380.914 203.649 l 383.633 207.825 l 381.133 211.817 l 382.449 211.817 l
384.32 208.743 l 386.199 211.817 l 387.48 211.817 l 384.977 207.875 l h
415.211 207.688 m 409.836 207.688 l 409.836 208.606 l 415.211 208.606 l
415.211 205.512 m 409.836 205.512 l 409.836 206.43 l 415.211 206.43 l h
422.281 203.649 m 417.152 203.649 l 417.152 204.661 l 419.25 204.661 l
419.25 210.625 l 417.293 209.563 l 416.895 210.485 l 419.496 211.856 l
420.457 211.856 l 420.457 204.661 l 422.281 204.661 l h
426.57 205.618 m 426.711 205.618 426.844 205.59 426.973 205.536 c
427.098 205.481 427.207 205.403 427.305 205.309 c 427.395 205.211
427.469 205.102 427.527 204.977 c 427.578 204.848 427.605 204.711
427.609 204.567 c 427.605 204.422 427.578 204.289 427.527 204.168 c
427.469 204.039 427.395 203.93 427.305 203.84 c 427.207 203.743 427.098
203.672 426.973 203.618 c 426.844 203.567 426.711 203.539 426.57
203.536 c 426.422 203.539 426.285 203.567 426.164 203.618 c 426.035
203.672 425.926 203.743 425.836 203.84 c 425.738 203.93 425.664 204.039
425.613 204.168 c 425.555 204.289 425.527 204.422 425.531 204.567 c
425.527 204.711 425.555 204.848 425.613 204.977 c 425.664 205.102
425.738 205.211 425.836 205.309 c 425.926 205.403 426.035 205.481
426.164 205.536 c 426.285 205.59 426.422 205.618 426.57 205.618 c h
436.641 207.731 m 436.637 207.102 436.574 206.532 436.453 206.02 c
436.324 205.504 436.137 205.063 435.883 204.696 c 435.629 204.325
435.313 204.039 434.938 203.836 c 434.559 203.637 434.117 203.539
433.609 203.536 c 433.172 203.539 432.773 203.618 432.414 203.782 c
432.055 203.946 431.746 204.2 431.496 204.543 c 431.238 204.883 431.043
205.317 430.906 205.848 c 430.77 206.371 430.703 207 430.703 207.731 c
430.703 208.352 430.766 208.922 430.891 209.442 c 431.016 209.957
431.203 210.399 431.461 210.77 c 431.711 211.137 432.027 211.422
432.406 211.625 c 432.785 211.825 433.227 211.926 433.734 211.93 c
434.168 211.926 434.566 211.844 434.926 211.684 c 435.281 211.516
435.586 211.262 435.844 210.922 c 436.094 210.575 436.293 210.137
436.434 209.61 c 436.57 209.078 436.637 208.453 436.641 207.731 c h
435.539 207.692 m 435.535 207.832 435.531 207.973 435.523 208.114 c
435.512 208.254 435.5 208.391 435.488 208.524 c 432.035 205.953 l
432.094 205.735 432.172 205.536 432.27 205.352 c 432.363 205.168 432.48
205.012 432.617 204.883 c 432.75 204.75 432.902 204.649 433.078 204.578
c 433.25 204.504 433.449 204.469 433.672 204.469 c 433.953 204.469
434.211 204.536 434.441 204.672 c 434.672 204.809 434.867 205.012
435.031 205.286 c 435.191 205.551 435.316 205.887 435.406 206.293 c
435.492 206.692 435.535 207.161 435.539 207.692 c h
431.801 207.766 m 431.797 207.637 431.801 207.508 431.805 207.379 c
431.805 207.25 431.813 207.125 431.828 207.004 c 435.285 209.563 l
435.223 209.77 435.141 209.965 435.047 210.141 c 434.945 210.317
434.832 210.465 434.703 210.594 c 434.566 210.719 434.414 210.821
434.246 210.891 c 434.07 210.961 433.879 210.996 433.672 211 c 433.387
210.996 433.129 210.926 432.898 210.793 c 432.664 210.653 432.469
210.45 432.309 210.176 c 432.145 209.903 432.02 209.563 431.934 209.164
c 431.844 208.758 431.797 208.293 431.801 207.766 c h
443.691 207.731 m 443.688 207.102 443.625 206.532 443.504 206.02 c
443.375 205.504 443.188 205.063 442.934 204.696 c 442.68 204.325
442.363 204.039 441.988 203.836 c 441.609 203.637 441.168 203.539
440.66 203.536 c 440.223 203.539 439.824 203.618 439.465 203.782 c
439.105 203.946 438.797 204.2 438.547 204.543 c 438.289 204.883 438.094
205.317 437.957 205.848 c 437.82 206.371 437.754 207 437.754 207.731 c
437.754 208.352 437.816 208.922 437.941 209.442 c 438.066 209.957
438.254 210.399 438.512 210.77 c 438.762 211.137 439.078 211.422
439.457 211.625 c 439.836 211.825 440.277 211.926 440.785 211.93 c
441.219 211.926 441.617 211.844 441.977 211.684 c 442.332 211.516
442.637 211.262 442.895 210.922 c 443.145 210.575 443.344 210.137
443.484 209.61 c 443.621 209.078 443.688 208.453 443.691 207.731 c h
442.59 207.692 m 442.586 207.832 442.582 207.973 442.574 208.114 c
442.563 208.254 442.551 208.391 442.539 208.524 c 439.086 205.953 l
439.145 205.735 439.223 205.536 439.32 205.352 c 439.414 205.168
439.531 205.012 439.668 204.883 c 439.801 204.75 439.953 204.649
440.129 204.578 c 440.301 204.504 440.5 204.469 440.723 204.469 c
441.004 204.469 441.262 204.536 441.492 204.672 c 441.723 204.809
441.918 205.012 442.082 205.286 c 442.242 205.551 442.367 205.887
442.457 206.293 c 442.543 206.692 442.586 207.161 442.59 207.692 c h
438.852 207.766 m 438.848 207.637 438.852 207.508 438.855 207.379 c
438.855 207.25 438.863 207.125 438.879 207.004 c 442.336 209.563 l
442.273 209.77 442.191 209.965 442.098 210.141 c 441.996 210.317
441.883 210.465 441.754 210.594 c 441.617 210.719 441.465 210.821
441.297 210.891 c 441.121 210.961 440.93 210.996 440.723 211 c 440.438
210.996 440.18 210.926 439.949 210.793 c 439.715 210.653 439.52 210.45
439.359 210.176 c 439.195 209.903 439.07 209.563 438.984 209.164 c
438.895 208.758 438.848 208.293 438.852 207.766 c h
387.688 187.649 m 386.281 187.649 l 384.293 190.95 l 382.301 187.649 l
380.914 187.649 l 383.633 191.825 l 381.133 195.817 l 382.449 195.817 l
384.32 192.743 l 386.199 195.817 l 387.48 195.817 l 384.977 191.875 l h
415.211 191.688 m 409.836 191.688 l 409.836 192.606 l 415.211 192.606 l
415.211 189.512 m 409.836 189.512 l 409.836 190.43 l 415.211 190.43 l h
422.539 191.731 m 422.535 191.102 422.473 190.532 422.352 190.02 c
422.223 189.504 422.035 189.063 421.781 188.696 c 421.527 188.325
421.211 188.039 420.836 187.836 c 420.457 187.637 420.016 187.539
419.508 187.536 c 419.07 187.539 418.672 187.618 418.313 187.782 c
417.953 187.946 417.645 188.2 417.395 188.543 c 417.137 188.883 416.941
189.317 416.805 189.848 c 416.668 190.371 416.602 191 416.602 191.731 c
416.602 192.352 416.664 192.922 416.789 193.442 c 416.914 193.957
417.102 194.399 417.359 194.77 c 417.609 195.137 417.926 195.422
418.305 195.625 c 418.684 195.825 419.125 195.926 419.633 195.93 c
420.066 195.926 420.465 195.844 420.824 195.684 c 421.18 195.516
421.484 195.262 421.742 194.922 c 421.992 194.575 422.191 194.137
422.332 193.61 c 422.469 193.078 422.535 192.453 422.539 191.731 c h
421.438 191.692 m 421.434 191.832 421.43 191.973 421.422 192.114 c
421.41 192.254 421.398 192.391 421.387 192.524 c 417.934 189.953 l
417.992 189.735 418.07 189.536 418.168 189.352 c 418.262 189.168
418.379 189.012 418.516 188.883 c 418.648 188.75 418.801 188.649
418.977 188.578 c 419.148 188.504 419.348 188.469 419.57 188.469 c
419.852 188.469 420.109 188.536 420.34 188.672 c 420.57 188.809 420.766
189.012 420.93 189.286 c 421.09 189.551 421.215 189.887 421.305 190.293
c 421.391 190.692 421.434 191.161 421.438 191.692 c h
417.699 191.766 m 417.695 191.637 417.699 191.508 417.703 191.379 c
417.703 191.25 417.711 191.125 417.727 191.004 c 421.184 193.563 l
421.121 193.77 421.039 193.965 420.945 194.141 c 420.844 194.317 420.73
194.465 420.602 194.594 c 420.465 194.719 420.313 194.821 420.145
194.891 c 419.969 194.961 419.777 194.996 419.57 195 c 419.285 194.996
419.027 194.926 418.797 194.793 c 418.563 194.653 418.367 194.45
418.207 194.176 c 418.043 193.903 417.918 193.563 417.832 193.164 c
417.742 192.758 417.695 192.293 417.699 191.766 c h
426.57 189.618 m 426.711 189.618 426.844 189.59 426.973 189.536 c
427.098 189.481 427.207 189.403 427.305 189.309 c 427.395 189.211
427.469 189.102 427.527 188.977 c 427.578 188.848 427.605 188.711
427.609 188.567 c 427.605 188.422 427.578 188.289 427.527 188.168 c
427.469 188.039 427.395 187.93 427.305 187.84 c 427.207 187.743 427.098
187.672 426.973 187.618 c 426.844 187.567 426.711 187.539 426.57
187.536 c 426.422 187.539 426.285 187.567 426.164 187.618 c 426.035
187.672 425.926 187.743 425.836 187.84 c 425.738 187.93 425.664 188.039
425.613 188.168 c 425.555 188.289 425.527 188.422 425.531 188.567 c
425.527 188.711 425.555 188.848 425.613 188.977 c 425.664 189.102
425.738 189.211 425.836 189.309 c 425.926 189.403 426.035 189.481
426.164 189.536 c 426.285 189.59 426.422 189.618 426.57 189.618 c h
436.641 191.731 m 436.637 191.102 436.574 190.532 436.453 190.02 c
436.324 189.504 436.137 189.063 435.883 188.696 c 435.629 188.325
435.313 188.039 434.938 187.836 c 434.559 187.637 434.117 187.539
433.609 187.536 c 433.172 187.539 432.773 187.618 432.414 187.782 c
432.055 187.946 431.746 188.2 431.496 188.543 c 431.238 188.883 431.043
189.317 430.906 189.848 c 430.77 190.371 430.703 191 430.703 191.731 c
430.703 192.352 430.766 192.922 430.891 193.442 c 431.016 193.957
431.203 194.399 431.461 194.77 c 431.711 195.137 432.027 195.422
432.406 195.625 c 432.785 195.825 433.227 195.926 433.734 195.93 c
434.168 195.926 434.566 195.844 434.926 195.684 c 435.281 195.516
435.586 195.262 435.844 194.922 c 436.094 194.575 436.293 194.137
436.434 193.61 c 436.57 193.078 436.637 192.453 436.641 191.731 c h
435.539 191.692 m 435.535 191.832 435.531 191.973 435.523 192.114 c
435.512 192.254 435.5 192.391 435.488 192.524 c 432.035 189.953 l
432.094 189.735 432.172 189.536 432.27 189.352 c 432.363 189.168 432.48
189.012 432.617 188.883 c 432.75 188.75 432.902 188.649 433.078 188.578
c 433.25 188.504 433.449 188.469 433.672 188.469 c 433.953 188.469
434.211 188.536 434.441 188.672 c 434.672 188.809 434.867 189.012
435.031 189.286 c 435.191 189.551 435.316 189.887 435.406 190.293 c
435.492 190.692 435.535 191.161 435.539 191.692 c h
431.801 191.766 m 431.797 191.637 431.801 191.508 431.805 191.379 c
431.805 191.25 431.813 191.125 431.828 191.004 c 435.285 193.563 l
435.223 193.77 435.141 193.965 435.047 194.141 c 434.945 194.317
434.832 194.465 434.703 194.594 c 434.566 194.719 434.414 194.821
434.246 194.891 c 434.07 194.961 433.879 194.996 433.672 195 c 433.387
194.996 433.129 194.926 432.898 194.793 c 432.664 194.653 432.469
194.45 432.309 194.176 c 432.145 193.903 432.02 193.563 431.934 193.164
c 431.844 192.758 431.797 192.293 431.801 191.766 c h
443.434 187.649 m 438.305 187.649 l 438.305 188.661 l 440.402 188.661 l
440.402 194.625 l 438.445 193.563 l 438.047 194.485 l 440.648 195.856 l
441.609 195.856 l 441.609 188.661 l 443.434 188.661 l h
443.434 187.649 m f
387.688 203.649 m 386.281 203.649 l 384.293 206.95 l 382.301 203.649 l
380.914 203.649 l 383.633 207.825 l 381.133 211.817 l 382.449 211.817 l
384.32 208.743 l 386.199 211.817 l 387.48 211.817 l 384.977 207.875 l h
415.211 207.688 m 409.836 207.688 l 409.836 208.606 l 415.211 208.606 l
415.211 205.512 m 409.836 205.512 l 409.836 206.43 l 415.211 206.43 l h
422.281 203.649 m 417.152 203.649 l 417.152 204.661 l 419.25 204.661 l
419.25 210.625 l 417.293 209.563 l 416.895 210.485 l 419.496 211.856 l
420.457 211.856 l 420.457 204.661 l 422.281 204.661 l h
426.57 205.618 m 426.711 205.618 426.844 205.59 426.973 205.536 c
427.098 205.481 427.207 205.403 427.305 205.309 c 427.395 205.211
427.469 205.102 427.527 204.977 c 427.578 204.848 427.605 204.711
427.609 204.567 c 427.605 204.422 427.578 204.289 427.527 204.168 c
427.469 204.039 427.395 203.93 427.305 203.84 c 427.207 203.743 427.098
203.672 426.973 203.618 c 426.844 203.567 426.711 203.539 426.57
203.536 c 426.422 203.539 426.285 203.567 426.164 203.618 c 426.035
203.672 425.926 203.743 425.836 203.84 c 425.738 203.93 425.664 204.039
425.613 204.168 c 425.555 204.289 425.527 204.422 425.531 204.567 c
425.527 204.711 425.555 204.848 425.613 204.977 c 425.664 205.102
425.738 205.211 425.836 205.309 c 425.926 205.403 426.035 205.481
426.164 205.536 c 426.285 205.59 426.422 205.618 426.57 205.618 c h
436.641 207.731 m 436.637 207.102 436.574 206.532 436.453 206.02 c
436.324 205.504 436.137 205.063 435.883 204.696 c 435.629 204.325
435.313 204.039 434.938 203.836 c 434.559 203.637 434.117 203.539
433.609 203.536 c 433.172 203.539 432.773 203.618 432.414 203.782 c
432.055 203.946 431.746 204.2 431.496 204.543 c 431.238 204.883 431.043
205.317 430.906 205.848 c 430.77 206.371 430.703 207 430.703 207.731 c
430.703 208.352 430.766 208.922 430.891 209.442 c 431.016 209.957
431.203 210.399 431.461 210.77 c 431.711 211.137 432.027 211.422
432.406 211.625 c 432.785 211.825 433.227 211.926 433.734 211.93 c
434.168 211.926 434.566 211.844 434.926 211.684 c 435.281 211.516
435.586 211.262 435.844 210.922 c 436.094 210.575 436.293 210.137
436.434 209.61 c 436.57 209.078 436.637 208.453 436.641 207.731 c h
435.539 207.692 m 435.535 207.832 435.531 207.973 435.523 208.114 c
435.512 208.254 435.5 208.391 435.488 208.524 c 432.035 205.953 l
432.094 205.735 432.172 205.536 432.27 205.352 c 432.363 205.168 432.48
205.012 432.617 204.883 c 432.75 204.75 432.902 204.649 433.078 204.578
c 433.25 204.504 433.449 204.469 433.672 204.469 c 433.953 204.469
434.211 204.536 434.441 204.672 c 434.672 204.809 434.867 205.012
435.031 205.286 c 435.191 205.551 435.316 205.887 435.406 206.293 c
435.492 206.692 435.535 207.161 435.539 207.692 c h
431.801 207.766 m 431.797 207.637 431.801 207.508 431.805 207.379 c
431.805 207.25 431.813 207.125 431.828 207.004 c 435.285 209.563 l
435.223 209.77 435.141 209.965 435.047 210.141 c 434.945 210.317
434.832 210.465 434.703 210.594 c 434.566 210.719 434.414 210.821
434.246 210.891 c 434.07 210.961 433.879 210.996 433.672 211 c 433.387
210.996 433.129 210.926 432.898 210.793 c 432.664 210.653 432.469
210.45 432.309 210.176 c 432.145 209.903 432.02 209.563 431.934 209.164
c 431.844 208.758 431.797 208.293 431.801 207.766 c h
443.691 207.731 m 443.688 207.102 443.625 206.532 443.504 206.02 c
443.375 205.504 443.188 205.063 442.934 204.696 c 442.68 204.325
442.363 204.039 441.988 203.836 c 441.609 203.637 441.168 203.539
440.66 203.536 c 440.223 203.539 439.824 203.618 439.465 203.782 c
439.105 203.946 438.797 204.2 438.547 204.543 c 438.289 204.883 438.094
205.317 437.957 205.848 c 437.82 206.371 437.754 207 437.754 207.731 c
437.754 208.352 437.816 208.922 437.941 209.442 c 438.066 209.957
438.254 210.399 438.512 210.77 c 438.762 211.137 439.078 211.422
439.457 211.625 c 439.836 211.825 440.277 211.926 440.785 211.93 c
441.219 211.926 441.617 211.844 441.977 211.684 c 442.332 211.516
442.637 211.262 442.895 210.922 c 443.145 210.575 443.344 210.137
443.484 209.61 c 443.621 209.078 443.688 208.453 443.691 207.731 c h
442.59 207.692 m 442.586 207.832 442.582 207.973 442.574 208.114 c
442.563 208.254 442.551 208.391 442.539 208.524 c 439.086 205.953 l
439.145 205.735 439.223 205.536 439.32 205.352 c 439.414 205.168
439.531 205.012 439.668 204.883 c 439.801 204.75 439.953 204.649
440.129 204.578 c 440.301 204.504 440.5 204.469 440.723 204.469 c
441.004 204.469 441.262 204.536 441.492 204.672 c 441.723 204.809
441.918 205.012 442.082 205.286 c 442.242 205.551 442.367 205.887
442.457 206.293 c 442.543 206.692 442.586 207.161 442.59 207.692 c h
438.852 207.766 m 438.848 207.637 438.852 207.508 438.855 207.379 c
438.855 207.25 438.863 207.125 438.879 207.004 c 442.336 209.563 l
442.273 209.77 442.191 209.965 442.098 210.141 c 441.996 210.317
441.883 210.465 441.754 210.594 c 441.617 210.719 441.465 210.821
441.297 210.891 c 441.121 210.961 440.93 210.996 440.723 211 c 440.438
210.996 440.18 210.926 439.949 210.793 c 439.715 210.653 439.52 210.45
439.359 210.176 c 439.195 209.903 439.07 209.563 438.984 209.164 c
438.895 208.758 438.848 208.293 438.852 207.766 c h
387.688 187.649 m 386.281 187.649 l 384.293 190.95 l 382.301 187.649 l
380.914 187.649 l 383.633 191.825 l 381.133 195.817 l 382.449 195.817 l
384.32 192.743 l 386.199 195.817 l 387.48 195.817 l 384.977 191.875 l h
415.211 191.688 m 409.836 191.688 l 409.836 192.606 l 415.211 192.606 l
415.211 189.512 m 409.836 189.512 l 409.836 190.43 l 415.211 190.43 l h
422.539 191.731 m 422.535 191.102 422.473 190.532 422.352 190.02 c
422.223 189.504 422.035 189.063 421.781 188.696 c 421.527 188.325
421.211 188.039 420.836 187.836 c 420.457 187.637 420.016 187.539
419.508 187.536 c 419.07 187.539 418.672 187.618 418.313 187.782 c
417.953 187.946 417.645 188.2 417.395 188.543 c 417.137 188.883 416.941
189.317 416.805 189.848 c 416.668 190.371 416.602 191 416.602 191.731 c
416.602 192.352 416.664 192.922 416.789 193.442 c 416.914 193.957
417.102 194.399 417.359 194.77 c 417.609 195.137 417.926 195.422
418.305 195.625 c 418.684 195.825 419.125 195.926 419.633 195.93 c
420.066 195.926 420.465 195.844 420.824 195.684 c 421.18 195.516
421.484 195.262 421.742 194.922 c 421.992 194.575 422.191 194.137
422.332 193.61 c 422.469 193.078 422.535 192.453 422.539 191.731 c h
421.438 191.692 m 421.434 191.832 421.43 191.973 421.422 192.114 c
421.41 192.254 421.398 192.391 421.387 192.524 c 417.934 189.953 l
417.992 189.735 418.07 189.536 418.168 189.352 c 418.262 189.168
418.379 189.012 418.516 188.883 c 418.648 188.75 418.801 188.649
418.977 188.578 c 419.148 188.504 419.348 188.469 419.57 188.469 c
419.852 188.469 420.109 188.536 420.34 188.672 c 420.57 188.809 420.766
189.012 420.93 189.286 c 421.09 189.551 421.215 189.887 421.305 190.293
c 421.391 190.692 421.434 191.161 421.438 191.692 c h
417.699 191.766 m 417.695 191.637 417.699 191.508 417.703 191.379 c
417.703 191.25 417.711 191.125 417.727 191.004 c 421.184 193.563 l
421.121 193.77 421.039 193.965 420.945 194.141 c 420.844 194.317 420.73
194.465 420.602 194.594 c 420.465 194.719 420.313 194.821 420.145
194.891 c 419.969 194.961 419.777 194.996 419.57 195 c 419.285 194.996
419.027 194.926 418.797 194.793 c 418.563 194.653 418.367 194.45
418.207 194.176 c 418.043 193.903 417.918 193.563 417.832 193.164 c
417.742 192.758 417.695 192.293 417.699 191.766 c h
426.57 189.618 m 426.711 189.618 426.844 189.59 426.973 189.536 c
427.098 189.481 427.207 189.403 427.305 189.309 c 427.395 189.211
427.469 189.102 427.527 188.977 c 427.578 188.848 427.605 188.711
427.609 188.567 c 427.605 188.422 427.578 188.289 427.527 188.168 c
427.469 188.039 427.395 187.93 427.305 187.84 c 427.207 187.743 427.098
187.672 426.973 187.618 c 426.844 187.567 426.711 187.539 426.57
187.536 c 426.422 187.539 426.285 187.567 426.164 187.618 c 426.035
187.672 425.926 187.743 425.836 187.84 c 425.738 187.93 425.664 188.039
425.613 188.168 c 425.555 188.289 425.527 188.422 425.531 188.567 c
425.527 188.711 425.555 188.848 425.613 188.977 c 425.664 189.102
425.738 189.211 425.836 189.309 c 425.926 189.403 426.035 189.481
426.164 189.536 c 426.285 189.59 426.422 189.618 426.57 189.618 c h
436.641 191.731 m 436.637 191.102 436.574 190.532 436.453 190.02 c
436.324 189.504 436.137 189.063 435.883 188.696 c 435.629 188.325
435.313 188.039 434.938 187.836 c 434.559 187.637 434.117 187.539
433.609 187.536 c 433.172 187.539 432.773 187.618 432.414 187.782 c
432.055 187.946 431.746 188.2 431.496 188.543 c 431.238 188.883 431.043
189.317 430.906 189.848 c 430.77 190.371 430.703 191 430.703 191.731 c
430.703 192.352 430.766 192.922 430.891 193.442 c 431.016 193.957
431.203 194.399 431.461 194.77 c 431.711 195.137 432.027 195.422
432.406 195.625 c 432.785 195.825 433.227 195.926 433.734 195.93 c
434.168 195.926 434.566 195.844 434.926 195.684 c 435.281 195.516
435.586 195.262 435.844 194.922 c 436.094 194.575 436.293 194.137
436.434 193.61 c 436.57 193.078 436.637 192.453 436.641 191.731 c h
435.539 191.692 m 435.535 191.832 435.531 191.973 435.523 192.114 c
435.512 192.254 435.5 192.391 435.488 192.524 c 432.035 189.953 l
432.094 189.735 432.172 189.536 432.27 189.352 c 432.363 189.168 432.48
189.012 432.617 188.883 c 432.75 188.75 432.902 188.649 433.078 188.578
c 433.25 188.504 433.449 188.469 433.672 188.469 c 433.953 188.469
434.211 188.536 434.441 188.672 c 434.672 188.809 434.867 189.012
435.031 189.286 c 435.191 189.551 435.316 189.887 435.406 190.293 c
435.492 190.692 435.535 191.161 435.539 191.692 c h
431.801 191.766 m 431.797 191.637 431.801 191.508 431.805 191.379 c
431.805 191.25 431.813 191.125 431.828 191.004 c 435.285 193.563 l
435.223 193.77 435.141 193.965 435.047 194.141 c 434.945 194.317
434.832 194.465 434.703 194.594 c 434.566 194.719 434.414 194.821
434.246 194.891 c 434.07 194.961 433.879 194.996 433.672 195 c 433.387
194.996 433.129 194.926 432.898 194.793 c 432.664 194.653 432.469
194.45 432.309 194.176 c 432.145 193.903 432.02 193.563 431.934 193.164
c 431.844 192.758 431.797 192.293 431.801 191.766 c h
443.434 187.649 m 438.305 187.649 l 438.305 188.661 l 440.402 188.661 l
440.402 194.625 l 438.445 193.563 l 438.047 194.485 l 440.648 195.856 l
441.609 195.856 l 441.609 188.661 l 443.434 188.661 l h
392.711 204.196 m 392.707 203.774 392.648 203.407 392.535 203.098 c
392.414 202.782 392.25 202.524 392.047 202.321 c 391.836 202.114
391.594 201.957 391.316 201.856 c 391.031 201.754 390.727 201.707
390.402 201.703 c 390.25 201.707 390.102 201.715 389.957 201.727 c
389.805 201.746 389.652 201.77 389.504 201.805 c 389.504 199.836 l
388.688 199.836 l 388.688 206.465 l 389.414 206.465 l 389.465 205.676 l
389.695 205.996 389.945 206.223 390.215 206.352 c 390.477 206.481
390.766 206.543 391.078 206.547 c 391.344 206.543 391.578 206.489
391.785 206.379 c 391.984 206.266 392.156 206.106 392.297 205.903 c
392.434 205.696 392.535 205.45 392.605 205.164 c 392.672 204.871
392.707 204.551 392.711 204.196 c h
391.875 204.157 m 391.875 204.399 391.855 204.625 391.82 204.836 c
391.781 205.039 391.723 205.219 391.648 205.368 c 391.566 205.512
391.469 205.625 391.348 205.711 c 391.227 205.793 391.082 205.836
390.914 205.836 c 390.809 205.836 390.703 205.817 390.598 205.786 c
390.492 205.75 390.383 205.696 390.27 205.621 c 390.152 205.543 390.031
205.442 389.906 205.317 c 389.781 205.188 389.645 205.032 389.504
204.848 c 389.504 202.563 l 389.648 202.496 389.809 202.45 389.977
202.414 c 390.141 202.379 390.301 202.36 390.465 202.364 c 390.902
202.36 391.25 202.508 391.5 202.809 c 391.75 203.106 391.875 203.555
391.875 204.157 c h
397.953 204.36 m 397.949 204.243 397.945 204.145 397.945 204.071 c
397.938 203.989 397.934 203.914 397.934 203.848 c 394.629 203.848 l
394.625 203.364 394.762 202.993 395.031 202.739 c 395.297 202.477
395.684 202.348 396.195 202.352 c 396.328 202.348 396.465 202.356
396.605 202.368 c 396.742 202.379 396.875 202.395 397.004 202.414 c
397.129 202.43 397.25 202.45 397.371 202.477 c 397.484 202.496 397.594
202.524 397.699 202.555 c 397.699 201.883 l 397.473 201.817 397.223
201.77 396.945 201.731 c 396.664 201.696 396.375 201.676 396.078
201.672 c 395.672 201.676 395.324 201.727 395.035 201.836 c 394.742
201.942 394.504 202.102 394.32 202.313 c 394.133 202.52 393.996 202.774
393.906 203.078 c 393.816 203.375 393.77 203.719 393.773 204.102 c
393.77 204.43 393.82 204.743 393.918 205.039 c 394.012 205.336 394.148
205.594 394.336 205.821 c 394.516 206.039 394.742 206.219 395.008
206.352 c 395.273 206.481 395.574 206.543 395.914 206.547 c 396.238
206.543 396.527 206.493 396.785 206.391 c 397.035 206.286 397.25
206.141 397.422 205.953 c 397.594 205.766 397.723 205.536 397.816
205.266 c 397.902 204.993 397.949 204.692 397.953 204.36 c h
397.102 204.477 m 397.109 204.684 397.09 204.875 397.043 205.051 c
396.988 205.223 396.91 205.371 396.809 205.5 c 396.699 205.621 396.57
205.719 396.418 205.793 c 396.258 205.86 396.078 205.895 395.875
205.899 c 395.695 205.895 395.531 205.86 395.387 205.793 c 395.238
205.723 395.113 205.625 395.008 205.504 c 394.898 205.375 394.813
205.227 394.75 205.051 c 394.684 204.875 394.641 204.684 394.629
204.477 c h
399.453 206.465 m 400.199 206.465 l 400.223 205.598 l 400.5 205.926
400.773 206.168 401.043 206.321 c 401.313 206.469 401.586 206.543
401.863 206.547 c 402.348 206.543 402.715 206.387 402.969 206.075 c
403.219 205.758 403.336 205.289 403.32 204.668 c 402.496 204.668 l
402.504 205.078 402.441 205.379 402.316 205.567 c 402.184 205.75
401.996 205.84 401.746 205.844 c 401.637 205.84 401.523 205.821 401.414
205.786 c 401.301 205.743 401.188 205.68 401.074 205.598 c 400.953
205.508 400.828 205.399 400.699 205.266 c 400.566 205.129 400.426
204.969 400.277 204.782 c 400.277 201.758 l 399.453 201.758 l h
408.727 207.621 m 408.297 207.711 407.93 207.758 407.621 207.758 c
406.887 207.758 406.52 207.371 406.52 206.606 c 406.52 205.782 l
408.582 205.782 l 408.582 205.102 l 406.52 205.102 l 406.52 201.758 l
405.691 201.758 l 405.691 205.102 l 404.176 205.102 l 404.176 205.782 l
405.691 205.782 l 405.691 206.559 l 405.688 207.809 406.34 208.438
407.648 208.438 c 407.973 208.438 408.332 208.399 408.727 208.325 c h
408.727 207.621 m f
387.688 203.649 m 386.281 203.649 l 384.293 206.95 l 382.301 203.649 l
380.914 203.649 l 383.633 207.825 l 381.133 211.817 l 382.449 211.817 l
384.32 208.743 l 386.199 211.817 l 387.48 211.817 l 384.977 207.875 l h
415.211 207.688 m 409.836 207.688 l 409.836 208.606 l 415.211 208.606 l
415.211 205.512 m 409.836 205.512 l 409.836 206.43 l 415.211 206.43 l h
422.281 203.649 m 417.152 203.649 l 417.152 204.661 l 419.25 204.661 l
419.25 210.625 l 417.293 209.563 l 416.895 210.485 l 419.496 211.856 l
420.457 211.856 l 420.457 204.661 l 422.281 204.661 l h
426.57 205.618 m 426.711 205.618 426.844 205.59 426.973 205.536 c
427.098 205.481 427.207 205.403 427.305 205.309 c 427.395 205.211
427.469 205.102 427.527 204.977 c 427.578 204.848 427.605 204.711
427.609 204.567 c 427.605 204.422 427.578 204.289 427.527 204.168 c
427.469 204.039 427.395 203.93 427.305 203.84 c 427.207 203.743 427.098
203.672 426.973 203.618 c 426.844 203.567 426.711 203.539 426.57
203.536 c 426.422 203.539 426.285 203.567 426.164 203.618 c 426.035
203.672 425.926 203.743 425.836 203.84 c 425.738 203.93 425.664 204.039
425.613 204.168 c 425.555 204.289 425.527 204.422 425.531 204.567 c
425.527 204.711 425.555 204.848 425.613 204.977 c 425.664 205.102
425.738 205.211 425.836 205.309 c 425.926 205.403 426.035 205.481
426.164 205.536 c 426.285 205.59 426.422 205.618 426.57 205.618 c h
436.641 207.731 m 436.637 207.102 436.574 206.532 436.453 206.02 c
436.324 205.504 436.137 205.063 435.883 204.696 c 435.629 204.325
435.313 204.039 434.938 203.836 c 434.559 203.637 434.117 203.539
433.609 203.536 c 433.172 203.539 432.773 203.618 432.414 203.782 c
432.055 203.946 431.746 204.2 431.496 204.543 c 431.238 204.883 431.043
205.317 430.906 205.848 c 430.77 206.371 430.703 207 430.703 207.731 c
430.703 208.352 430.766 208.922 430.891 209.442 c 431.016 209.957
431.203 210.399 431.461 210.77 c 431.711 211.137 432.027 211.422
432.406 211.625 c 432.785 211.825 433.227 211.926 433.734 211.93 c
434.168 211.926 434.566 211.844 434.926 211.684 c 435.281 211.516
435.586 211.262 435.844 210.922 c 436.094 210.575 436.293 210.137
436.434 209.61 c 436.57 209.078 436.637 208.453 436.641 207.731 c h
435.539 207.692 m 435.535 207.832 435.531 207.973 435.523 208.114 c
435.512 208.254 435.5 208.391 435.488 208.524 c 432.035 205.953 l
432.094 205.735 432.172 205.536 432.27 205.352 c 432.363 205.168 432.48
205.012 432.617 204.883 c 432.75 204.75 432.902 204.649 433.078 204.578
c 433.25 204.504 433.449 204.469 433.672 204.469 c 433.953 204.469
434.211 204.536 434.441 204.672 c 434.672 204.809 434.867 205.012
435.031 205.286 c 435.191 205.551 435.316 205.887 435.406 206.293 c
435.492 206.692 435.535 207.161 435.539 207.692 c h
431.801 207.766 m 431.797 207.637 431.801 207.508 431.805 207.379 c
431.805 207.25 431.813 207.125 431.828 207.004 c 435.285 209.563 l
435.223 209.77 435.141 209.965 435.047 210.141 c 434.945 210.317
434.832 210.465 434.703 210.594 c 434.566 210.719 434.414 210.821
434.246 210.891 c 434.07 210.961 433.879 210.996 433.672 211 c 433.387
210.996 433.129 210.926 432.898 210.793 c 432.664 210.653 432.469
210.45 432.309 210.176 c 432.145 209.903 432.02 209.563 431.934 209.164
c 431.844 208.758 431.797 208.293 431.801 207.766 c h
443.691 207.731 m 443.688 207.102 443.625 206.532 443.504 206.02 c
443.375 205.504 443.188 205.063 442.934 204.696 c 442.68 204.325
442.363 204.039 441.988 203.836 c 441.609 203.637 441.168 203.539
440.66 203.536 c 440.223 203.539 439.824 203.618 439.465 203.782 c
439.105 203.946 438.797 204.2 438.547 204.543 c 438.289 204.883 438.094
205.317 437.957 205.848 c 437.82 206.371 437.754 207 437.754 207.731 c
437.754 208.352 437.816 208.922 437.941 209.442 c 438.066 209.957
438.254 210.399 438.512 210.77 c 438.762 211.137 439.078 211.422
439.457 211.625 c 439.836 211.825 440.277 211.926 440.785 211.93 c
441.219 211.926 441.617 211.844 441.977 211.684 c 442.332 211.516
442.637 211.262 442.895 210.922 c 443.145 210.575 443.344 210.137
443.484 209.61 c 443.621 209.078 443.688 208.453 443.691 207.731 c h
442.59 207.692 m 442.586 207.832 442.582 207.973 442.574 208.114 c
442.563 208.254 442.551 208.391 442.539 208.524 c 439.086 205.953 l
439.145 205.735 439.223 205.536 439.32 205.352 c 439.414 205.168
439.531 205.012 439.668 204.883 c 439.801 204.75 439.953 204.649
440.129 204.578 c 440.301 204.504 440.5 204.469 440.723 204.469 c
441.004 204.469 441.262 204.536 441.492 204.672 c 441.723 204.809
441.918 205.012 442.082 205.286 c 442.242 205.551 442.367 205.887
442.457 206.293 c 442.543 206.692 442.586 207.161 442.59 207.692 c h
438.852 207.766 m 438.848 207.637 438.852 207.508 438.855 207.379 c
438.855 207.25 438.863 207.125 438.879 207.004 c 442.336 209.563 l
442.273 209.77 442.191 209.965 442.098 210.141 c 441.996 210.317
441.883 210.465 441.754 210.594 c 441.617 210.719 441.465 210.821
441.297 210.891 c 441.121 210.961 440.93 210.996 440.723 211 c 440.438
210.996 440.18 210.926 439.949 210.793 c 439.715 210.653 439.52 210.45
439.359 210.176 c 439.195 209.903 439.07 209.563 438.984 209.164 c
438.895 208.758 438.848 208.293 438.852 207.766 c h
387.688 187.649 m 386.281 187.649 l 384.293 190.95 l 382.301 187.649 l
380.914 187.649 l 383.633 191.825 l 381.133 195.817 l 382.449 195.817 l
384.32 192.743 l 386.199 195.817 l 387.48 195.817 l 384.977 191.875 l h
415.211 191.688 m 409.836 191.688 l 409.836 192.606 l 415.211 192.606 l
415.211 189.512 m 409.836 189.512 l 409.836 190.43 l 415.211 190.43 l h
422.539 191.731 m 422.535 191.102 422.473 190.532 422.352 190.02 c
422.223 189.504 422.035 189.063 421.781 188.696 c 421.527 188.325
421.211 188.039 420.836 187.836 c 420.457 187.637 420.016 187.539
419.508 187.536 c 419.07 187.539 418.672 187.618 418.313 187.782 c
417.953 187.946 417.645 188.2 417.395 188.543 c 417.137 188.883 416.941
189.317 416.805 189.848 c 416.668 190.371 416.602 191 416.602 191.731 c
416.602 192.352 416.664 192.922 416.789 193.442 c 416.914 193.957
417.102 194.399 417.359 194.77 c 417.609 195.137 417.926 195.422
418.305 195.625 c 418.684 195.825 419.125 195.926 419.633 195.93 c
420.066 195.926 420.465 195.844 420.824 195.684 c 421.18 195.516
421.484 195.262 421.742 194.922 c 421.992 194.575 422.191 194.137
422.332 193.61 c 422.469 193.078 422.535 192.453 422.539 191.731 c h
421.438 191.692 m 421.434 191.832 421.43 191.973 421.422 192.114 c
421.41 192.254 421.398 192.391 421.387 192.524 c 417.934 189.953 l
417.992 189.735 418.07 189.536 418.168 189.352 c 418.262 189.168
418.379 189.012 418.516 188.883 c 418.648 188.75 418.801 188.649
418.977 188.578 c 419.148 188.504 419.348 188.469 419.57 188.469 c
419.852 188.469 420.109 188.536 420.34 188.672 c 420.57 188.809 420.766
189.012 420.93 189.286 c 421.09 189.551 421.215 189.887 421.305 190.293
c 421.391 190.692 421.434 191.161 421.438 191.692 c h
417.699 191.766 m 417.695 191.637 417.699 191.508 417.703 191.379 c
417.703 191.25 417.711 191.125 417.727 191.004 c 421.184 193.563 l
421.121 193.77 421.039 193.965 420.945 194.141 c 420.844 194.317 420.73
194.465 420.602 194.594 c 420.465 194.719 420.313 194.821 420.145
194.891 c 419.969 194.961 419.777 194.996 419.57 195 c 419.285 194.996
419.027 194.926 418.797 194.793 c 418.563 194.653 418.367 194.45
418.207 194.176 c 418.043 193.903 417.918 193.563 417.832 193.164 c
417.742 192.758 417.695 192.293 417.699 191.766 c h
426.57 189.618 m 426.711 189.618 426.844 189.59 426.973 189.536 c
427.098 189.481 427.207 189.403 427.305 189.309 c 427.395 189.211
427.469 189.102 427.527 188.977 c 427.578 188.848 427.605 188.711
427.609 188.567 c 427.605 188.422 427.578 188.289 427.527 188.168 c
427.469 188.039 427.395 187.93 427.305 187.84 c 427.207 187.743 427.098
187.672 426.973 187.618 c 426.844 187.567 426.711 187.539 426.57
187.536 c 426.422 187.539 426.285 187.567 426.164 187.618 c 426.035
187.672 425.926 187.743 425.836 187.84 c 425.738 187.93 425.664 188.039
425.613 188.168 c 425.555 188.289 425.527 188.422 425.531 188.567 c
425.527 188.711 425.555 188.848 425.613 188.977 c 425.664 189.102
425.738 189.211 425.836 189.309 c 425.926 189.403 426.035 189.481
426.164 189.536 c 426.285 189.59 426.422 189.618 426.57 189.618 c h
436.641 191.731 m 436.637 191.102 436.574 190.532 436.453 190.02 c
436.324 189.504 436.137 189.063 435.883 188.696 c 435.629 188.325
435.313 188.039 434.938 187.836 c 434.559 187.637 434.117 187.539
433.609 187.536 c 433.172 187.539 432.773 187.618 432.414 187.782 c
432.055 187.946 431.746 188.2 431.496 188.543 c 431.238 188.883 431.043
189.317 430.906 189.848 c 430.77 190.371 430.703 191 430.703 191.731 c
430.703 192.352 430.766 192.922 430.891 193.442 c 431.016 193.957
431.203 194.399 431.461 194.77 c 431.711 195.137 432.027 195.422
432.406 195.625 c 432.785 195.825 433.227 195.926 433.734 195.93 c
434.168 195.926 434.566 195.844 434.926 195.684 c 435.281 195.516
435.586 195.262 435.844 194.922 c 436.094 194.575 436.293 194.137
436.434 193.61 c 436.57 193.078 436.637 192.453 436.641 191.731 c h
435.539 191.692 m 435.535 191.832 435.531 191.973 435.523 192.114 c
435.512 192.254 435.5 192.391 435.488 192.524 c 432.035 189.953 l
432.094 189.735 432.172 189.536 432.27 189.352 c 432.363 189.168 432.48
189.012 432.617 188.883 c 432.75 188.75 432.902 188.649 433.078 188.578
c 433.25 188.504 433.449 188.469 433.672 188.469 c 433.953 188.469
434.211 188.536 434.441 188.672 c 434.672 188.809 434.867 189.012
435.031 189.286 c 435.191 189.551 435.316 189.887 435.406 190.293 c
435.492 190.692 435.535 191.161 435.539 191.692 c h
431.801 191.766 m 431.797 191.637 431.801 191.508 431.805 191.379 c
431.805 191.25 431.813 191.125 431.828 191.004 c 435.285 193.563 l
435.223 193.77 435.141 193.965 435.047 194.141 c 434.945 194.317
434.832 194.465 434.703 194.594 c 434.566 194.719 434.414 194.821
434.246 194.891 c 434.07 194.961 433.879 194.996 433.672 195 c 433.387
194.996 433.129 194.926 432.898 194.793 c 432.664 194.653 432.469
194.45 432.309 194.176 c 432.145 193.903 432.02 193.563 431.934 193.164
c 431.844 192.758 431.797 192.293 431.801 191.766 c h
443.434 187.649 m 438.305 187.649 l 438.305 188.661 l 440.402 188.661 l
440.402 194.625 l 438.445 193.563 l 438.047 194.485 l 440.648 195.856 l
441.609 195.856 l 441.609 188.661 l 443.434 188.661 l h
392.711 204.196 m 392.707 203.774 392.648 203.407 392.535 203.098 c
392.414 202.782 392.25 202.524 392.047 202.321 c 391.836 202.114
391.594 201.957 391.316 201.856 c 391.031 201.754 390.727 201.707
390.402 201.703 c 390.25 201.707 390.102 201.715 389.957 201.727 c
389.805 201.746 389.652 201.77 389.504 201.805 c 389.504 199.836 l
388.688 199.836 l 388.688 206.465 l 389.414 206.465 l 389.465 205.676 l
389.695 205.996 389.945 206.223 390.215 206.352 c 390.477 206.481
390.766 206.543 391.078 206.547 c 391.344 206.543 391.578 206.489
391.785 206.379 c 391.984 206.266 392.156 206.106 392.297 205.903 c
392.434 205.696 392.535 205.45 392.605 205.164 c 392.672 204.871
392.707 204.551 392.711 204.196 c h
391.875 204.157 m 391.875 204.399 391.855 204.625 391.82 204.836 c
391.781 205.039 391.723 205.219 391.648 205.368 c 391.566 205.512
391.469 205.625 391.348 205.711 c 391.227 205.793 391.082 205.836
390.914 205.836 c 390.809 205.836 390.703 205.817 390.598 205.786 c
390.492 205.75 390.383 205.696 390.27 205.621 c 390.152 205.543 390.031
205.442 389.906 205.317 c 389.781 205.188 389.645 205.032 389.504
204.848 c 389.504 202.563 l 389.648 202.496 389.809 202.45 389.977
202.414 c 390.141 202.379 390.301 202.36 390.465 202.364 c 390.902
202.36 391.25 202.508 391.5 202.809 c 391.75 203.106 391.875 203.555
391.875 204.157 c h
397.953 204.36 m 397.949 204.243 397.945 204.145 397.945 204.071 c
397.938 203.989 397.934 203.914 397.934 203.848 c 394.629 203.848 l
394.625 203.364 394.762 202.993 395.031 202.739 c 395.297 202.477
395.684 202.348 396.195 202.352 c 396.328 202.348 396.465 202.356
396.605 202.368 c 396.742 202.379 396.875 202.395 397.004 202.414 c
397.129 202.43 397.25 202.45 397.371 202.477 c 397.484 202.496 397.594
202.524 397.699 202.555 c 397.699 201.883 l 397.473 201.817 397.223
201.77 396.945 201.731 c 396.664 201.696 396.375 201.676 396.078
201.672 c 395.672 201.676 395.324 201.727 395.035 201.836 c 394.742
201.942 394.504 202.102 394.32 202.313 c 394.133 202.52 393.996 202.774
393.906 203.078 c 393.816 203.375 393.77 203.719 393.773 204.102 c
393.77 204.43 393.82 204.743 393.918 205.039 c 394.012 205.336 394.148
205.594 394.336 205.821 c 394.516 206.039 394.742 206.219 395.008
206.352 c 395.273 206.481 395.574 206.543 395.914 206.547 c 396.238
206.543 396.527 206.493 396.785 206.391 c 397.035 206.286 397.25
206.141 397.422 205.953 c 397.594 205.766 397.723 205.536 397.816
205.266 c 397.902 204.993 397.949 204.692 397.953 204.36 c h
397.102 204.477 m 397.109 204.684 397.09 204.875 397.043 205.051 c
396.988 205.223 396.91 205.371 396.809 205.5 c 396.699 205.621 396.57
205.719 396.418 205.793 c 396.258 205.86 396.078 205.895 395.875
205.899 c 395.695 205.895 395.531 205.86 395.387 205.793 c 395.238
205.723 395.113 205.625 395.008 205.504 c 394.898 205.375 394.813
205.227 394.75 205.051 c 394.684 204.875 394.641 204.684 394.629
204.477 c h
399.453 206.465 m 400.199 206.465 l 400.223 205.598 l 400.5 205.926
400.773 206.168 401.043 206.321 c 401.313 206.469 401.586 206.543
401.863 206.547 c 402.348 206.543 402.715 206.387 402.969 206.075 c
403.219 205.758 403.336 205.289 403.32 204.668 c 402.496 204.668 l
402.504 205.078 402.441 205.379 402.316 205.567 c 402.184 205.75
401.996 205.84 401.746 205.844 c 401.637 205.84 401.523 205.821 401.414
205.786 c 401.301 205.743 401.188 205.68 401.074 205.598 c 400.953
205.508 400.828 205.399 400.699 205.266 c 400.566 205.129 400.426
204.969 400.277 204.782 c 400.277 201.758 l 399.453 201.758 l h
408.727 207.621 m 408.297 207.711 407.93 207.758 407.621 207.758 c
406.887 207.758 406.52 207.371 406.52 206.606 c 406.52 205.782 l
408.582 205.782 l 408.582 205.102 l 406.52 205.102 l 406.52 201.758 l
405.691 201.758 l 405.691 205.102 l 404.176 205.102 l 404.176 205.782 l
405.691 205.782 l 405.691 206.559 l 405.688 207.809 406.34 208.438
407.648 208.438 c 407.973 208.438 408.332 208.399 408.727 208.325 c h
390.383 191.289 m 388.992 191.289 l 388.992 191.961 l 391.211 191.961 l
391.211 186.016 l 392.609 186.016 l 392.609 185.336 l 388.836 185.336 l
388.836 186.016 l 390.383 186.016 l h
398.168 187.727 m 398.164 187.36 398.113 187.024 398.012 186.723 c
397.906 186.414 397.758 186.153 397.566 185.938 c 397.371 185.719
397.137 185.551 396.859 185.43 c 396.578 185.313 396.262 185.254
395.914 185.25 c 395.574 185.254 395.27 185.305 395.004 185.407 c
394.734 185.512 394.508 185.664 394.324 185.871 c 394.137 186.071
393.996 186.325 393.898 186.625 c 393.797 186.922 393.746 187.266
393.75 187.661 c 393.746 188.024 393.801 188.356 393.906 188.661 c
394.008 188.957 394.156 189.219 394.352 189.438 c 394.543 189.657
394.777 189.825 395.059 189.946 c 395.336 190.063 395.652 190.121
396.008 190.125 c 396.34 190.121 396.641 190.071 396.91 189.969 c
397.176 189.864 397.402 189.711 397.59 189.508 c 397.773 189.305
397.918 189.055 398.02 188.758 c 398.117 188.457 398.164 188.114
398.168 187.727 c h
397.332 187.688 m 397.328 187.977 397.297 188.231 397.234 188.45 c
397.172 188.664 397.078 188.848 396.961 188.993 c 396.84 189.137
396.695 189.246 396.527 189.321 c 396.355 189.395 396.168 189.43
395.961 189.434 c 395.715 189.43 395.504 189.383 395.332 189.289 c
395.156 189.192 395.016 189.063 394.906 188.907 c 394.793 188.743
394.711 188.559 394.664 188.352 c 394.609 188.137 394.586 187.914
394.586 187.688 c 394.586 187.395 394.617 187.141 394.68 186.926 c
394.742 186.703 394.832 186.524 394.953 186.379 c 395.07 186.231
395.215 186.121 395.387 186.051 c 395.555 185.977 395.746 185.938
395.961 185.942 c 396.199 185.938 396.406 185.985 396.582 186.082 c
396.754 186.176 396.898 186.305 397.012 186.465 c 397.121 186.621
397.199 186.805 397.254 187.02 c 397.301 187.227 397.328 187.45 397.332
187.688 c h
403.082 186.621 m 403.082 186.45 403.051 186.301 402.996 186.172 c
402.938 186.039 402.863 185.922 402.766 185.825 c 402.668 185.719
402.555 185.633 402.43 185.563 c 402.301 185.489 402.164 185.43 402.02
185.387 c 401.871 185.34 401.723 185.309 401.57 185.286 c 401.418
185.266 401.266 185.254 401.121 185.25 c 400.801 185.254 400.508 185.27
400.242 185.293 c 399.973 185.325 399.711 185.368 399.457 185.43 c
399.457 186.18 l 399.73 186.102 400.004 186.039 400.277 186 c 400.547
185.957 400.82 185.938 401.09 185.942 c 401.48 185.938 401.77 185.993
401.957 186.098 c 402.145 186.203 402.238 186.356 402.238 186.555 c
402.238 186.637 402.223 186.711 402.191 186.782 c 402.16 186.848
402.105 186.911 402.031 186.973 c 401.949 187.032 401.828 187.098
401.668 187.164 c 401.5 187.227 401.277 187.301 400.996 187.391 c
400.781 187.45 400.582 187.52 400.406 187.602 c 400.223 187.68 400.07
187.774 399.941 187.887 c 399.809 187.993 399.703 188.121 399.633
188.27 c 399.555 188.414 399.52 188.586 399.52 188.789 c 399.52 188.918
399.547 189.063 399.609 189.223 c 399.668 189.375 399.773 189.52
399.922 189.657 c 400.066 189.789 400.266 189.903 400.52 189.993 c
400.766 190.078 401.078 190.121 401.457 190.125 c 401.637 190.121
401.84 190.114 402.066 190.094 c 402.289 190.075 402.523 190.039
402.773 189.993 c 402.773 189.266 l 402.512 189.325 402.27 189.371
402.043 189.403 c 401.813 189.43 401.613 189.442 401.445 189.446 c
401.238 189.442 401.066 189.426 400.93 189.399 c 400.789 189.364
400.676 189.321 400.594 189.27 c 400.504 189.211 400.445 189.149 400.41
189.078 c 400.371 189.004 400.352 188.926 400.355 188.844 c 400.352
188.754 400.367 188.676 400.402 188.61 c 400.434 188.539 400.496
188.473 400.586 188.411 c 400.672 188.344 400.793 188.282 400.957
188.219 c 401.113 188.157 401.324 188.086 401.582 188.012 c 401.859
187.93 402.094 187.844 402.285 187.758 c 402.473 187.664 402.625
187.567 402.746 187.461 c 402.863 187.348 402.949 187.223 403.004
187.09 c 403.055 186.95 403.082 186.793 403.082 186.621 c h
408.371 186.621 m 408.371 186.45 408.34 186.301 408.285 186.172 c
408.227 186.039 408.152 185.922 408.055 185.825 c 407.957 185.719
407.844 185.633 407.719 185.563 c 407.59 185.489 407.453 185.43 407.309
185.387 c 407.16 185.34 407.012 185.309 406.859 185.286 c 406.707
185.266 406.555 185.254 406.41 185.25 c 406.09 185.254 405.797 185.27
405.531 185.293 c 405.262 185.325 405 185.368 404.746 185.43 c 404.746
186.18 l 405.02 186.102 405.293 186.039 405.566 186 c 405.836 185.957
406.109 185.938 406.379 185.942 c 406.77 185.938 407.059 185.993
407.246 186.098 c 407.434 186.203 407.527 186.356 407.527 186.555 c
407.527 186.637 407.512 186.711 407.48 186.782 c 407.449 186.848
407.395 186.911 407.32 186.973 c 407.238 187.032 407.117 187.098
406.957 187.164 c 406.789 187.227 406.566 187.301 406.285 187.391 c
406.07 187.45 405.871 187.52 405.695 187.602 c 405.512 187.68 405.359
187.774 405.23 187.887 c 405.098 187.993 404.992 188.121 404.922 188.27
c 404.844 188.414 404.809 188.586 404.809 188.789 c 404.809 188.918
404.836 189.063 404.898 189.223 c 404.957 189.375 405.063 189.52
405.211 189.657 c 405.355 189.789 405.555 189.903 405.809 189.993 c
406.055 190.078 406.367 190.121 406.746 190.125 c 406.926 190.121
407.129 190.114 407.355 190.094 c 407.578 190.075 407.813 190.039
408.063 189.993 c 408.063 189.266 l 407.801 189.325 407.559 189.371
407.332 189.403 c 407.102 189.43 406.902 189.442 406.734 189.446 c
406.527 189.442 406.355 189.426 406.219 189.399 c 406.078 189.364
405.965 189.321 405.883 189.27 c 405.793 189.211 405.734 189.149
405.699 189.078 c 405.66 189.004 405.641 188.926 405.645 188.844 c
405.641 188.754 405.656 188.676 405.691 188.61 c 405.723 188.539
405.785 188.473 405.875 188.411 c 405.961 188.344 406.082 188.282
406.246 188.219 c 406.402 188.157 406.613 188.086 406.871 188.012 c
407.148 187.93 407.383 187.844 407.574 187.758 c 407.762 187.664
407.914 187.567 408.035 187.461 c 408.152 187.348 408.238 187.223
408.293 187.09 c 408.344 186.95 408.371 186.793 408.371 186.621 c h
408.371 186.621 m f
1 g
19.999999 w
q 1 0 0 -1 0 279.199585 cm
474.215 121.281 m 474.215 159.203 443.246 189.945 405.047 189.945 c
366.848 189.945 335.883 159.203 335.883 121.281 c 335.883 83.359
366.848 52.617 405.047 52.617 c 443.246 52.617 474.215 83.359 474.215
121.281 c h
474.215 121.281 m S Q
463.121 88.637 m 475.383 100.899 l 521.199 55.082 l 508.938 42.821 l
463.121 88.637 l h
463.121 88.637 m f
454.246 102.203 m 461.977 109.93 l 475.324 96.582 l 467.598 88.852 l
454.246 102.203 l h
454.246 102.203 m f
155.125 126.059 m 155.125 110.981 149.75 99.571 139.004 91.825 c
129.508 84.918 116.668 81.465 100.48 81.461 c 92.73 81.465 82.504
83.555 69.805 87.743 c 71.898 107.633 l 83.695 102.817 94.059 100.407
102.992 100.411 c 110.246 100.407 116.668 102.258 122.254 105.957 c
129.023 110.493 132.406 116.774 132.41 124.801 c 132.406 133.871
126.824 141.512 115.66 147.727 c 105.328 153.098 95.035 158.508 84.777
163.953 c 73.609 171.84 68.023 182.379 68.027 195.571 c 68.023 208.411
72.664 218.528 81.949 225.93 c 90.668 232.836 102.047 236.293 116.078
236.293 c 127.313 236.293 137.953 234.512 148.008 230.953 c 144.973
211.168 l 134.43 215.356 125.078 217.45 116.914 217.45 c 99.465 217.45
90.742 210.782 90.742 197.453 c 90.742 189.914 96.324 183.145 107.492
177.145 c 126.824 166.813 137.117 161.161 138.375 160.188 c 149.539
151.528 155.125 140.153 155.125 126.059 c h
306.922 160.188 m 306.918 135.477 299.766 116.528 285.461 103.34 c
271.641 90.496 252.203 84.078 227.152 84.078 c 182.973 84.078 l 182.973
233.782 l 227.152 233.782 l 250.039 233.778 268.883 227.254 283.68
214.203 c 299.172 200.664 306.918 182.657 306.922 160.188 c h
284.203 159.348 m 284.203 176.375 278.934 189.985 268.398 200.176 c
258.348 209.946 245.367 214.828 229.453 214.832 c 204.434 214.832 l
204.434 102.922 l 226.941 102.922 l 265.113 102.922 284.203 121.731
284.203 159.348 c h
284.203 159.348 m f
155.125 126.059 m 155.125 110.981 149.75 99.571 139.004 91.825 c
129.508 84.918 116.668 81.465 100.48 81.461 c 92.73 81.465 82.504
83.555 69.805 87.743 c 71.898 107.633 l 83.695 102.817 94.059 100.407
102.992 100.411 c 110.246 100.407 116.668 102.258 122.254 105.957 c
129.023 110.493 132.406 116.774 132.41 124.801 c 132.406 133.871
126.824 141.512 115.66 147.727 c 105.328 153.098 95.035 158.508 84.777
163.953 c 73.609 171.84 68.023 182.379 68.027 195.571 c 68.023 208.411
72.664 218.528 81.949 225.93 c 90.668 232.836 102.047 236.293 116.078
236.293 c 127.313 236.293 137.953 234.512 148.008 230.953 c 144.973
211.168 l 134.43 215.356 125.078 217.45 116.914 217.45 c 99.465 217.45
90.742 210.782 90.742 197.453 c 90.742 189.914 96.324 183.145 107.492
177.145 c 126.824 166.813 137.117 161.161 138.375 160.188 c 149.539
151.528 155.125 140.153 155.125 126.059 c h
306.922 160.188 m 306.918 135.477 299.766 116.528 285.461 103.34 c
271.641 90.496 252.203 84.078 227.152 84.078 c 182.973 84.078 l 182.973
233.782 l 227.152 233.782 l 250.039 233.778 268.883 227.254 283.68
214.203 c 299.172 200.664 306.918 182.657 306.922 160.188 c h
284.203 159.348 m 284.203 176.375 278.934 189.985 268.398 200.176 c
258.348 209.946 245.367 214.828 229.453 214.832 c 204.434 214.832 l
204.434 102.922 l 226.941 102.922 l 265.113 102.922 284.203 121.731
284.203 159.348 c h
85.895 50.496 m 85.891 48.34 85.125 46.711 83.594 45.606 c 82.234
44.618 80.402 44.125 78.094 44.125 c 76.984 44.125 75.523 44.422 73.711
45.024 c 74.012 47.864 l 75.691 47.176 77.172 46.832 78.453 46.832 c
79.484 46.832 80.402 47.094 81.203 47.625 c 82.168 48.27 82.652 49.168
82.652 50.317 c 82.652 51.61 81.855 52.7 80.262 53.59 c 78.785 54.352
77.313 55.125 75.852 55.907 c 74.25 57.028 73.453 58.532 73.457 60.418
c 73.453 62.25 74.117 63.696 75.445 64.754 c 76.691 65.739 78.316
66.231 80.32 66.235 c 81.922 66.231 83.441 65.977 84.879 65.473 c
84.445 62.649 l 82.938 63.243 81.602 63.543 80.438 63.543 c 77.945
63.543 76.699 62.59 76.703 60.688 c 76.699 59.61 77.496 58.645 79.094
57.789 c 81.852 56.313 83.32 55.504 83.504 55.368 c 85.094 54.129
85.891 52.504 85.895 50.496 c h
104.629 52.305 m 104.629 50.032 103.891 48.11 102.414 46.547 c 100.906
44.93 99 44.125 96.703 44.125 c 94.379 44.125 92.461 44.93 90.949
46.547 c 89.473 48.11 88.738 50.032 88.738 52.305 c 88.738 54.696
89.473 56.653 90.941 58.184 c 92.41 59.711 94.328 60.477 96.703 60.481
c 99.051 60.477 100.961 59.711 102.43 58.184 c 103.895 56.653 104.629
54.696 104.629 52.305 c h
101.563 52.305 m 101.559 53.875 101.129 55.219 100.277 56.34 c 99.355
57.543 98.164 58.145 96.703 58.149 c 95.215 58.145 94.012 57.543 93.086
56.34 c 92.227 55.219 91.797 53.875 91.801 52.305 c 91.797 50.75 92.191
49.426 92.984 48.34 c 93.879 47.082 95.117 46.457 96.703 46.457 c
98.266 46.457 99.5 47.082 100.398 48.34 c 101.172 49.426 101.559 50.75
101.563 52.305 c h
117.527 67.641 m 117.406 65.325 l 117.066 65.442 116.609 65.5 116.031
65.504 c 114.875 65.5 114.09 65.129 113.684 64.395 c 113.383 63.871
113.234 63.008 113.238 61.797 c 113.238 60.106 l 117.379 60.106 l
117.379 57.789 l 113.238 57.789 l 113.238 44.5 l 110.367 44.5 l 110.367
57.789 l 106.691 57.789 l 106.691 60.106 l 110.367 60.106 l 110.367
61.555 l 110.363 63.637 110.703 65.157 111.383 66.114 c 112.199 67.258
113.605 67.832 115.598 67.836 c 116.105 67.832 116.746 67.766 117.527
67.641 c h
128.934 44.559 m 127.934 44.27 127.117 44.125 126.48 44.125 c 123.281
44.125 121.684 45.641 121.684 48.672 c 121.684 57.789 l 118.156 57.789
l 118.156 60.106 l 121.684 60.106 l 121.684 63.723 l 124.551 64.649 l
124.551 60.106 l 128.691 60.106 l 128.691 57.789 l 124.551 57.789 l
124.551 49.239 l 124.547 48.368 124.789 47.68 125.27 47.176 c 125.715
46.696 126.281 46.457 126.973 46.457 c 127.711 46.457 128.363 46.641
128.934 47.012 c h
154.973 60.106 m 149.965 44.5 l 146.617 44.5 l 142.578 57.61 l 142.52
57.61 l 138.574 44.5 l 135.227 44.5 l 130.219 60.106 l 133.371 60.106 l
136.945 47.192 l 137.004 47.192 l 140.98 60.106 l 144.387 60.106 l
148.305 47.192 l 148.363 47.192 l 152.16 60.106 l h
170.098 44.5 m 167.41 44.5 l 167.41 46.52 l 167.348 46.52 l 166.207
44.922 164.594 44.125 162.504 44.125 c 160.738 44.125 159.363 44.512
158.379 45.293 c 157.313 46.125 156.781 47.364 156.781 49 c 156.781
50.774 157.617 52.118 159.293 53.036 c 160.625 53.77 162.211 54.137
164.047 54.141 c 165.328 54.137 166.344 54.118 167.094 54.082 c 167.094
55.473 166.813 56.493 166.258 57.133 c 165.645 57.809 164.641 58.145
163.238 58.149 c 161.48 58.145 159.969 57.618 158.707 56.563 c 158.559
59.016 l 160.199 59.989 161.914 60.477 163.703 60.481 c 165.891 60.477
167.496 59.934 168.516 58.852 c 169.488 57.801 169.977 56.192 169.98
54.024 c 169.98 47.563 l 169.977 46.125 170.016 45.106 170.098 44.5 c h
167.094 50.571 m 167.094 51.946 l 166.895 51.942 166.59 51.95 166.184
51.973 c 165.773 51.989 165.469 52 165.27 52.004 c 161.648 52 159.84 51
159.844 49 c 159.84 48.231 160.16 47.602 160.801 47.118 c 161.367
46.676 162.02 46.457 162.758 46.457 c 164.133 46.457 165.207 46.852
165.988 47.641 c 166.723 48.375 167.094 49.352 167.094 50.571 c h
183.598 57.7 m 183.148 57.875 182.613 57.965 182 57.969 c 180.699
57.965 179.664 57.391 178.895 56.25 c 178.121 55.102 177.738 53.555
177.738 51.602 c 177.738 44.5 l 174.871 44.5 l 174.871 60.106 l 177.559
60.106 l 177.559 57.7 l 177.621 57.7 l 178.008 58.516 178.578 59.184
179.332 59.703 c 180.082 60.219 180.871 60.477 181.699 60.481 c 182.246
60.477 182.879 60.407 183.598 60.27 c h
199.922 51.661 m 188.785 51.661 l 188.781 50.153 189.301 48.899 190.34
47.907 c 191.324 46.938 192.52 46.457 193.93 46.457 c 194.793 46.457
195.746 46.645 196.785 47.028 c 197.668 47.34 198.32 47.676 198.742
48.028 c 198.742 45.145 l 196.867 44.465 195.223 44.125 193.809 44.125
c 191.117 44.125 189.078 44.903 187.695 46.457 c 186.379 47.911 185.723
49.953 185.723 52.586 c 185.723 54.907 186.395 56.801 187.738 58.274 c
189.082 59.743 190.852 60.477 193.047 60.481 c 197.629 60.477 199.918
57.539 199.922 51.661 c h
196.871 53.813 m 196.867 55.047 196.527 56.071 195.855 56.879 c 195.137
57.723 194.184 58.145 192.988 58.149 c 191.691 58.145 190.664 57.676
189.906 56.743 c 189.289 55.961 188.914 54.985 188.785 53.813 c h
230.086 55.368 m 230.086 51.836 229.063 49.129 227.023 47.25 c 225.047
45.414 222.273 44.5 218.695 44.5 c 212.391 44.5 l 212.391 65.875 l
218.695 65.875 l 221.965 65.875 224.656 64.942 226.77 63.082 c 228.98
61.145 230.086 58.575 230.086 55.368 c h
226.844 55.246 m 226.84 57.676 226.086 59.618 224.586 61.078 c 223.148
62.469 221.297 63.168 219.027 63.172 c 215.453 63.172 l 215.453 47.192
l 218.668 47.192 l 224.113 47.188 226.84 49.875 226.844 55.246 c h
247.578 51.661 m 236.441 51.661 l 236.438 50.153 236.957 48.899 237.996
47.907 c 238.98 46.938 240.176 46.457 241.586 46.457 c 242.449 46.457
243.402 46.645 244.441 47.028 c 245.324 47.34 245.977 47.676 246.398
48.028 c 246.398 45.145 l 244.523 44.465 242.879 44.125 241.465 44.125
c 238.773 44.125 236.734 44.903 235.352 46.457 c 234.035 47.911 233.379
49.953 233.379 52.586 c 233.379 54.907 234.051 56.801 235.395 58.274 c
236.738 59.743 238.508 60.477 240.703 60.481 c 245.285 60.477 247.574
57.539 247.578 51.661 c h
244.527 53.813 m 244.523 55.047 244.184 56.071 243.512 56.879 c 242.793
57.723 241.84 58.145 240.645 58.149 c 239.348 58.145 238.32 57.676
237.563 56.743 c 236.945 55.961 236.57 54.985 236.441 53.813 c h
259.879 49 m 259.875 47.422 259.316 46.196 258.203 45.321 c 257.195
44.524 255.934 44.125 254.422 44.125 c 252.633 44.125 251.211 44.414
250.148 44.993 c 250.297 47.563 l 251.43 46.825 252.629 46.457 253.887
46.457 c 254.66 46.457 255.313 46.621 255.844 46.953 c 256.492 47.34
256.816 47.922 256.816 48.7 c 256.816 49.453 256.23 50.153 255.066
50.793 c 253.977 51.379 252.891 51.965 251.809 52.559 c 250.637 53.391
250.055 54.434 250.059 55.68 c 250.055 57.235 250.582 58.438 251.645
59.297 c 252.625 60.082 253.93 60.477 255.559 60.481 c 256.57 60.477
257.77 60.274 259.148 59.868 c 258.906 57.356 l 258.598 57.543 258.094
57.727 257.398 57.911 c 256.734 58.067 256.227 58.145 255.871 58.149 c
255.082 58.145 254.441 57.993 253.945 57.684 c 253.387 57.344 253.105
56.864 253.109 56.25 c 253.105 55.399 253.695 54.672 254.871 54.067 c
255.957 53.508 257.043 52.95 258.129 52.395 c 259.293 51.551 259.875
50.422 259.879 49 c h
266.785 63.606 m 263.543 63.606 l 263.543 66.848 l 266.785 66.848 l h
266.605 44.5 m 263.719 44.5 l 263.719 60.106 l 266.605 60.106 l h
285.652 45.172 m 285.648 40.192 282.969 37.703 277.609 37.7 c 275.961
37.703 274.094 38.063 272.004 38.774 c 272.316 41.438 l 274.355 40.504
276.23 40.036 277.938 40.032 c 279.449 40.036 280.637 40.516 281.496
41.469 c 282.352 42.43 282.777 43.731 282.781 45.383 c 282.781 46.922 l
282.723 46.922 l 281.504 45.305 279.762 44.5 277.488 44.5 c 275.355
44.5 273.68 45.278 272.465 46.832 c 271.359 48.239 270.809 50.02
270.809 52.184 c 270.809 54.383 271.379 56.266 272.527 57.832 c 273.816
59.594 275.57 60.477 277.789 60.481 c 280.297 60.477 282.012 59.582
282.93 57.789 c 282.992 57.789 l 282.992 60.106 l 285.652 60.106 l h
282.781 52.125 m 282.777 53.844 282.398 55.254 281.645 56.356 c 280.813
57.547 279.672 58.145 278.223 58.149 c 276.863 58.145 275.773 57.512
274.949 56.25 c 274.227 55.118 273.867 53.813 273.871 52.332 c 273.867
50.805 274.258 49.52 275.039 48.477 c 275.852 47.379 276.91 46.832
278.223 46.832 c 279.543 46.832 280.641 47.348 281.512 48.387 c 282.355
49.387 282.777 50.633 282.781 52.125 c h
304.367 44.5 m 301.496 44.5 l 301.496 52.586 l 301.492 54.477 301.254
55.852 300.777 56.711 c 300.266 57.637 299.402 58.114 298.191 58.149 c
296.613 58.196 295.414 57.614 294.59 56.399 c 293.82 55.27 293.438
53.711 293.438 51.719 c 293.438 44.5 l 290.57 44.5 l 290.57 60.106 l
293.348 60.106 l 293.348 57.641 l 293.41 57.641 l 293.832 58.504
294.516 59.196 295.457 59.711 c 296.391 60.223 297.41 60.477 298.52
60.481 c 302.414 60.477 304.363 58.246 304.367 53.782 c h
330.047 44.5 m 327.359 44.5 l 327.359 46.52 l 327.297 46.52 l 326.156
44.922 324.543 44.125 322.453 44.125 c 320.688 44.125 319.313 44.512
318.328 45.293 c 317.262 46.125 316.73 47.364 316.73 49 c 316.73 50.774
317.566 52.118 319.242 53.036 c 320.574 53.77 322.16 54.137 323.996
54.141 c 325.277 54.137 326.293 54.118 327.043 54.082 c 327.043 55.473
326.762 56.493 326.207 57.133 c 325.594 57.809 324.59 58.145 323.188
58.149 c 321.43 58.145 319.918 57.618 318.656 56.563 c 318.508 59.016 l
320.148 59.989 321.863 60.477 323.652 60.481 c 325.84 60.477 327.445
59.934 328.465 58.852 c 329.438 57.801 329.926 56.192 329.93 54.024 c
329.93 47.563 l 329.926 46.125 329.965 45.106 330.047 44.5 c h
327.043 50.571 m 327.043 51.946 l 326.844 51.942 326.539 51.95 326.133
51.973 c 325.723 51.989 325.418 52 325.219 52.004 c 321.598 52 319.789
51 319.793 49 c 319.789 48.231 320.109 47.602 320.75 47.118 c 321.316
46.676 321.969 46.457 322.707 46.457 c 324.082 46.457 325.156 46.852
325.938 47.641 c 326.672 48.375 327.043 49.352 327.043 50.571 c h
348.613 44.5 m 345.742 44.5 l 345.742 52.586 l 345.738 54.477 345.5
55.852 345.023 56.711 c 344.512 57.637 343.648 58.114 342.438 58.149 c
340.859 58.196 339.66 57.614 338.836 56.399 c 338.066 55.27 337.684
53.711 337.684 51.719 c 337.684 44.5 l 334.816 44.5 l 334.816 60.106 l
337.594 60.106 l 337.594 57.641 l 337.656 57.641 l 338.078 58.504
338.762 59.196 339.703 59.711 c 340.637 60.223 341.656 60.477 342.766
60.481 c 346.66 60.477 348.609 58.246 348.613 53.782 c h
367.328 44.5 m 364.578 44.5 l 364.578 46.7 l 364.516 46.7 l 363.387
44.981 361.613 44.125 359.195 44.125 c 356.977 44.125 355.27 45 354.066
46.758 c 353.012 48.289 352.484 50.235 352.484 52.586 c 352.484 54.817
353.039 56.653 354.156 58.102 c 355.367 59.684 357.059 60.477 359.227
60.481 c 361.637 60.477 363.359 59.641 364.398 57.969 c 364.457 57.969
l 364.457 67.461 l 367.328 67.461 l h
364.457 52.274 m 364.453 53.864 364.074 55.207 363.32 56.309 c 362.461
57.532 361.301 58.145 359.836 58.149 c 358.379 58.145 357.273 57.539
356.52 56.325 c 355.867 55.286 355.543 53.965 355.547 52.364 c 355.543
50.907 355.879 49.614 356.551 48.493 c 357.348 47.133 358.453 46.457
359.867 46.457 c 361.359 46.457 362.527 47.098 363.379 48.387 c 364.094
49.481 364.453 50.778 364.457 52.274 c h
400.484 55.188 m 400.48 52.786 399.98 50.696 398.98 48.926 c 397.98
47.149 396.563 45.86 394.727 45.055 c 399.691 40.555 l 395.895 40.555 l
391.902 44.262 l 391.414 44.172 390.844 44.125 390.199 44.125 c 386.988
44.125 384.457 45.157 382.605 47.219 c 380.809 49.223 379.914 51.879
379.914 55.188 c 379.914 58.426 380.816 61.055 382.621 63.082 c 384.492
65.18 387.016 66.231 390.199 66.235 c 393.363 66.231 395.891 65.18
397.777 63.082 c 399.578 61.055 400.48 58.426 400.484 55.188 c h
397.238 55.188 m 397.234 57.52 396.648 59.453 395.477 60.989 c 394.188
62.692 392.426 63.543 390.199 63.543 c 387.953 63.543 386.191 62.692
384.906 60.989 c 383.742 59.453 383.16 57.52 383.16 55.188 c 383.16
52.856 383.715 50.926 384.832 49.403 c 386.082 47.688 387.871 46.832
390.199 46.832 c 392.508 46.832 394.297 47.688 395.566 49.403 c 396.676
50.926 397.234 52.856 397.238 55.188 c h
418.332 44.5 m 415.551 44.5 l 415.551 46.981 l 415.492 46.981 l 415.07
46.098 414.391 45.403 413.449 44.895 c 412.508 44.379 411.484 44.125
410.379 44.125 c 406.48 44.125 404.531 46.364 404.535 50.84 c 404.535
60.106 l 407.402 60.106 l 407.402 52.036 l 407.402 50.141 407.641
48.762 408.121 47.907 c 408.625 46.969 409.492 46.489 410.723 46.457 c
412.293 46.418 413.488 47.004 414.309 48.223 c 415.074 49.332 415.457
50.887 415.461 52.887 c 415.461 60.106 l 418.332 60.106 l h
435.52 44.5 m 432.832 44.5 l 432.832 46.52 l 432.77 46.52 l 431.629
44.922 430.016 44.125 427.926 44.125 c 426.16 44.125 424.785 44.512
423.801 45.293 c 422.734 46.125 422.203 47.364 422.203 49 c 422.203
50.774 423.039 52.118 424.715 53.036 c 426.047 53.77 427.633 54.137
429.469 54.141 c 430.75 54.137 431.766 54.118 432.516 54.082 c 432.516
55.473 432.234 56.493 431.68 57.133 c 431.066 57.809 430.063 58.145
428.66 58.149 c 426.902 58.145 425.391 57.618 424.129 56.563 c 423.98
59.016 l 425.621 59.989 427.336 60.477 429.125 60.481 c 431.313 60.477
432.918 59.934 433.938 58.852 c 434.91 57.801 435.398 56.192 435.402
54.024 c 435.402 47.563 l 435.398 46.125 435.438 45.106 435.52 44.5 c h
432.516 50.571 m 432.516 51.946 l 432.316 51.942 432.012 51.95 431.605
51.973 c 431.195 51.989 430.891 52 430.691 52.004 c 427.07 52 425.262
51 425.266 49 c 425.262 48.231 425.582 47.602 426.223 47.118 c 426.789
46.676 427.441 46.457 428.18 46.457 c 429.555 46.457 430.629 46.852
431.41 47.641 c 432.145 48.375 432.516 49.352 432.516 50.571 c h
443.535 44.5 m 440.648 44.5 l 440.648 67.461 l 443.535 67.461 l h
452.203 63.606 m 448.961 63.606 l 448.961 66.848 l 452.203 66.848 l h
452.023 44.5 m 449.137 44.5 l 449.137 60.106 l 452.023 60.106 l h
465.809 44.559 m 464.809 44.27 463.992 44.125 463.355 44.125 c 460.156
44.125 458.559 45.641 458.559 48.672 c 458.559 57.789 l 455.031 57.789
l 455.031 60.106 l 458.559 60.106 l 458.559 63.723 l 461.426 64.649 l
461.426 60.106 l 465.566 60.106 l 465.566 57.789 l 461.426 57.789 l
461.426 49.239 l 461.422 48.368 461.664 47.68 462.145 47.176 c 462.59
46.696 463.156 46.457 463.848 46.457 c 464.586 46.457 465.238 46.641
465.809 47.012 c h
481.531 60.106 m 475.777 44.157 l 475.008 42.028 474.348 40.578 473.805
39.805 c 472.785 38.407 471.445 37.703 469.781 37.7 c 469.281 37.703
468.629 37.778 467.824 37.922 c 468.004 40.27 l 468.488 40.114 468.938
40.036 469.352 40.032 c 470.434 40.036 471.324 40.637 472.023 41.84 c
472.531 42.707 472.789 43.391 472.789 43.887 c 472.789 43.981 472.602
44.532 472.234 45.547 c 466.93 60.106 l 470.082 60.106 l 474.281 47.192
l 474.344 47.192 l 478.633 60.106 l h
481.531 60.106 m f
count op_count sub {pop} repeat
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%% LaTeX-Beamer template for KIT design
%% by Erik Burger, Christian Hammer
%% title picture by Klaus Krogmann
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%% Problems, bugs and comments to
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%% LaTeX-Beamer template for KIT design
%% Widescreen
%% by Erik Burger, Christian Hammer, David Dauer
%% title picture by Klaus Krogmann
%% version 2.2 for Beamer v3.30
%% mostly compatible to KIT corporate design v2.0
%% Problems, bugs and comments to
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%% LaTeX-Beamer template for KIT design
%% Widescreen
%% by Erik Burger, Christian Hammer, David Dauer
%% title picture by Klaus Krogmann
%% version 2.2 for Beamer v3.30
%% mostly compatible to KIT corporate design v2.0
%% Problems, bugs and comments to
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%% use this for setting the total page number
%% LaTeX-Beamer template for KIT design
%% Widescreen
%% by Erik Burger, Christian Hammer, David Dauer
%% title picture by Klaus Krogmann
%% version 2.2 for Beamer v3.30
%% mostly compatible to KIT corporate design v2.0
%% Problems, bugs and comments to
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%middle block with name of institute
%elements on title page
%KIT logo
%institute logo
\scriptsize \insertsubtitle
%legal KIT text
KIT -- The Research University in the Helmholtz Association\\ \ }
{KIT -- Die Forschungsuniversit{\"a}t in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft\\ \ }
% title image
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KIT -- The Research University in the Helmholtz Association\\ \ }
{KIT -- Die Forschungsuniversit{\"a}t in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft\\ \ }
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author = {Steffen Becker and Heiko Koziolek and Ralf Reussner},
title = {{T}he {P}alladio component model for model-driven performance prediction},
journal = {{Journal of Systems and Software}},
year = {2009},
volume = {82},
pages = {3--22},
doi = {10.1016/j.jss.2008.03.066},
publisher = {Elsevier Science Inc.},
url = {}
%% LaTeX-Beamer template for KIT design
%% by Erik Burger, Christian Hammer
%% title picture by Klaus Krogmann
%% version 2.1
%% mostly compatible to KIT corporate design v2.0
%% Problems, bugs and comments to
%% Semi-rounded boxes
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%% Tikz-Styles for Palladio Component Model symbols
%% by Erik Burger
%% version 2010-12-13
%% Problems, bugs and comments to
%% Vertikal geteilter Kreis
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% Internal Action
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child {node [token] {}}
child {node [token] {}}
child {node (inlier) [token] {}}
child {node [token] {}}
child {node [token] {}}
child {node [token] {}}
child {node [token] {}};
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bottom color=kit-blue30,top color=white,shading angle=30] {}
[children are tokens, token distance=.4ex]
child {node [token] {}}
child {node [token] {}}
child {node (inlier) [token] {}}
child {node [token] {}}
child {node [token] {}}
child {node [token] {}}
child {node [token] {}};
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rounded corners=.1ex] (0,0) rectangle +(1em,1em);
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rounded corners=.1ex] (2em,1em) rectangle +(-1em,-1em);
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\node [point] at (1.25em,.75em) {};
\node [point] at (1.5em,.25em) {};
\node [point] at (1.5em,.75em) {};
\node [point] at (1.75em,.25em) {};
\node [point] at (1.75em,.75em) {};
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\draw[thick, color=black] (1.5em,-.25em) -- +(.7ex,-.7ex);
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\draw [red, thick] (-.67,-.2) arc (196.6:343.4:7mm) -- cycle;
% #1 = Formatierung
% #2 = Name des Nodes
% #3 = Position
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(#2) #3 {};
($(#2)+(-1em,.1em)$) rectangle +(.7em,.3em)
($(#2)+(-1em,-.1em)$) rectangle +(.7em,-.3em);
% #1 = Formatierung
% #2 = Name des Nodes
% #3 = Text
% #4 = oberer Layer
% #5 = unterer Layer
% #6 = Position
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\pcmcomponentsymbol{fill=white, draw=black}{#2componentsymbol}{at ($(#2text.east)+(-1em,1.5em)$)}
\node[draw=black, rectangle, inner sep = .2em, #1] (#2) [fit=(#2text) (#2componentsymbol)] {};
% #1 = Formatierung
% #2 = Name des Nodes
% #3 = Text
% #4 = Position
% #1 = Formatierung
% #2 = Name des Nodes
% #3 = Position
\node[circle, minimum size=1ex, draw, anchor=east, xshift=-1em, #1] (#2) at #3 {};
\draw[#1] #3 -- (#2);
% #1 = Formatierung
% #2 = Name des Nodes
% #3 = Position
\node[xshift=1em] (#2) at #3 {};
\draw[#1] #3 -- (;
\draw[#1, fill opacity=transparent] ($(#2)+(1.4ex,1.4ex)$) arc (90:270:1.4ex);
% #1 = Formatierung
% #2 = Name des Nodes
% #3 = Text
% #4 = oberer Layer
% #5 = unterer Layer
% #6 = Position
% #1 = Formatierung
% #2 = Name des Nodes
% #3 = Text
% #4 = Position
% Extrudieren von rechteckigen Shapes
% #1 = Name des Nodes
% #2 = Abstand
% #3 = Zeichenoptionen
\path[#3] (#1.north west) -- (#1.north east) -- (#1.south east) -- (#1.south west) -- (#1.north west) -- ++(#2,#2) -- ($(#1.north east)+(#2,#2)$) -- ($(#1.south east)+(#2,#2)$) -- (#1.south east) (#1.north east) -- ($(#1.north east)+(#2,#2)$);
% Dummy-Bild
\tikz \draw[kit-red100] (0,0) -- (#1,0) -- (#1,#2) -- (0,#2) -- (0,0) -- (#1,#2) (0,#2) -- (#1,0);
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uml generalization head/.style={shape=isosceles triangle, isosceles triangle apex angle=60, shape border rotate=90, scale=.8, draw, thick, anchor=apex},
uml cardinality start/.style={very near start, auto, font=\sffamily},
uml cardinality end/.style={very near end, auto, font=\sffamily},
uml role start/.style={very near start, auto, font=\footnotesize\sffamily},
uml role end/.style={near end, auto, font=\footnotesize\sffamily},
uml association name/.style={midway, auto, font=\footnotesize\sffamily},
js2model @ 8804550f
Subproject commit 8804550f9f9ca1067ee6eadc5fef4b1521d53105
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