Commit 33eebe85 by Kai Westerkamp

es geht keine ahnugn wie udn warum, erstmal sichern

parent e496516a
Q1 Minimum Median Mittelwert Maximum Q3
10.5585 4.647 13.961 14.1607 28.973 16.31075
8.79925 1.461 11.2665 12.2253 21.814 14.40925
7.51375 4.545 7.93 8.9842 16.81 10.415
8.85825 5.187 10.1075 9.942 13.248 11.026
9.152 6.991 10.7435 13.0017 27.164 14.04825
12.919 10.059 17.43 17.5238 25.422 21.974
7.91475 6.97 11.2635 11.9977 26.929 12.401
13.4695 8.2 16.9845 16.8248 26.037 19.7855
9.40125 4.522 10.626 12.8108 31.14 14.30275
9.70325 5.706 14.5715 13.566 24.172 15.4515
7.2485 6.824 8.627 10.6568 24.539 11.15375
12.249 7.856 13.909 13.9998 18.974 16.4155
8.88475 7.494 10.09 12.0637 23.614 14.49375
9.15575 5.85 10.9085 11.0296 18.23 11.74875
11.94225 7.336 12.369 13.2102 22.227 14.6785
8.7535 8.17 10.1115 11.1464 15.43 13.164
9.1975 8.588 10.5985 13.2585 22.809 15.6425
13.7345 10.327 15.7525 16.5527 25.449 18.88075
9.075 7.538 11.9725 11.849 19.412 13.643
7.82675 3.742 12.0995 11.5575 18.917 15.949
10.20175 3.416 12.3745 12.5982 23.008 14.81675
5.92375 5.409 7.7985 8.2756 12.871 9.8715
8.64675 3.416 11.0115 12.23559091 31.14 14.731
8.98825 1.461 12.4885 12.96759091 26.037 15.9685
X Q1 Minimum Median Mittelwert Maximum Q3 Standartabweichung Ttest
1 10.5585 4.647 13.961 14.1607 28.973 16.31075 6.398871255 -
2 8.79925 1.461 11.2665 12.2253 21.814 14.40925 6.270279881 0.503214913
4 7.51375 4.545 7.93 8.9842 16.81 10.415 3.35447942 -
5 8.85825 5.187 10.1075 9.942 13.248 11.026 2.281522591 0.466230029
7 9.152 6.991 10.7435 13.0017 27.164 14.04825 6.498309063 -
8 12.919 10.059 17.43 17.5238 25.422 21.974 5.743086797 0.116767182
10 7.91475 6.97 11.2635 11.9977 26.929 12.401 5.890580599 -
11 13.4695 8.2 16.9845 16.8248 26.037 19.7855 5.444902444 0.073267611
13 9.40125 4.522 10.626 12.8108 31.14 14.30275 7.280163609 -
14 9.70325 5.706 14.5715 13.566 24.172 15.4515 5.597075089 0.797961079
16 7.2485 6.824 8.627 10.6568 24.539 11.15375 5.444113922 -
17 12.249 7.856 13.909 13.9998 18.974 16.4155 3.435753509 0.12109889
19 8.88475 7.494 10.09 12.0637 23.614 14.49375 5.046441498 -
20 9.15575 5.85 10.9085 11.0296 18.23 11.74875 3.688578383 0.607830407
22 11.94225 7.336 12.369 13.2102 22.227 14.6785 4.0195095 -
23 8.7535 8.17 10.1115 11.1464 15.43 13.164 2.804042685 0.201543374
25 9.1975 8.588 10.5985 13.2585 22.809 15.6425 5.499219808 -
26 13.7345 10.327 15.7525 16.5527 25.449 18.88075 4.739832628 0.168838506
28 9.075 7.538 11.9725 11.849 19.412 13.643 3.691417403 -
29 7.82675 3.742 12.0995 11.5575 18.917 15.949 5.408318351 0.889815926
31 10.20175 3.416 12.3745 12.5982 23.008 14.81675 5.310189446 -
32 5.92375 5.409 7.7985 8.2756 12.871 9.8715 2.733325252 0.038846578
34 8.64675 3.416 11.0115 12.23559091 31.14 14.731 5.358344542 -
35 8.98825 1.461 12.4885 12.96759091 26.037 15.9685 5.233443425 0.306500858
\addplot [scatter,scatter src=explicit symbolic, color=\colorVR, only marks,mark=x, scatter/classes={
},error bars with color=err]
table[x=X,y=Mittelwert,y error=err,meta=Label]{\datatable};
\addplot [ color=\colorVR, only marks,mark=x,each nth point=2 ]
plot [error bars/.cd, y dir=both, y explicit]
table[x=X,y=Mittelwert,y error=Standartabweichung]{\datatable};
\addplot [ color=\colorVideo, only marks,mark=x,each nth point=2,skip coords between index={0}{1}, ]
plot [error bars/.cd, y dir=both, y explicit]
table[x=X,y=Mittelwert,y error=Standartabweichung]{\datatable};
error bars with color/.style={
visualization depends on=\thisrow{#1} \as \error,
visualization depends on=y \as \y,
scatter/@pre marker code/.append code={ % Homebrew color bars
\draw (0,0) -- +(axis direction cs:0,-\error) -- +(axis direction cs:0,\error);
\draw (0,0) plot [mark=-] coordinates {(axis direction cs:0,\error) (axis direction cs:0,-\error)};
error bars/.cd, % Invisible color bars, to get the right axis limits
y dir=both,
y explicit,
error bar style={opacity=0},
......@@ -110,3 +110,136 @@ ylabel={Zeit in s},
\advance\c@pgf@counta by -1
/pgfplots/each nth point**/.style 2 args={%
/pgfplots/x filter/.append code={%
/pgfplots/each nth point*/.style 2 args={%
/pgfplots/x filter/.append code={%
\caption{Vorbereitungszeit des Experten}
width = 25cm,
height = 0.9\textwidth,
boxplot/draw direction=y,
axis x line*=bottom,
axis y line=left,
enlarge y limits,
y tick label style={/pgf/number format/fixed},
%xtick=data,% crucial line for the xticklabels directive
extra x ticks={3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33},
% this ticks shouldn't be labeled ...
extra x tick labels={},
extra x tick style={ grid=major, major tick length=0pt },
x tick label style={font=\footnotesize, text width=2.5cm, align=center, rotate=90},
%boxplot/draw direction=y
boxplot={draw direction=y, draw position={1+\plotnumofactualtype + floor((\plotnumofactualtype+0.5) /2)}},
cycle list={{red},{blue}},
% set `clip mode' to `individual' so the category labels aren't clipped away
clip mode=individual,
ylabel={Zeit in s},
\addplot [ color=\colorVR, only marks,mark=x,each nth point**={2}{0} ]
plot [error bars/.cd, y dir=both, y explicit]
table[x=X,y=Mittelwert,y error=Standartabweichung]{\datatable};
\addplot [ color=\colorVideo, only marks,mark=x,each nth point**={2}{1}]
plot [error bars/.cd, y dir=both, y explicit]
table[x=X,y=Mittelwert,y error=Standartabweichung]{\datatable};
% add the category labels
% because the reference point will be the lower axis line the
% labels have to be moved a bit more down to don't overlap with
% the `xticklabels'
every label/.append style={
label distance=12ex,
\node [label=below:1]
at (axis cs:1.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:3]
at (axis cs:4.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:4]
at (axis cs:7.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:6]
at (axis cs:10.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:7]
at (axis cs:13.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:8]
at (axis cs:16.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:9]
at (axis cs:19.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:10]
at (axis cs:22.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:11]
at (axis cs:25.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:12]
at (axis cs:28.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:13]
at (axis cs:31.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\node [label=below:Gesamt]
at (axis cs:34.5,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) {};
\ No newline at end of file
Q1 Minimum Median Mittelwert Maximum Q3
7.2785 4.647 8.1745 8.5634 13.091 10.1935
2.119 0.812 3.591 4.0442 7.208 6.4855
4.556 4.332 5.3425 6.6891 11.47 9.1155
5.914 4.668 7.836 7.7071 11.299 9.33575
5.28775 4.69 7.226 8.5639 21.244 9.1025
9.242 6.959 10.0775 10.8225 17.163 10.98675
6.5075 4.634 9.5045 11.2449 21.613 15.41675
12.236 6.157 16.6605 19.1987 49.982 23.24475
9.83975 4.522 11.53 13.2071 34.973 14.0455
6.31275 5.376 6.602 7.5931 11.864 9.1185
8.575 5.662 10.314 11.9318 18.563 16.54475
8.631 7.081 9.2835 10.3164 20.119 10.3525
7.28 4.736 9.5105 13.5017 40.222 16.37975
4.926 2.864 8.3935 7.8274 11.764 10.561
7.4315 6.287 8.041 8.9101 14.642 9.19525
9.0945 7.132 15.692 19.5247 45.191 23.97475
9.675 7.584 11.878 11.2807 14.711 12.6965
8.99775 7.614 9.968 12.6659 24.077 15.21725
6.44375 4.143 6.9975 7.662 14.731 8.33025
6.48225 4.775 9.873 10.3623 18.792 13.85375
5.7925 3.416 6.5775 7.3094 11.681 8.92075
8.46725 6.503 10.459 11.1113 19.016 12.68775
6.544 3.416 8.482 9.896736364 40.222 11.67025
6.8465 0.812 9.3055 11.01578182 49.982 12.106
X Q1 Minimum Median Mittelwert Maximum Q3 Standartabweichung Ttest Label
1 10.5585 4.647 13.961 14.1607 28.973 16.31075 6.398871255 - VR
2 8.79925 1.461 11.2665 12.2253 21.814 14.40925 6.270279881 0.503214913 Video
4 7.51375 4.545 7.93 8.9842 16.81 10.415 3.35447942 - VR
5 8.85825 5.187 10.1075 9.942 13.248 11.026 2.281522591 0.466230029 Video
7 9.152 6.991 10.7435 13.0017 27.164 14.04825 6.498309063 - VR
8 12.919 10.059 17.43 17.5238 25.422 21.974 5.743086797 0.116767182 Video
10 7.91475 6.97 11.2635 11.9977 26.929 12.401 5.890580599 - VR
11 13.4695 8.2 16.9845 16.8248 26.037 19.7855 5.444902444 0.073267611 Video
13 9.40125 4.522 10.626 12.8108 31.14 14.30275 7.280163609 - VR
14 9.70325 5.706 14.5715 13.566 24.172 15.4515 5.597075089 0.797961079 Video
16 7.2485 6.824 8.627 10.6568 24.539 11.15375 5.444113922 - VR
17 12.249 7.856 13.909 13.9998 18.974 16.4155 3.435753509 0.12109889 Video
19 8.88475 7.494 10.09 12.0637 23.614 14.49375 5.046441498 - VR
20 9.15575 5.85 10.9085 11.0296 18.23 11.74875 3.688578383 0.607830407 Video
22 11.94225 7.336 12.369 13.2102 22.227 14.6785 4.0195095 - VR
23 8.7535 8.17 10.1115 11.1464 15.43 13.164 2.804042685 0.201543374 Video
25 9.1975 8.588 10.5985 13.2585 22.809 15.6425 5.499219808 - VR
26 13.7345 10.327 15.7525 16.5527 25.449 18.88075 4.739832628 0.168838506 Video
28 9.075 7.538 11.9725 11.849 19.412 13.643 3.691417403 - VR
29 7.82675 3.742 12.0995 11.5575 18.917 15.949 5.408318351 0.889815926 Video
31 10.20175 3.416 12.3745 12.5982 23.008 14.81675 5.310189446 - VR
32 5.92375 5.409 7.7985 8.2756 12.871 9.8715 2.733325252 0.038846578 Video
34 8.64675 3.416 11.0115 12.23559091 31.14 14.731 5.358344542 - VR
35 8.98825 1.461 12.4885 12.96759091 26.037 15.9685 5.233443425 0.306500858 Video
error bars with color/.style={
visualization depends on=\thisrow{#1} \as \error,
visualization depends on=y \as \y,
scatter/@pre marker code/.append code={ % Homebrew color bars
\draw (0,0) -- +(axis direction cs:0,-\error) -- +(axis direction cs:0,\error);
\draw (0,0) plot [mark=-] coordinates {(axis direction cs:0,\error) (axis direction cs:0,-\error)};
error bars/.cd, % Invisible color bars, to get the right axis limits
y dir=both,
y explicit,
error bar style={opacity=0},
\addplot [scatter,
only marks,
scatter src=explicit symbolic,
error bars with color=err
table[x=x,y=y,y error=err,meta=class,row sep=crcr] {
x y err class\\
0 0 1 A0\\
1 1 1 A0\\
2 0 1 A1\\
3 2 2 A1\\
......@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
......@@ -183,6 +185,10 @@
boxplot/every median/.style={ultra thick,densely dotted}
{\addplot+[boxplot prepared from table={
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