Debug.LogWarning("Have you set up all axes correctly? \nThe easiest solution is to replace the InputManager.asset with version located in the GamepadInput package. \nWarning: do so will overwrite any existing input");
Debug.LogWarning("Have you set up all axes correctly? \nThe easiest solution is to replace the InputManager.asset with version located in the GamepadInput package. \nWarning: do so will overwrite any existing input");
Debug.LogWarning("Have you set up all axes correctly? \nThe easiest solution is to replace the InputManager.asset with version located in the GamepadInput package. \nWarning: do so will overwrite any existing input");
Debug.LogWarning("Have you set up all axes correctly? \nThe easiest solution is to replace the InputManager.asset with version located in the GamepadInput package. \nWarning: do so will overwrite any existing input");